Posts by e51v50h

    I just seen the mighty Van Halen last night and got to hear the EVH Stealth head in action and it is simply mind blowing how amazing that this amp sounds!!!

    I have been looking for months now for a commercial profile for this amp and I am not seeing anything out there.

    Does anyone else know if there is a profile available for purchase of the EVH Stealth Head?

    Thanx. :) :thumbup:

    Well mine finally came to my house!!! :)

    I ordered mine April 1st and it was delivered to my door (in Virginia, U.S.A.) by July 28th.........which coincidentally is my birthday. :thumbup:

    I am just now getting a chance to dig into it but WOW!! This pedal is extremely well made........very happy to finally have this piece of awesomeness. :)

    Haha......I'm chill........just starting to get those impatient shivvers.......Not mad.......just growing incredibly impatient is all. :)

    I know that it is coming eventually..........or i certainly hope so anyways. :/

    Other than this thread there is no place to get any info on what others have experienced........I was trying to see what anyone said about the "Ready For Delivery" message, but didn't see anyone talking about that one.....just about getting a "Item has Shipped" email........just makes me wonder when the shipping will occur. I'm still waiting........the longest wait in my life!!!! Hahaha. :)

    I ordered mine April 1st (I'm in the U.S.A.) and I this morning (3:00am my time EST) just recieved an email that says..........

    The status of your order with order number 4682592 of 01.04.2015 has changed. The new status is as follows: Ready for delivery.

    Not really sure what to make of that though.......I assume that they have one for me but no idea as to when it will ship my way.......

    More patient waiting it appears...... :(

    I am dying to gig with this baby already and refused to do the UNO Kemper pedal..........this wait has been extremely agonizing......

    I hope they ship it soon.......:)

    Yeah Zap.......that is my reasoning exactly. Sounds like heaven to be able to have the head beside you and not have to worry about bad things happening by not connecting the amp to a cab. It would be great for A/B with the Kemper and Reference too because everything you need would be in the same need in walking back and forth for mic placement changes and auditions. :)

    It sounds like a no brainer..........but after searching for answers I oddly couldn't really find anyone talking about this in detail at all........hence the start of this thread. Hopefully someone will chime in that has done this. :)

    So it seems that for what I am trying to do I would need a load box. It appears that this particular example has 2 you have any idea how I would need to use this to get a profile? Not sure how to go about running this from the amp head that I want to profile to this load box....then to the Kemper......

    Do I need a di box as well?

    This stuff is really confusing to me.....I believe I am over thinking it but I can't wrap my head around this at all. ?(

    From what I have seen I think that this Suhr Reactive Load would work but I don't know enough about how to go about this and was looking for someone that has done this, which I know there has to be someone that has had this dilemma on this forum. Haha......I would hope that I am not alone in this struggle. :)…/Reactive-Load/
    Can anyone take a look at this and let me know if this will do what I am needing? If so does anyone know the way to connect it properly?



    I have profiled a couple of my amps using the standard method drawn out in the Kemper manual with an SM57 micing a cab and they turned out ok, but I also profiled my Fender Cyber Twin and it has a direct out on it that I used instead of micing the cab and I sent that directly to the Kemper instead of micing it and it turned out great and was super easy!!

    Doing the direct out I put a pair of headphones in the cyber headphone jack which bypasses (turned off the sound coming from the speakers making the amp quiet) the 2x12 speakers and allowed me to profile and do an A/B with the Kemper Profile and the Reference Amp in the same room without the bleed over you would have when you use the mic setup.

    That got me really trying to find a solution that would allow me to essentially give any amp head a direct out in that fashion so that I could bypass the need for micing a cab at all.

    Does anyone know of a way to do this? ?(

    I was trying to do this with just a di box but couldn't figure it out........I then heard about a Suhr Reactive Load thinking that may be the way to go, but I'm not sure..........then I also was reading about a DI box from Hughes and Kettner called the redbox and thought that may be the way to go.

    I know what I am asking for sounds like a really simple thing, but I can't for the life of me find a simple way, or read of someone else doing it to let me know if it is possible and what I need to be able to achieve this.

    In a summary............

    I am looking for a solution to allow me to get a direct signal (emulating what an amp would sound like had i micd it up) to send directly to the Kemper for profiling but without the need for the head that i am profiling to have a cabinet.

    Is this possible, and if so what do i need?

    Thank you Kemper People!!! :D



    Cool! Now press and hold down the button below the active Wah Stomp you created (A button?), the edit screen will come into view, now press the Lock button over to the right, that Wah Stomp will now be in that same position on all your rigs.

    You sir..."Booyah"...are the man!!! :thumbup:

    That works great!!! Didn't even think about locking that in........haha.

    Thanx a million!!!

    Thank you guys!!! I had played around in system settings and in attempting to get it to work on page 6 in system settings I turned the "Pedal One" to "expression type 1" but couldn't for the life of me get it to read Wah Wah. After fiddling around with it (rotating the knob back and forth many times) I got it to say it and then just left it alone........still not sure how I got it to say wah wah (previously it kept saying volume, or delay, or a couple other options but never wah wah). Never the less it now says wah wah and I then added a stomp box and set it both ways suggested (bypass at heel and bypass at stop) and it works just as i had hoped in bypass at heel. :thumbup:

    I was really looking for a way to have this active on all of my rigs like a universal setting that is like having my Morley Bad Horsie 2 wah hooked up with my normal previous to the Kemper setup, but I really don't believe that is an option at this moment so i will just add a stomp box with these settings to each rig that I plan to use frequently and problem solved.........for now. ;)

    Thank you guys very much for your direction. :thumbup:


    I have tried searching this forum as well as fiddling around on the Kemper and can't for the life of me figure out how to do this.

    I have a Mission EP-1 (Spring Loaded to stay in the up position and when depressed and let off of it returns to its up position with no need to push on a button at the end like a crybaby pedal) Expression Pedal that has one stereo jack in its side. I have a TRS Stereo 1/4" cable connected from the pedal to the back of the Kemper into the Switch/Pedal 1. All I am wanting to do is when I step on the expression pedal it is to be used as a wah and nothing more. I guess there would be some universal way to lock the pedal for a wah on when the expression pedal is activated.....

    is this possible, and if it is can someone please explain how?

    If it is not possible the way that I am wanting to go about it being universal, is there another way that I could activate this expression pedal to only use the fancy volume, or delay changes, or turning anything on or off......just a simple wah when needed. :)

