Posts by you-s4-it

    Are you sure you want a battery backup? Here's a quick primer on voltage regulators/UPS:…nces-explained/
    For the most part, I'm hoping the power stays on and I'm more concerned about spikes/drops during the show - which is definitely more problematic; or the voltage is constantly high or low. Can you get that "brown sound" by running the Kemper at low voltage? ;)

    A power conditioner is probably what you need.I've got a few Furman power regulators to keep things consistent.

    As far as wattage requirements, I see the Toaster specs with power amp requires a 10A fuse so for 120V, that's 1200W. The non powered version has a 0.5A fuse so it's practically nothing, 60 Watts.

    Any official EE's out there? I'm just dangerous with a soldering iron, a multi-meter and wikipedia.

    Hi all,
    just wanted to post a quick, abet crappy resolution, pics of my newly anointed "Xi-Trix Stereo Power Engine". It's a XiTone FRFR Cab with Matrix GT1000fx stereo amp on top. I would have purchased a passive cab and a Power Rack but the power rack isn't stereo so I went this route. This gives me both options. This 1 x 12 cab allows me to basically take all my modelers along [including my old Ultra and PodXT as a backup if needed.]. My rolling Kemper rack fits perfectly on top.

    Mick was awesome to work and very communicative. He relocated both the -3db pad and FRFR disable switches to the right side front so it's easy to access. Still giving it the once over from a sound perspective and the speaker needs to loosen up a bit but for those who really want that guitar cab versus "speaker" feel, this is it. It moves air well and definitely feels more guitar cab-like than a PA. Kudos also to the folks at Matrix for allowing me to swap to the quieter 2U unit.
    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:]

    Really happy with the final result and can't wait to bring it to my next live gig.

    how do dava compare to v-picks for grip? and in general for that matter.

    I have tried both and been a long time V-pick user. To me the grip on the v-pick is superior compared to the Dava. Just stays in my hand better, especially when I sweat. I have tried and used all 3 versions of the Dava- the Delrin, Gel and Rock Control. (The Rock Control ones don't have that rubbery texture but more hard plastic feel so that's even less grippy).

    The Davas are nice but I never felt the need for the "gauge on the fly" aspect based upon how high up you grip the dava pick. I'm not sure how many of you are grip shifting during a particular song but if I know it's all strumming, I just grab a thinner pick. For fast lead work, a thicker pick. I don't change picks mid-song (Not famous/rich enough to throw picks in to the crowd while shouting, "Thank you Cleveland!" and grabbing another off the mic stand.)

    V-picks cost more but I use the equal 3-sided Pearly Gates version so one pick = 3 picks! And they're string slippery like the dava gels.

    Sweetwater just sent me an email saying they got in a delivery of CPS Spacestations if anyone wants to dive in the pseudo stereo pool. I've gone Xi-tone so for now, I'm just going to be a life guard.

    Scott on the other forum had a really good write up/evalution of it. The gist I took away is that if you're not really using a huge amount of stereo programming, the "standard mono amp" guitar sounds don't benefit that much. That being said, the extreme ping pong echo doesn't work that great either. Everything's just "bigger". YMMV.

    Exactly, check USB cable. I had connection between Windows 7 and Kemper but the cable was faulty and Rig Manager was not working!

    And Hello :)

    Thanks for the welcome (everyone!)

    The cables were all fine. What I did not realize is that on the Kemper Rack, the USB port on the front is only for USB drives. I was trying to plug a USB A-USB A cable from my Mac to that front port and getting no connectivity.
    The rig manager program only works using the smaller USB B port on the back. Once I realized there was (!) a rear USB port, everything worked fine using a USB A-USB B cable.

    The worst part of all this of course is, RIG-a-MORE-tis is setting in - BADLY! I keep buying MORE and MORE RIGS! :thumbup:

    I have an S2 Singlecut semi hollow and it's my main go to because of that versatility - single coil split to humbuckers (check the siggy pic!). It's not a 1 sound guitar. I have changed pickups in just about every guitar I've ever had but this one I actually kept stock.

