Posts by w1awb

    I finally pulled the trigger on the Kemper which should arrive Friday! I'm psyched but I'm struggling with how to make a good digital connection. Do I have to get an AES/EBU to SPIDF converter box for a proper connection? I've Googled this to death but I really haven't found a definitive answer. How are most people doing it? To be clear, the UFX doesn't have a coaxial RCA connection. It has XLR connections for SPIDF ins and outs.

    Andy B

    I am pulling the trigger on a non powered Kemper the beginning of March and you guys are not making the decision of WHICH Kemper to get easy. I have a great little Swart AST I gig with so I'm all set there. My Kemper is going to sit in my studio for film work and other stuff and for the foreseeable future, not budge.

    It seemed the obvious choice to get the rack version before I read this thread. what? I LIKE the idea of the LEDs and immediately visible levels. Don't use a lot of modulation pedals so the lack of knobs there on the rack doesn't bother me. Love the way the rack LOOKS but that should not be my defining consideration. Decisions decisions....

    Andy B