Posts by kizzer

    I love the sound of a real Spring Reverb, and I chanced upon a self build project from a company called Surfy Industries. They sell kits for a spring reverb and Tremolo, which are small circuit boards that can be mounted in any enclosure you like. I saw on their forum that there was a trend to build them into Toolbox's which is a great idea as its long enough to hold the Reverb pan.

    I know there have been many requests for a Spring Reverb on the forum and I can wholeheartedly recommend this kit. It is well priced, simple to put together and the customer service is top notch! The Tremolo is fantastic to, giving you both a Blackface and Brownface style.

    There is a picture and short video demo below, forgive me, I couldn't find a toolbox in Green!

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    There's a great plugin called Auto Align by a company called Sound Radix. Its great for putting DI's and mic'ed up tracks in phase with one another and can be used across all areas of the mix.

    There's a great vid below to show how it works.

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    A while back I noticed that a Direct Profile and the same Direct Profile from a merged profile sounded different,

    I bought it up in a thread here, to which I had this response from Mr Kemper:

    I can hear that small difference in fizziness too. The difference is caused by technical reasons, it is even intended.
    It will not affect the sound when you play through a cabinet, as these
    frequencies are heavily attenuated by the speaker. Check it out!

    So this may have an effect?

    I want to know if my ears are damaged, because i hear no difference in your Kemper Tests.
    Can you say (blind, only by ear) which setup is which?

    I get you now!

    I have found through my tests that the Kemper gets certain amps virtually 100%, but can just as easily miss the point on others.

    Tests 1-3 were all done with the Orange Rocker 30 amp. I have found that the Kemper has no problem with this amp, cleans through to distortions were pretty spot on and if I a/b'ed them blind I would struggle to tell a difference.

    With other amps something is missed in the profiling. For instance the Fender Champ I used in Test 4 sounded great, but when I a/b'ed it with the original the Kemper lacked the oscillation and fuzzy'ness of the original when at edge of breakup. Don't get me wrong I still love the profiles of that amp, its just I know there is something missing.

    Funnily enough, I was profiling an old solidstate Marshall Lead 12 a few weeks ago. I have used this amp a lot for reamping vocals in the past, yet the Kemper couldn't get it, whether I made a direct amp profile or studio profile.

    You have done a lot of work! Good job. May be my old ears are not able to difference anymore.
    Are you sure, you have different tracks? I hear no difference, nothing.
    I know the Kemper is good but i think some small things we should hear.

    When i make a profile and for example the mic is 20 mm of from center it sounds like a complete other

    Sorry mate, I don't quite understand what you mean?

    @kizzer Thanks! I've got that set up, with the monitor jack to stereo monitor input. Still not working for me, could you help me through the Cubase input settings?

    I'm not sure about Cubase settings as I am a Pro Tools user, but the theory should be the same. Check your i/o settings within Cubase, there will be a menu to do this, and make sure you route the correct input to the correct track. If in doubt search youtube for a cubase routing video, I'm sure you'll find one.

    I'm only going by a picture of the UX1 on google, but it looks like its only a 2 mono or 1 stereo input device, so if your taking an output from the Kemper to the stereo input jack that takes up 2 inputs meaning you can only record the main output or the direct output. Instead, use 2 leads and route it like this:

    Kemper Main Output Left jack > UX1 Line input 1L > Cubase track 1
    Kemper Direct Output jack > UX1 Line input 2R > Cubase track 2

    I would be nice to be able to save a profile (with all the tweaks I have made) directly from Rig Manager.

    Maybe a 'save as' option within Rig Manager so you could name the profile accordingly and place within a folder in your Local library.

    At the moment the only way to do this is to save on the profiler and then go to the profiler icon and drag the profile to the folder.


    I've read a few guides, but I can't seem to figure out how to record the main out and DI simultaneously, so I need someones help...
    My setup is Kemper -> Line6 UX1 -> Cubase 5, using all analog cables. Is it possible to record two signals with this interface? Or should I get one that has SPDIF inputs? Or is it possible but should I get a different one anyways cause the UX1 sucks?
    Help is appreciated!

    Main output jack to line input 1 jack input.
    Direct output jack to Line input 2 jack input.

    Good point on the reamping level.

    spdif makes this a breeze, for the people who have this possibility. Just make a note of the clean sens set when recording, and set the opposite for reamp sens when reamping. Boom.

    So far i know only one solution for the same recording and reamping Level

    I use the Little Labs Redeye 3D as my DI/Reamp. Same sort of thing as the one you've shown, great little unit!

    I use Di's of my guitars to set up amps for profiling, this way I don't have to restring 5 guitars every time I profile and gives me better
    consistency. I reamp in the analog realm because this is the only way to send a DI signal through the Kemper to the direct output. I did start a
    thread in the Feature Request forum a while back asking to be able to send the internal reamp to the direct output, Mr Kemper replied and
    mentioned this wouldn't be something they would be doing. This is fair enough, I have had zero problems with analog reamping into the front
    input of the Kemper with my Reamp box, I just had to calibrate my send level from Pro Tools.

    Reamping level has to be taken into account as well. Every guitar has a certain output level which needs to be replicated within the reamping realm.

    The best way I have found to do this (I use the analog outputs) is to record my guitar through a profile and record a DI from the direct output at the same time. I then reamp the DI through the same profile and calibrate the send level till I get the same sound as before on both the main output and direct output.

    For sale I have a Logidy EPSI pedal. Great little unit which uses impulse responses which you store on an SD card.

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    Comes with a load of impulses including Springs, Rooms, Plates, Chambers etc, as well as some more left field effects, you can also use it as a speaker impulse player.

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    Great unit, comes with the SD card loaded with a bunch of Impulses and the US Power adaptor which came with it.


    I've experienced this a few times too. Nice one for making a thread about it, hopefully its something that can be rectified in a firmware update.

    Thanks for all the ideas guys! I have tried all the different options, but still no luck!

    I will wait for the other midi cable to turn up next week and try again.

    The funny thing is both lights on the cable show connection in and out, and when I turn a dial on the program the middle light on the lead flashes showing that it is sending midi from the computer! I even opened the older discontinued program off the forum by Everglades Audio and without setting anything different on my computer it worked!

    No worries, I'll try again next week.

    Cheers again for all the input guys!