Posts by awkward_pat

    I applaud your energy ;).

    I have found that for most live venues, stereo output doesn't work well. The main problem is that when placing speakers stage left and stage right, the majority of the audience only hear one side. So most of the audience would hear half of the output of the Kemper/Keys/efx/etc. Now, having said this, I do run my PA in stereo. This is simply because I like the way it sounds in the IEM's. Having stereo efx for the keys, Kemper, and Vocal reverb DOES make a difference to the performers..... just not the audience.

    I am looking forward to your X32 scene as I have an X32 Rack that I can review it with ;).

    You're right, we had that in mind from the beginning and never really pan hard left or right. The "stereo split" when both guitars go into their dedicated "mono space" is still noticable.

    Thank you for your feedback and storys!

    We decided on splitting our "rig rundown" into separate parts:

    • Rack Setup (including hardware, input and output lists)
    • Mixer & IEM-Setup (including our x32 settings and routing)
    • Kemper Setup (including guitars, performance setup and profile setup)
    • DAW (including project overview, click, backing tracks, MIDI and DMX tracks)
    • Workflow (including our approach on setting up a new song including planning, stem export, midi and dmx programming and mixing)

    For each topic we want to create a post here on the blog including photos and graphics. Also we try to make individual videos for youtube.

    At the moment we're working on the overall structure and try to agree on a release schedule.

    We let you know when we start publishing. Hopefully this will help others who ran into problems or want to start something similar.

    All the best from Germany,


    hey guys,

    me and my friends in our band aeons end put together a rather complex live setup including two Kemper racks, multiple IEM systems, a x32 mixer and a laptop with Logic Pro X for backing tracks, click, midi- and dmx-switching. Basically we build a plug and play solution into one rack including various interfaces and panels for inputs and outputs that allows us to get the best possible sound in combination with our own light show. As our songs often are written with multiple layers we put quite some effort into programming the Kemper in terms of panorama and volume so we can archive a stereo feel live on stage that is as close to a recording as possible.

    You can check out some of our live sessions here:

    Since it took us quite some time to get to this point, we thought it would be cool to give you guys an in-depth look into our whole setup as as starting point.

    So my question is, what would you especially be interested in? Would you prefer written text or a video? Do you care about specific parameters or gear? Would you like to know how we put together sounds? From hi-gain over crunch tones to clean tones, glassy tones and drones we pretty much do everything just with the Kemper.

    We're looking forward to putting together as much information as possible since we feel a lot of bands don't talk about details and workflows, but only care about certain pieces of equipment.

    Just as a liner note: aeons end is a project that we startet in Germany around 2015. We´re playing instrumental music that includes elements of Prog Metal, Post Metal and Post Rock.

    If you're a fan of Tesseract, Leprous or The Contortionist, changes aren't that bad that you might enjoy our music.

    All the best,
