Posts by esizer

    Well done and great tones!

    Nice 1st clip :)

    Very nice!

    Good job!! :thumbup:

    Well done!

    Thanks all!

    What bass, what guitar, what profiles, please ?

    The bass was a Fender Jazz 5 string and the guitar was Gibson Les Paul. The bass profile used was a GK profile off of the rig exchange called "Gallien-Krueger 150C" and the guitar profiles were mainly "PRS Archon Z2M" with some "ReBorn Recto Orange" mixed in

    Well after getting familiar with the Kemper for a few days, I dove in and made my first clip. Both the guitar and bass were recorded via the Kemper. :thumbup:

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    Hello all. Long time guitar forum guy...first time Kemper guy :D

    I just got my Kemper in last night and got it all hooked up...although I am currently underwhelmed with the tones I'm getting. I know it is likely user error but all the profiles I've tried (stock, premium paid, sent by friends) all have that "digital" sound and feel to them. I am currently running though a Scarlett 8i6 interface into Mackie MR5 monitors. I've tried both the anolog and S/PDIF connections to no avail. However, I'm looking forward to learning the ins and outs of the Kemper because I've heard how great they can sound!