    My other PRS SC Trem has 59/09 swap - very vintage and some Bare Knuckles Nailbombs in my RG7620. Runs the spectrum for what I need.

    As always, what type of music do you play determines the feedback and recommendations you'll get.

    Hi Russ
    Check my intro thread as some of the other "dual" FAS/Kemper peeps who have replied. I am more than happy with the switch and the Kemper feels more ampy than the AxeFx.

    Kemper = turning knobs to get amp tones,
    AxeFx =programming menus to generate sounds
    Ultimately the Kemper does what you basically want to do - profile YOUR setup.
    With software version 3, it's YOUR amp,YOUR cab.. (and now, you can put YOUR amp with a different cab!)
    This intro thread is about YOU, right? :D

    The only caveate, is you need YOUR FRFR speakers if you want to faithfully reproduce it - assuming you don't want to bring/run your half stack.

    The real solution to your quest for linearity would be to buy a real system that gets as close to linearity as your money can buy.
    ATM, the best option in terms of P/Q would be an active AA CLR.

    Thanks! I realize it's best to get a cab designed to be a FRFR from the get go but if you don't have one (or in my case, sometimes I can't bring it), would be nice to use whatever was available at the venue and flat line - as best as possible. For example, running the Kemper with the cab sims ON to the FOH, some sound guys bump the bass up too much, Having this option could at least ensure I get even (consistent) tone wherever I go, built right into the Kemper, regardless how good/bad the FOH sound guy is. Again, not doubting the limitations of getting a complete flat response but certainly something usable and pleasant. Like tylerhb mentioned/implied, "quite good" sound.

    I guess I could just go out and buy a DEQ2496 but I need to buy some more commercial profiles!!! <3


    Newbie question/ feature request

    Could the Profiler generate pink noise such that if I hooked up a reference mic to it, I could do "pseudo real time" EQ analysis - either on my PA and/or cabinets and generate some sort of frequency curve/profile for my speaker setup? [I assume it would be a generated file that I then would need to use some sort of IR software to visualize).

    Knowing that profile, could I then 'insert" a 31 band EQ, to conceivably get the system to produce a flat response (within the frequency range it can handle of course).
    I see something like the Behringer DEC2496 that analyzes and then can automatically correct the highs/lows for a completely flat response. I sense the Profiler has more or less most aspects of what the DEC2496 can do (mic input, noise/tone generator and "analyzer").

    Or better yet, have the Kemper analyze and generate a flat response IR from the analysis automatically.

    Theoretically then, everyone could have their own personal flat response system (again, not necessarily full range).
    Or am I too simplistic in my view? ?(


    Greetings. Glad you're up and start hoarding profiles :D


    Seriously, how long did it take most folks to "audition" all the rigs?! Holy smokes! Have to sorta pick your flavor and go from there.
    I feel like a wine taster, after sampling about 50-60 Marshall rigs, they all start 'tasting' the same. I guess I need to cleanse my pallet with some Fender chimey goodness.


    Erase the drive completely on you Mac and when you insert the flash drive into the Kemper, you "should" see a new tab show up on your display screen. The third white button from the left [above your display] lights up under "EXTERNAL DRIVE" tab. Press the white button and the option on the far right should give you a format drive option. Put the kaos file into the proper folder and eject properly.

    I assume if you can't get the Kemper to see the drive at all after that or even to register on the display, I would try another drive.


    I had the same problem originally (on Mac) the first time I tried to update. Format the drive on the Kemper, pop it in to the Mac, transfer the file (again) and EJECT DRIVE from the menu option. Do not drag to trash or pull the USB out directly.
    That seemed to do the trick for me and it recognized the flash drive when I did that.

    Otherwise, try another drive. GL!