Posts by Robbert


    I can't promise you get the exact same sound. But you will get 3 different sets of profiles, each set with different mics and different preamps. These profiles are made to match the character of the amp, using neutral settings that work for both single coil and humbucker. Each set includes different gain settings. In my opinion, changing the gain on the Kemper has very different results than profiling different gain settings.

    The youtube demo also uses some reverb, which I switch off by default. Included in the profiles is a reverb setting, which you only need to switch on. My demo's are without reverb or any other effect.
    By using the tone controls of the Kemper (bass, mid and treble) you can modify the settings to suit your own taste. And I think you could get pretty close to the demo you posted. But it also depends on your guitar of course.

    Yes... Sorry rob, I spoke for myself with my Emg pickup.... not really the best choice for your bunch of vintage amp.

    That explains why you prefer the profiles of more high gain amps. :D Interesting that your results with those amps are so good, because I don't use active pick-ups at all. I profile everything with 57/08 PRS pick-ups and test with Throbak humbuckers and different Strat pickups (Abigail Ybarra's and some other custom shop pickups).
    But EMG's with a vintage 62 AC-10 won't sound good either. So I'm not surprised that you prefer those profiles with single coils. Glad to hear that you hear the difference with single coils though!

    Have fun!

    Hi Ash,

    All profiles are suitable for Strat and Les Paul. I always spend a lot of time getting the microphone placement right for both kinds of pickups. A neck humbucker should not sound muddy and a bridge Strat pickup should not be too trebly. The profiles should sound great with any kind of guitar (I test them with Les Paul, Strat, Tele, ES355 and PRS). It is of course also depending on personal taste and you may like some profiles better with a Strat or a Les Paul.


    Now available on Morgan PR12 profile pack. This unique amp is loosely based on the Princeton, but adds the chimey character of the better Vox amps. Of course this chimey character is available in the profiles.
    3 awesome series of profiles with different microphone/preamp configurations for different clean and low to medium gain overdriven sounds.

    Please let me know what you think of this unique pack.
    Have fun!

    FYI. All My profile packs ( are made using PRS guitars. I use a McCarty with 57/08 and sometimes a Custom 22 to refine the profiles. Then I test every profile in both single coil and humbucker settings. After I made a series of profiles I start testing with a Les Paul and Strat. But never had any profile sounding good with PRS that sounded bad with other guitars.

    IMHO a good low gain profile is just as hard to profile as a good clean sound. It's all about harmonics and dynamics. Every profile I do, is tested with both humbucker and single coil on both neck and bridge pickup. This helps me to get the balance of the profile right.
    Single coil bridge pickup tend to sound a bit glassy on the Kemper. I keep on moving the mics untill that is just gone. Still you need enough high frequencies to keep the sound alive.

    One of the Princeton clean profiles (Series 4 I think) is often used by Dutch professional player Angelo de Rijke. This is a special series to me. I used the Heil PR-40 on that series. This is a dynamic mic with almost condenser qualities. The result is a very dynamic and detailed series of profiles. But maybe you like other series better. All the Princeton series are really good. I liked the amp so much that I made 5 series, where I usually make only 3.

    The Vibrolux has nice cleans too. It is a different amp. It sounds bigger (which is also is;) ). As I recall, the Princeton still had its original caps, whereas the Vibrolux was recapped. It changes the sound. Personally I prefer the Princeton, but would also be very happy to play the Vibrolux profiles on stage :)

    Listening to the demo's may help. Unfortunately I can't publish lossless demo's, so the profiles will have more sparkle and dynamics than the demo's.

    I hope this helps.

    Because it's my birthday today, I am giving away a free minipack. All you have to do is like/ follow my Facebook page ( ) and leave your e-mail address on Facebook. You can also send me a private message on Facebook if you don't want to leave your e-mail addess where everybody can see it.

    Your e-mail address will not be used for anything else than sending you the minipack.

    The minipack is 3 profiles with the Klon KTR and 1 with the Dr. Scientist Cleanness. The amp is custom build for me. 15 watt, 6V6 valves. Very rich in harmonics.

    This limited edition pack will not be part of any other pack and you will be available until sunday .

    Tell me what you think about the profiles and have fun!