Posts by Soenke

    Hi Folks,
    before I sold my Marshall 6100 LE, I made a profile with a TC Nova Drive in front, which was my bread and butter sound. It's still one of my most used profiles..Is it worth for sharing (maybe too much low end) ? (And by the way how can I share a rig with the RM software?)
    Here is a video, where I used that sound for the crunch parts. By the way: In the beginning of the video I made some experiments with the looper (backward + half time), with the incedrible cool Morgan AC20 profile.


    I've an additional question on that topic. I've already had a few gigs with my Kemper, but I miced the cab (because I wanted to avoid too different cab sounds when switching from a 4*12 to a 1*10 and then to a 1*12 and so on ).
    Nevertheless, I started to adjust the different sounds and now I'm really happy with them on my studio monitors (XLR main out stereo) as well as on my 4 12 cab (mono).
    How do you adjust your main output for live and/or studio conditions, or in other words, which main output setting do you prefer.
    I think of a level that is only affected by the rig volume and not by my volume pedal...but what would be the correct setting for the volume pedal in this case (I still like to adjust my 4 12 cab volume on stage)...I had some trouble last week with this, so thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!


    Today I spent almost 9hours in the rehearsal room for preparing my 60minutes set on friday. I really Love the usability. Most of my clean Sounds are based on fender while my crunch and Leads are boogies and the ac 20 Morgan. Finally I profiled my 6100 with a Nova Drive in front and there is really no difference - amazing!!!!

    Finally, after 1/2 of a year of researching and ruminating, I got my Kemper Powerhead. Furthermore, I'm a lucky one who got the Remote from my local store last week, without beeing on any early bird list.
    As an electrical engineer,I'm really open to the digital domain, nevertheless it will be sad to sell my Marshall 6100 Limited Blue and my Peavey classic 50 410 soon.
    Anyway...I'm really looking forward to some nice tech-talk and tons of information in this great forum!
