Posts by Donatello

    Now i have restart the computer and changed the usb-port. Now I get this message in RM:
    A communication issue has occurred
    The USB connection in between your PROFILER and your computer is not stable. This might result is damaged or lost data.
    Pleas contact customer support.
    (I have already contacted the support by e-mail as suggested, but got no answer in a couple of days so far.)

    Hi, So I got me my second Kemper this time the Stage model.

    I've played for a couple of hours and done some profiling of my amps.

    But now I tried to connect it to Rig Manager, but the stage can't be found at all?

    Any suggestions?
    (can I upload my bought profiles from my computer to the stage with a USB-stick or something like that?)

    The cable seems to be fine since i can use it with my Torpedo Live without any problems. I also used it before with my Kemper Toaster head.

    I have also now checked if I can see the profiler under Mac OS USB units. And I can see it there.

    So I finally sold my Kemper Head. I´ve had it for years and almost never used it. I just chased profiles that I was hoping to like and never played the guitar. I actually find 99% of all profiles sound bad. Sterile and harsh and not tube-sounding. I did find some of Michael Britts profile usable and really good sounding, but still not "my personal taste". And two hours before I sold it i acually got a really good highgain sound with a Orange MBritt profile (that isnt really a highgain shred profile by any means, and Im not in to Orange soundwise, but I tweaked it to sound natural and good). I always felt that I could get a better and realistic sound with more precense in the tone and natural tube sound with my other real equipment with my Torpedo Live. So I mainly use my 4 channel (clean, crude, crunch, lead) Tommy Folkesson modded JCM800 mkIV which has the best higain lead sound on the planet. (Yes I have tried a lot of amps in my 35 years of playing). I can get close to what I hear from my Greenback speaker when I use it trough my Torpedo Live to my RCF ART310 (most of the speaker emulations doesnt sound good on Torpedo either, but say 3 of 100 sounds natural and good. I acually find one stock that I use and sounds better than all the IR´s ive tried so far.) I also use my Marshall JMP-1 also modded by Tommy Folkesson (now it has real tubedistortion) that has good cleans! and very fluid leads.

    Soo, I sold the Kemper, it was to much money to just stand there was my opinion.

    But it has got 2 weeks now, and for some reason there is a hunger to buy a Kemper again. The Stage model this time. It cant be simplier to carry to a gig than that.
    I own 6 butique-amps (modified) that doesnt exist in the profile word to download or buy. So I have to profile them by myself. Here was and still is the problem, I´ve tried to do that but the result was really bad. It sound as crappy as a lot of the already excisting profiles out there, and nothing like the sound that I hear thru my real cabs. BUT when I use the amps with my Torpedo, I can get pretty close to the real thing. So my question is can I profile my amps throu the Torpedo Live? And how to do that? So I can get rid of miking and all the bad results I get with that teqnique?

    Maby I can get good enough result with this method? I realize that I can´t get as good result as a real amp because when we profile we just profile that perticular moment the amp is in those seconds. But soundquality it should be able to do a least 90-95% or the tone.

    Kindly Regards

    / Daniel

    Hi Kemper-brothers!
    Please continue reading please...

    I have bought hundreds of profiles, and tried a lot in the rig exchange, but seldom found anything that sounded good OR sounded good but in my hands didn´t sound or feel like the audio samples. They are often too stiff and sterile for my liking (I am looking for tones to use live). So I finally took some time and profiled one of my amps that I use live. Just to see how the result would turn out.

    The thing is that I have some modded amps in my collection that sounds really really good, and some of them are one of a kind, and can't be bought or reproduced. And I am thinking about getting in the profiling business and make profiles of them to hopefully sell. So I am giving away this first test so that you guys can try it and give me some feedback. And then can I evalutate the feedback and see if I should make the effort to make profiles of the amps that I got, or do something else with my life ;)

    The profile is a quick test-profile of a modded Fender Blues Deluxe in Highgain with Vintage 30! In the "stomp/effect section" I also added some reverb and delay, as well as a compressor and a od for extra saturation if you shredders wants it (by default they are bypassed).

    Hope you like it, and please give me some feedback, good or bad.

    Link to the profile: Fener Blues Deluxe - Highgain

    Edit: updated broken link.