Posts by ejrocks

    I would very much like to know how the Randy Rhoads profile sounds. Can you do Jimmy Page's live sound from song remains the same? I'd also like Tom Schultz, Eric Johnson and Mathius Jabs from Blackout. Can you pull these off?

    Can someone tell me the difference between the powered and unpowered versions of the Kemper? Is one better than the other. Im assuming mine is unpowered because its the toaster style thats white with green trim....

    Thanks Mwinter for the suggestions. My delema is if its worth it to pay for rigs when so many are available for free. I just wonder what I get that I cant get with the free rigs............In other words, are they that much better?

    Probably a dumb question but can I connect my Kemper to my tube amp? Its a Fender Deville? I also have a Carvin V3. Would I be able to connect directly to that cabinet instead of using the head? Ive been playing through a old Crate PA and the sound isnt what Im looking for. Also Ive been searching for 2 sounds my whole life. First Jimmy Page on song remains the same live show and Randy Rhoads on Crazy Train. Any suggestions on what amps might work best for these tones?

    Ok, I dont want to be a pain here but Im a little frustrated. I loaded the new firmware for windows 3.0.2 and the latest version of rig manager 1.3.2 and Im still getting the same message that sais I need to load a higher version of firmware than 3.0.0. My Kemper is on and connected to my computer. After I download the firmware it sais manuals, how to update, kaos, read me and release notes. Do I need to do something with that? Help is appreciated... What am I missing here?

    Im new to this but so far I downloaded the rig manager for windows7. When I plugged in my Kemper I got a msg to update my firmware to 3.0.0 which I did. I keep getting the msg to update eventhough I have. Is there a way to see if the download was accepted? I did a restart but that didnt work. Any help appreciated.