Posts by JonnyB

    gilvie: Have you locked something in Performance Mode? Cabinet maybe? Regarding the AxeFX suggestion - I think each unit has it's issues and bugs. Support told me, they never encountered this problem before and locking the Cab in PM is a rare scenario, noone really does it, except for me. Can't say much about AxeFX, but I generally prefer the Kemper approach with useful and versatile sounds available everywhere as a basis for "your" sound. I own the unit since 2013 and even with this (avoidable) bug, there is less tweaking and fiddling around then ever before with any gear i owned. So i would definetely stick with the Kemper.

    Thanks, this solved my problem with erratic led flashing and saving.

    I have just been looking at the Midi Grande. Not seen these before and they look really good. I can't work out from their website whether it's possible to configure the switches in two layers i.e. Layer 1 outputs patch changes while Layer 2 outputs CC messages. I generally prefer to work this way with foot controllers. How do you rate the reliability?

    Well I tried to like FRFR! After going the Yamaha PA speaker route (harsh and "horny" - and not in the best way), I built myself a 2 x 12 full range cab (see pic). It was originally a Marshall 1936 closed back and after doing some research, I removed the speakers and put in two Eminence Beta 12CX Coaxial's with ASD1001 compression drivers. I bi-wired these and powered them from a Crown XLS 1000 which has a 350w output x 2 and an excellent phase correct active crossover function. I tried the new speaker out with some recorded music and the Kemper and the results were encouraging at normal room listening levels. Although I did find I had to adjust for the different character of the sound delivery somewhat and of course balance the level to the HF drivers. With two HF drivers in such close proximity there is some comb filtering apparent with this set up but I find most folks ears compensate for this and it's not really a problem in "real life".

    The problem came when using this set up at rehearsal. We are a 5 piece playing classic rock at the usual levels (i.e. pretty loud). No matter how I tried, I couldn't get my guitar to cut through the overall sound. Actually that's not quite true - if I maxed out the Crown to seriously high output levels, I could now hear my guitar. Problem is, the sound was harsh, toppy and quite frankly horrible. After two attempts on different nights I gave up and was disappointed to say the least as I'd spent quite a lot of time and effort constructing the rig. I have been using a Randall RM50 2 x 12 for rehearsals prior to this so this morning I plugged the Kemper into the effects return (monitor out - cab off) and set it up side by side with the FR cab. I set the sound levels approx the same and the difference was night and day. The Randall sounded visceral and muscular with rich harmonics pouring out, whilst the FR cab sounded one dimensional and sterile. Sadly I've come to the conclusion that I'll be sticking to a "real" amp and cab for the foreseeable future as I clearly belong to the trouser flapping brigade. I know I'll be sacrificing some sonic flexibility in this but if the sound is so good then TBH, I don't much care.

    Interesting that I seem to be in the minority when rejecting FRFR but just thought I'd chime in with my findings.

    UK based newbie here. Just bought me a Kemper Rack (without amp) and remote which is on back order. Have spent two solid days with it so far and have to say I'm mightily impressed. Sounds mint through my KRK V6 studio monitors and have tried running a monitor out to a Yamaha Stagepass PA and to the power output stage of my Randall RM100 and cab. All these configurations sound great so far. Will be trying the main outs with my HK Elements PA soon.

    I'm a Randall MTS guy so have been busy profiling my many modules in miked and direct format. I use a THD Hotplate to get the DI signal from my cab and this seems to work great. I'm hanging fire on the "merged" cab thing for a while though until the software is sorted out. It's early days yet but I'm hopeful I can start slimming down my gear and simplifying my live setup. I'm sure my back (and my wife) will approve!

    What is everyone using for enclosures? I thought it would be cool to mount the rack in a standard amp head in some way - I like the idea of the contrast in modern technology and traditional housing. Could probably find room for a solid state amp in there too (I know I could have gone for a powered rack but wanted the option of using different amps). If I go this route, I'll post some pictures to see what you think.

    Anyway, nice to be part of what looks like a really friendly and helpful forum.


    Hi, new Kemper user here. I just finished profiling a few patches from my POD XT and noticed the popping issue on a Blackface type patch. It only occurs on the top string when hitting it hard. I noticed that reducing the Pick attack parameter on the Kemper improved things but the issue was still there. I checked all levels to and from the POD and nothing was clipping during the profiling BUT I decided to re-profile with the output setting of the POD slightly lower and low and behold this eliminated the issue. I think it may be possible for the Kemper to sample clipping or other artifacts during the profiling process and although not audible during auditioning, it affects the resulting profile. Anyway, hope this helps anyone facing the same problem.