Posts by Devram

    Guitar to GS
    Gs Insert send to kemper front input.
    GS insert return to kemper direct output / send.
    GS L output to kemper return input.
    GS R Output to Kemper alternate Input.

    Keep in mind I am monitoring thru my 11rack usb into my computer. I use it this way at home for recording & practicing.

    Also this is a Kemper Power Rack. It will be used live using the speaker output to my 4x12 cab.

    Not sure if the last two items are relevant or not...

    Okay, I'm going to resurrect an old thread here and possibly high jack it too... sorry about that.

    I'm trying to get my g sys to play nicely with my Kemper and so far it's been no go... I've read the wikpa instructions and hooked it up both ways (4 cable and 5 cable) to no avail. I am not hearing the G system at all.

    I want to have the G sys in the effects loop of the kemper so that I get the good effects from the G sys with the amps inside the Kemper.

    Send help! Man down!

    Londonjeepster, I play metal & hard rock in a band called Long Time Divided (LTD). Im also starting a blues recording project soon. I can't wait to dig into the Kemper more for both of these projects!

    You can find LTD in the usual social media outlets. I won't post the links here since I'm not sure if it is against the rules. I believe I added the appropriate links to my profile.

    Oh I realize that no piece of gear will ever be perfect. Things wear out and/or break. My fear of tube amps comes from and old Marshall 9100 or 9200 Power Amp that I used to own. Obnoxiously Heavy and very, very delicate. I replaced the tubes in it once and it was a bloody crime how much it cost! So, that put me off of tubes for a long time. I had an old Johnson Stereo head for a long time and never liked the sound of it but it never failed on me... I liked my Laney TT100H but there's that fear of tubes cropping up again.

    Getting it set up for the show was luck really. I plugged my G-system in to use only as a footswitch. This way I was only hearing the Kemper. I went through all of the the onboard sounds. While doing so, I accidentally bumped the "bank up" button once or twice and hit upon several sounds that were close to what I was hearing in my head for my tone. I adjusted the effects for 5 presets. 2 clean channels, 2 rhythm sounds and a lead tone. The only thing that I really wanted to do was to move them to the proper bank in the g-system. I wasn't able to figure that part out before the show.

    As far as my learning curve, I work with computers for a living and usually have to figure out what someone else did and fix it. Definitely comes in handy from time to time!

    So far the Kemper is great. I love it. I can't say enough about it!

    Did you ever get this to work better? I just got a KPA and I also have an 11R as my DAW interface to PT10 and would like to know how this is is working. Maybe I can set mine up in a similar fashion?

    Hello all!

    I've been following Kemper Profiling Amps for months now and my normal tube amp started showing signs of age, so I pulled the trigger on a Kemper PowerRack.
    I was very nervous about dropping that kind of money (mostly because my wife would kill me if it turned out to be a turd!).
    It arrived on Friday 04/10! I set it up, found some presets to use with my band. I used it for our show Saturday night. I couldn't be happier! It really perfromed exceptionally well!

    I've always had the tube amp - tube failure possibility in the back of my mind while playing.
    It was so nice to play a show and be absolutly confident that my gear would work without a shadow of a doubt!

    Brilliant work Kemper!

    Now to get it to work with my G-System...