Posts by Damael

    Harmonic Pitch Voice Interval 1 & 2 knobs put up User Scale 1 & 2, Octave +/- 1&2 User Scale 1 & 2 - ok.
    Edit User Scale 1 & 2 put up knob-controllable Steps 0-11 - ok.

    But still I can't understand how it works or is supposed to work. And, frankly, it doesn't.
    Googled for this but failed to find answers. Tutorials only play around with natural maj/min harmonization, but that part is quite clear.

    I presumed Step 0 would be the Root note. Then Steps 1-11 would be semitones (chord degrees and chromatics between them) whithin an octave, and the readings -36...0...36 of the Step knobs would probably be semitones of the additional Voice 1 or 2 respectively laid off the current Step, whithin Octaves -2...+2, 'zero' denoting an unison of the Step. That's a bit odd, but at least I can make sense of it.

    EDIT: I don't know what happened, but the Rig with the effect just disappeared from the Performance (I hadn't stored it because it wasn't working anyway), I had a notification there'd been a communicarion error. I had to redo it from start andd this time it worked.
    Nope, it didn't work
    I needed a E harmonic minor scale with a high -7 (basically both 7s but one above and the other below) with an added Voice in 3rds above. I set Step 0 to 3 ... Step 10 to 4, Step 11 to 3, and set all out-of-scale (chromatic) notes at 0, as I didn't want them harmonized. Most of the scale worked, but the +7 was left not harmonized, and a few other degrees received a weird harmonization that didn't correspond to the readings of the Step knobs (or so I think).
    I then tried the opposite, took the higher voice and harmonized it with a lower Voice in 3rds below. It didn't work either.
    I excluded the -7 and tried the 'usual' harmonic minor scale. Nope.

    I then thought maybe Step 0 reflected the Root not of the Em but of the relative G (as they share 1 Key knob) and restarted from there. Nope.

    EDIT: ok, I acknowledge being a stupid person. I had my guitar tuned 1 step lower. That messed my understanding. However, that is only partly my fault, because with the tuning issue fixed I still couldn't get why I had C/Am set on the Key knob but a Cm 7/+7 scale harmonization. Guess you get a 'C something' scale depending on manual settings and you just have to dismiss the 'C/Am' information
    I set all the Step knobs to 0 and then tried turning one Step knob at a time to find out how they work, and that left me totally perplexed. Turning some Step knobs didn't result in any effect, while turning others resulted in harmonies that I totally didn't expect.

    The part below is still relevant
    Also, I can't make sense of the -36...+36 range per Step at all now, because once you pick an Octave, all the range you get is only whithin this Octave anyway.

    Please help!

    A side question: I usually need only 1 additional harmonizing Voice at a time. So can I do the following: set Voices 1 & 2 to a given scale and given intervals, and then isolate either out with the Voice Balance knob using the Morphing fumction? I.e. Morph 0 is 'main voice and Voice 1', Morph 1 is 'main voice and Voice 2'.

    page 244 of the Manual V10.2 says a user may create user scales for each of the two additional Voices when using the Harmonic Shift effect, and 2 presets are ready for use.

    Problem 1: I can see the two soft buttons, but they are inactive (gray unlit) and I can find no way to activate them. I need a harmonic minor scale but the Key button only gives the 12 relative major/minor scales.

    On the same page the Manual has it, " User scales are saved within the Rig, so you can use many different scales by using different Rigs. They are not part of any harmonic pitch preset, but are stored as independent user scale presets".
    Problem 2: I'm currently having fun with Death solos from the later albums. In many occasions, they would double a solo with additional lower -5th, then a +3rd, then maybe a -18th, and then change a key for the next solo. Chuck also liked harmomic minor a lot. This all seems like too much to create Rigs for each of that.
    Does this mean that it is impossible to use the effect in this way:
    1) Same Rig slot used in the Perfrorm mode. two Pedals and/or Effects slots are used for the same Harmonic Shift effect with different settings:
    2) effect 1: Key set to Em, Voice 1 is +3rd, Voice 2 is -5th, Morph function used to switch between Voice Balance -50% and Voice Balance +50%. This isolates each of the two additional Voices on demand, and the Effect on/off does, well. what it is supposed to do;
    3) effect 2: basically the same, with corresponding Voice settings BUT Key set to Db minor?
    I mean, using a separate Rig for each of the two overdriven guitars, and a separate Rig for each scale will take min 4 slots out of the 5 in the Performance mode

