Posts by Ludo95

    Hey, I've just played these profiles and here's my thoughts ( I used studio profiles only):
    Clean tones and low gain profiles: They sound really nice, but why did you put the gate ?
    The more "gainy" profile, the one in "extreme" mode, sounds nice as well for rock stuff! Are you gonna make some "metal" profiles as well/ a tighter and fatter profile than the one in "xtreme" mode you've already done? Maybe with the famous Petrucci settings that everybody want? ahah I'm talking about a really fat and tight rhythm tone on the IIc+ and IV modes with the Graphic EQ engaged... and maybe a Lead profile as well..! Anyway thanks for the profiles ;)

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    Hey, I've just recorded a cover of DT's new The Gift of Music solo! I used my Cort X-TH loaded with EMG 81-85 and a Mesa mark V profile.

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    Our New World's intro riff by Dream Theater...! ;)

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    A Savior in The Square intro solo!

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    Yes please! :)

    Here's my demo for these new profiles:
    I put in the comment section the relative profile name on each snap!

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    P.s.I didn't record the IIC+ DA 001 60W as it sounds way too bassy on my guitar.. does it sound like that also on your guitars?

    Anyway, here's my thoughts:
    The "IIC+ DA 002 60W" lack of balls where the IIC+ DA 003 60W have too much, the TWEAKED profiles sounds too much bassy on my guitar too ( Mahogany body, neck-trough, and EMG 81 ( bridge) - 85(neck) ) and the non-tweaked are too much sparkly, so in the last snap I tweaked the JP Simul class profile taking out a tiny bit of mids, treble and presence ( Bass 0.0 Middle -0.3 Treble -0.1 Presence -0.6)!
    Besides that, I think that they sound really nice, cannot wait to have more! ;)

    Whoa, I wanted to learn Anastasia by Slash's intro and this profiles are exactly what I needed!
    I've just learnt and recorded the intro and here's the result.. thanks for the profiles man! ;)

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    Nice profiles Jevo! Here's a raw demo I recorded using the HiGain2- profile with the default Engl cab... sounds massive!

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    Hey, I just got my kemper and I'm enjoying it so far.
    I connected it to my Roland Quad Capture UA-55 audio interface through the s/pdif connection but I have some doubts about reamping.

    1)On the "Output" settings, what should I choose to get one input for the guitar tone processed and one for the DI? there are some options like git/left stereo, git/mod left etc... and I can't figure out what's the ""right"" option I need to check.

    2)When I have the DI track into my daw ( I use Reaper), how can I send the signal back to the kemper to reamp it? I know that I need to select "spdif in" instead of "Direct In" in the Input settings, but if I play the DI track on Reaper with the monitoring ON, I don't get the reamped tone.
    P.s. I connected one coaxial cable from the Kemper output to the Roland input and one from the Roland output to the Kemper input.

    3) I noticed that the Kemper doesn't record stereo effects like delay and reverb even if they're checked; If I connect the headphones straight into the kemper I can hear them though.
    Where's the issue?

    Thanks a lot in advance !