Posts by middle

    you can change this.

    Cool, then Arobas does what I'm suggesting: allow users to use whatever suits them ;)

    I would hate to be a manufacturer of anything today, everybody keeps whining and wants a different options for minor things .

    When the tuner was # I never complained, and lived with it and never had a problem using it but i do prefer it flat b but its not a major issue..

    I work in huge software development projects and even though it's sometimes annoying I am happy when users give me constructive and reasoned feedback. Comments like your's on the other hand: not very helpful. But you are right, it's by far no deal breaker for this wonderful product – still a valid request.

    The Tuner in the Profiler is usually taken for tuning guitars, the open strings. EADGBE. And others.

    No b or #.

    For a semitone drop you will have the same with b added, which is the best solution.

    Do you prefer to tune to D# instead of Eb tuning, while every guitarist would call it Eb tuning?

    Where do you encounter a situation with your electric guitar, where a # would be favorable?

    I encounter this situation every time I tune my guitar – and as you can see in this thread I might not be the only guitarist who's brain is wired this way ;)

    Lot's of your customers use lower tunings than Standard, Drop-B for example I simply internalize as B F# B E G# C#, not B Gb B E Ab Db. Also most of the Tabs I find on the web are in #, Guitar Pro uses #, my DAW uses #, my acoustic-guitar-tuner uses # – you see were I'm going…

    I see your point and obviously lot's of people are happy about the change to b and I know this might be theoretically right in guitar world, but but why not simply allow the user to pick the mode he is more familiar with?

    It seems obvious to me that modern tuners dedicated to electric guitarists strongly lean towards the „b“ choice.

    I have a hard time to find „#“ tuners in this domain. And it totally makes sense to me. That‘s why we have changed it.

    Wouldn't it be possible to do this as an option?
    I used #-tuners for years, my DAW and writing software works with # and my brain also… probably I could adapt, but a choice would be much more preferable :)

    This is our first official confirmation that a software editor is in the works

    Unfortunately, no ;) This is an official statement, that there will be an editor »one day«. That doesn't mean that it is already in work.

    Also, as far as I remember a similar statement was made a few NAMMs ago. Nevertheless, nice to hear that an editor is still on the agenda :)

    Sprichst du von dem Effekt ganz am Anfang? Den könntest du vielleicht mit Mophing lösen, indem du den Sound anfangs auf 100% Wet stellst (kein trockenes Signal) und via Pedal auf Dry mit einem bestimmten Anteil Wet dabei morphst (wie viel musst du ausprobieren ;) ).
    So sollte der Effekt vor dem eigentlichen Anschlag hörbar sein.

    Ah, jetzt hat's geklappt. Coole Funktion, danke! :D
    Bei meinem Test gestern hat es nicht geklappt, weil die Tauschen-Funktion (zumindest bei mir) nur in den Stomps geht, nicht in den FX. Trotzdem super, ich musste schon oft mit Copy-Paste hantieren und umständlich Sounds vergleichen, so geht das doch entschieden schneller.

    In Stomp A habe ich einen Green Scream (Drive 9 / Tone 8 / Mix 100%) und in Stomp B einen Graphic Equalizer (1250Hz +9dB / 2500Hz +4dB / 5000Hz +2dB / Low Cut bei 1600Hz). Als Basis für das Profile nutze ich das Marc's Bass Drt von And44. Die genauen Einstellungen hängen aber auch stark vom Bass ab natürlich.

    Sorry übrigens für die späte Antwort, ich war viel unterwegs ;)

    Dear Kemper-Team,

    when I want to choose a preset of a stomp or fx I can use either the "Type" or the "Browse" knob. My problem is, that if I use the Browse-knob, I have to scroll through ALL presets that are stored on my KPA - which are a lot. If the preset I am looking for does not comes at the beginning, this takes a lot of scrolling on the Browse-knob. I would appreciate a soft-button, that allows me to hide all presets, that are not the same type as I selected with the Type-Knob.

    Example: I choose a Delay in the Delay-Slot with the Type Knob. After that, I use the Browse-Knob to view my Delay-Presets (and only them, because I use my Type-Knob to change the Type ;) ). If I'm unsure what effect I want to put in the Slot, I deactivate the soft-button which says "Filter Type" and can scroll through all the presets on my KPA. (Basically like it was before Delays could be placed in any other slot than the Delay-Slot).

    Benefit: It becomes much easier to find the presets I am looking for. I can easily change it back and forth if I don't like it that way (just like in the Profile-Browser, where I can select Bass-Rigs etc.)

    Thank you very much :)

    Das wäre ein cooles Feature! Ich glaube aktuell könntest du es vielleicht hinkriegen, indem du den Parallel Path aktivierst, den Octaver auf Stomp A und einen Hi-Cut auf Stomp B legst. Vielleicht auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge, da würde ich einfach mal ausprobieren.

    Du hast dann allerdings das trockene Gitarrensignal als Oktave drunter, wobei das gerade als Bass-Ersatz vielleicht gar nicht so schlecht ist.

    Die Unterschiede zwischen Front- und Alternative-Input hängen glaube ich stark vom Sound ab. Bei Cleansounds höre ich keinen Unterschied, bei High-Gain rauscht mein Alternative-Input allerdings deutlich stärker als der Front-Input. Von daher: Ausprobieren ;)

    It's set to 48 khz in Standard, but 44,1 khz works also. If I set it to 48 khz there is no sound at all (as i would expect ;) ), if I set it to 44,1 khz it works. And on an random basis the cracks appear. Maybe I should upgrade to a better interface… I don't want to use the analog inputs, because they eat a lot of the signal and I don't want to limit the sound of the recording in the first step ;)

    The Profiler is always the master.
    If the audio interface does not come with its own software you can use the audio/midi setup utility which is a part of OSX to set the clock source.
    Unsynced digital systems will produce clicks in the audio signal.

    Unfortunately I can’t. In the Audio-Midi-Setup the „Source of Clock“ is set fixed, I’m not allowed to change it (as shown in the Screenshots). I tried making an aggregate Device, but it still forces me to choose one of the USB-connected devices as master. Or is it possible, that the io2 also HAS to be master?

    All those selfish devices, everyone want’s to be master :D

    Proper S/PDIF cables are 75Ohm coax cables with RCA connectors. Many people try using regular RCA audio cables which can result in problems.

    I use two of these to connect Profiler and io2:
    So this should fit I hope ;)