    I checked around and there are several options available now. Could you please enlighten me on what's the best choice and why
    I ranked them by the current price, lowest to highest:

    Yamaha expression pedal (looks like a FC7)
    Line 6 expression pedal (looks like an EX-1), reduced, current price same as above
    AMT EX-50
    AMT EX-10F-II
    Roland EV-5
    Korg EXP-2
    Zoom FP01 - price same as above
    - Zoom FP02M -
    Yamaha FC7 - price same as above
    Boss FV 500-H - 15% more expensive than the Zoom
    Fender EXP-1 - 25% more expensive than the Zoom
    Boss FV 500-L - 33% more expensive than the Zoom

    But the real question is WHY are you after that? Just because amps had to do it that way due to their physical limitations doesn't mean it makes any sense to try and do int in the digital domain where it is unnecessary to do so.

    but the real question is, do we all buy all the guitars/pedals/amps/younameit because it is strictly necessary or because it makes perfect sense?

    I am after this because I feel like this. I am just pursuing my thing, my sound

    Oh, ok, I think see it different now.
    so, the effect loop, rather than returning signal to a separate 'Effects Return' spot somewhere in the Profiler, is actually kind of 'outsourcing' corresponding slots in the 'Stompbox' (and maybe 'Effects' s wel) section to external effects. The posirion of the 'effects external efffect in the 'effects loop' will be always determined by the knob assigned to it. There is no other way.
    Is that right, in layman's terms?

    What I was talking about is, can a Kemper Stompbox (or an Effect, for that matter) be redirected in such a manner that it is fed and further sends the signal somewhere between the signal amp and the power amp?

    On another note, I am most grateful Kemper Support chimed in instantly and, using this opportunity of your precious attention -
    could you please please please introduce Mesa Boogie Mark series Liquid Profiling? MkIV and MkIIC+ would be most everybody' first call I reckon.
    The Marks always lacked your attention in the past unlike the Rectifiers, and with the Liquid Profiling this went on, - quite unhappily. Please don't forget us folks who prefer the Mark sound to the sandy harshness of... other brands, you know. And they are plenty already

    That may seem like a silly question, but I found myself in a situation when I want an effect or two go into the effects loop section and I don't have all of the corresponding physical pedals. I am using Kemper stompboxes for that reason, but I have to run them before the stack. Couldn't find it in the Manual or in the Profiler Menu, but it seems kinda strange that you can have effects before and/or the stack, and that there is an effect loop for physical pedals, but there seems to be no algorythm to simulate using a Kemper effect in th effects loop.

    more 'interesting' stuff

    thinned down to less than 1000 manually, now it's this:
    Whenever I turn to Browser mode, always one and the same 'BG' DI profile comes 'on' first although I just KNOW I deleted it , and I've cross-checked too.
    Profile names change as they usually do BUT actual sound in Browser mode won't change, neither do knob LEDs.
    Whenever I want to rename a profile in the Browser mode, the same deleted'BG' DI profile Rig Tags come up.

    moreso interesting

    No I will not store my rigs in Rig Manager as profiles disappear from there without my consent or even prior notice. This is why I started to use USB sticks as storages in the first place. I have like 5 laying around now and I wouldn't bother if profiles I wanted hadn't disappeared from the Rig Manager before. If there's a way to prevent that I haven't heard about it.

    I never installed previous OS versions so that's not the case.

    I actually SAW Kemper profiles names quickly changing one another on the pedalboard screen before I noticed they disappeared from the interface. At the same time, some 80 were left in the Browser mode and [I think] all or at least most of all were left in Performance mode

    I didn't say I had identical profles now, or you got it wrong. I had EVERY ONE of the profiles stored in my Kemper renamed manually to my own preference, so when the unit was downloading from the USB stick, the ones hat were in the unit and the ones in the USB stick had different names. This also means I have to check each profile on the unit one by one because I have no idea which ones I had renamed and stored.

