Posts by industrypros

    I got a crazy deal on another Olp Petrucci model, this time with active EMG's. I am running this from Kemper directly to Tascam US1641. Using an
    Anderton's Cornford patch. It has crazy fat tone, and gain for days!!

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    I am still in awe of being able to literally scroll from a full gained out Mesa Boogie Mark V, with one twist have a completely clean Fender Reverb, and then switch to a 5150 in a matter of seconds. I can have any sound of any incredible tube or solid state head or combo, as well as even some of the best digital preamp rigs(I have installed just about every Axe FX rig from the RE as well!) without any effort. It is mind blowing! I have been having more fun playing the guitar again then ever before! Here was a clip I did with some new Crunch Lab and Liquifire pickukps into my OLP Petrucci. Its a ridiculously cheap guitar, but with good Pups and the Kemper I can achieve amazing results!

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    I installed crunch lab and liquifire pickups in my OLP Petrucci model. The sounds directly into the Kemper are incredible. Check it out! This was recorded direct from the XLR Kemper outputs into my Tascam US 1641 interface. I used a Carvin Legacy Rig for cleans, lead tone was a Cornford M50 rig.

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    Thanks everyone! I only have one complaint, it has been tough to get anything else done as there are so many rigs to download and play with and enjoy! As soon as I find what I think is the ultimate rig, I find another that blows me away! For me that is the best problem to have! I haven't enjoyed playing guitar this much in years. It sounds so freaking good I can scarcely believe it is actually real!

    My name is Jake Gillette and I am recording a debut album for my project AfterThought. I like many others spent tens of hours scouring the forums on the internet machine in my home. I was looking for a solution that would allow me to direct record with pro quality in my home studio. I decided I finally was going to sell everything but the kitchen sink to buy one of the new go to pieces of studio gear. But which would I choose, the Kemper or the Axe Fx? I became trapped in the Axe Fx vs Kemper conundrum. After many late nights and suffering red eye from reading forum after forum about which was better, it struck me. The Kemper was not a modeler, it was a profiler. It could take any signal that was thrown at it and duplicate it. In some cases even better, could duplicate while adding more tweak ability then even the original amps could! This was a dream come true!

    In short order I purchased one via online retailer. When it showed up, I wasn't sure what to expect. Would it be as good as the demos and clips I had heard online? Not only was it as good, it was light years better!! I loaded up the newest firmware and installed Rig Manager and went to town spending about the next 8 hours scrolling through the rig manager loading up and demoing some of the best sounding and most sought after amp set ups that exist today. It was amps and rigs I most likely would have never had the chance to demo and most certainly never owned. I was simply floored at how good all of these profiles sounded, and astounded at the insane amounts of beautiful and detailed effects I had at my disposal. I quickly loaded up like 800 rigs, which at even a modest $500 per amp would have put me into half a million dollars worth of amplifiers. INSANE!

    I remember all of the forums where people were saying Axe Fx blah blah blah, has better effects more routing etc.... I don't doubt the Axe is a great piece of gear, I have heard it and I know it sounds fantastic. But there are a massive amount of effects and options on the Kemper. Many more then I would ever need. With tons of parameters and tweak ability. I can't praise this unit enough. It has made my dreams come true and will allow me to complete my debut album with guitar tone I had only hoped to achieve. Now it is a reality! Thanks Kemper!

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