Posts by DefinitionPending

    Hey guys, just uploaded three profiles from three amps (two of them that I had never been able to find).

    - Orange Rocker 30 (dirty channel)

    - Reeves Custom 10HG

    - Marshall AFD100 (AFD mode)

    I really liked how the Marshall and the Reeves sounded through my Marshall 1960AV. The reeves may be a little bright.

    Anyway, first attempt, tell me what you think! Hope you like them! Just search for "Enrico" as author.


    I just purchased a Marhsall 1960 Vintage (i.e., with 4 Vintage 30). It is 280W at 16 ohms, incredible shape. Sounds amazing with the Kemper!! My first 412, very excited! Will post pictures later.

    Hey guys, it's been two months since I owned the Kemper Power Head and I love it. I´ve been using with my Orange PPC212, and get great results.

    I am now selling one of my amps, since it has been collecting dust for a while now... My Marshall Vintage Modern 2266c. I am still keeping my Orange Rocker 30 and Reeves Custom 10HG, and have no real intentions of selling those in the near future.

    I managed to get two offers to trade the Marshall: an Orange PPC412AD, for which I would need to return some cash or other pedals to the guy (which I am fine with), or a Marshall 1960A, with Celestion GT1275s (for which I would only have to give my amp).

    I´ve always wanted a 412 cab, despite they being very not practical for most of the venues I play. I really don´t NEED the cash for selling my amp, and thought I would just satisfy this desire from a long time ago.

    Bottom line, I am leaning towards the Orange PPC412 instead of the Marshall, mainly because of the V30s, the fact that I absolutely love Orange amps (TAF's Matamp is one of my favorite profiles so far) and better overall construction and the looks of the Orange. But still considering my options. What do you think?

    Thanks guys. I´ve been wanting to get some information on these passive FRFRs.

    I've been using the Matrix CFR wedge. Mostly in my studio. This weekend jamming with a full band and I'll report back. I'm pretty sure it has the same specs as the CLR.

    I prefer the look of the Matrix over Atomic. I wish there was a video comparison on YouTube somewhere.
    So far it sounds great and it's super light when I'm hauling it around, huge plus for me.

    For what I could tell, the main difference between the Q12 and the CFR is the form factor, right?

    I think the guy who offered me a trade is coming over tonight, so I will have the chance to try it out...

    Hey guys, sorry, a lot of beginner posts from me... It is all very new to me, the KPA is actually my first digital device.

    Very grateful for all the help I have been getting here.

    So, I scheduled a rehearsal in a studio which does not have guitar cabs in which I can plug my Powered KPA in... So I figured, heck, I'll just use the PA system in the room.

    Well, I told the guy my intention, and he was very suspicious about it, saying he would have to check the KPA specs to make sure I would not blow any of his equipment up...

    For what I understood reading the manual, the main outputs can be connected with XLR cables in a mixing desk, controlling the PA, correct? Is there anything I need to check before doing this? Is there any risk to the KPA? I reckon, as the manual stressed, that KPA is protected from Phantom Power devices, so I am not sure what the studio guy is concerned about... For what I understand from the manual, I would not need a DI box for connecting the KPA in the desk, right?


    Volume wise... Could not hear myself very well, the other guitarrist was using a cheap modeller through the FX return of a JCM900, and I used the Power Head through an Orange PPC412... He was insanely loud, and we often asked him to turn it down. But I wished I heard myself more, don't know what it was, it sounded weird. Played a MBritt Profile, but did not sound so good. Maybe the cab was faulty, I get better results at home with my PPC212... Any tips of what I may ve doing wrong? Cheers

    I just got back from the rehearsal. I played the Kemper through a Marshall 412, and used 4 profiles: a Top Jimmy SL 68, and 3 others that came stock, I think they are from TAF (JCM 800, Matchless and Bassman). It sounded really good, everyone in the band liked the tones. However, I must dig more into the Kemper and to know better about volumes and how to proper set it up. Sounded great, but I think I can do better. I had to increase the Power Amp boost and Master Volume quite a bite to keep up with an Orange TH100 that the other guitar player was using at the studio. But the Kemper sounded great, just like a real Marshall.

    So far, no complaints here. There is a lot to do with the unit, but even for a simple plug and play guy like me, it has its value. You don't need a ton of profiles, I see myself using about 5 different amp tones and some fx. Still, the portability, the different tones and the options I get with the Kemper Power Head (cabinets in the rehearsal studio, cabinets live, FOH etc), the value is amazing. In love with the Kemper really.

    A question though, for you guys using the KPA with 212 cabinets: are you scared to turn up the volume to keep up with drummers? I am affraid the PPC212 might not hold up so well, and I will have to increase the volume so much that I might blow a speaker up (although there are several posts from people saying this is very difficult to happen - including one from ckemper himself).

    Thanks for all the help! Appreciate it so much.