    If I do factory reset, I will loose the Perform inputs tweaked to our songs

    Deleted some of them one by one to comply with the 1625 limit. Nah, didn't work. Will have to decrease the number to up to 1000 Browser mode, so over 600 to be deleted
    It's fun because I have no idea how many doubling profiles I have now and what profile is a double of what I already have.

    After I found that profiles disappear from the RM from time to time without my consent I started to store those I wanted on USB sticks. Don't feel like storing them on the computer as I don't exactly understand how RM connects with profiles that were downloaded to the computer. You know, sorta how Windows or other software forcibly updates all the time without asking or even without notice.
    I have like 4 or 5 USB sticks with profiles laying around by now. That doesn't mean they are necessarily filled to the nostrils, but they generally keep more that Kemper can import
    I also want to seep through the newer profile increments to the RM as well, not just the old ones
    So what I generally did before was import all I thought I might need in the unit, and then go skimming

    Recently I tried a new to me but pre-owned MIDI controller with my Kemper and, being a preprogrammed unit, it unfortunately deleted over 800 profiles and left me with some 80 before I could spell 'Kemper'. I contacted the MIDI controller manufacturer and he was a great uy to deal with. He went through the paces with me and pointed out the controller had been set to transit incoming MIDI sygnals , i.e. send sygnals from Kemper back to Kemper.

    Luckily, all or most of my Perform savings were left, while their Browser prototypes disappeared.
    For a while I was playing using just the Perform profiles.
    Yesterday I decided to upgrade as advised, first to OS 7.3.2. and then to OS 9.0.5. I then imported some 800 profiles currently included in the RM to later sort them out. I also contacted Michael Nielsen of Big Hairy Profiles and asked him to re-send me the pack I'd bought from him. He was great to send me the pack today.

    So today after I imported Michael's pack I wanted to see how many I now had in total, and my Kemper showed.... 1812?! When reloading, a message appears that Kemper can't import any more. Well, that was to be expected
    I guess the controller hadn't deleted my profiles but rather allocated them to some hidden file or something. Maybe upgrading the OS and/or the automatic assigning of Michael's pack to Favourite Rigs brought this hidden file up.

    Now I browsed the forum and saw a reply from Kemper Support that says Kemper can only store1000 profiles in Broswer and 625 in Perform
    1000 Profiles Max Number of Profiles Able to Store
    I now have 1812.
    So, firstly, it is technically possibe to exceed the maximum number of profiles.
    Secondly, more importnantly, what do I do now? The first thinh that comes to one's mind is to delete some 2-3 hundred. But I'll have to check up with every candidate

    Thanks Monkey_Man,
    unfortunately, I bought my Kemper all packed with proflies, and I didn't upload all of these in a folder, so the ones I had to delete to make space aren' there anymore
    But thank you for the info, I will be making backups of my RE from now on

    Is it that I'm using the search function wrong? :D

    I couldn't find a single Hafler amp being mentioned neither in the Rig Exchange nor in this forum. I am particularly interested in the Hafler T3 preamp set with Chinese tubes into a Peavey 120/120 with 5881s power amp and to Eminence 12s, but couldn't find any Hafler profile at all, for that matter. That is, well, interesting.


    On another note, is it that older rigs are deleted from the Rig Exchange, even if not replaced with newer ones? I have found that some of the profiles free and commercial that I had on my toaster head but deleted for a reason, aren't to be found in the Rig Exchange anymore

    Managed to find yet one MF profile so far that was done (unexpectedly) using a Mesa Dual Rec.

    I've already forgotten about this myself but, experimenting with amps I found that the Mesa Road King II in the Vintage mode can get in that field. The Road King being a descendant of the Mesa Rec, there's definitely something in this

    So in the end, I bought a pack from Bighairyprofiles and a pack from Mattfig as advised. I couldn't get the right rhythm or lead tones from the BHP pack, and Matt's profiles were there. All truth be said they took some tweaking but that could be my guitars, or that Matt used a clone of the preamp not the original model. Still they definitely deliver.
    The only profile from the BHP pack that sounds better in my circumstance is that short acoustic lead from Holy Wars.