Posts by w1awb

    I just got my AES to coax SPDIF cables today for my RME UFX/Kemper connection and am hooked into Cubase digitaly for the first time. Wow. Big difference and huge flexibility added. I have output set to git/ mod mono (also tried git/stack...not sure what the difference is). Here's my question:

    Master volume doesn't seem to do anything anymore and my signal seems a little hot in Cubase. (not quite clipping but a tad hotter than I usually run) Which is the global volume control now? I've read the manual but I'm not seeing as much info on SPDIF and was wondering if anybody has any tips on how best to do this. Thanks!

    Andy B

    You guys have been a huge help...really...big thanks to all.

    I think one of the great advantages of the Kemper over software sims is the high quality of the clean sounds. I downloaded Soundsides Vibrolux this morning actually sounds like a Fender. Those great burnished yet not harsh highs. Gorgeous. And their 57 could eat that tone with a spoon.

    The tips on amp compression and booster settings have been invaluable. I'm now starting to be able to dial in the sounds I hear in my head.

    Personal faves on the clean front so far:

    Soundside's 57 Deluxe

    Amp Factory's Evil Robot Clean
    A-D/13 Bee-
    Match AV30 cleans

    Top Jimi Harvard
    AC 30

    M. Britt's Dumble cleans and mild OD

    A/M 67 Bassman

    On looking back on this little adventure I realize I could have had more or less what I was looking for at the start if I had had the faintest clue how to dial in the Kemper. Thankfully..The Kemper Forum is absolutely great for that kind of info! Thanks to all of you!

    Andy B

    Thanks Sam. Couldn't find it at first. It's not on the Pure Boost but on the Lead Booster. This is very cool.

    Ducking is a parameter in the Pure Boost stomp. It "ducks" the effect, ie. turns it down in relation to the dry signal, making the effect audible only when the dry signal fades out to a more or lesser degree, depending on the Ducking value.


    I definitely want to try this. Newbie question: where is ducking found? And what exactly does it do? Thanks for the tip.

    like Ingolf said, I also recommend the AMP section compressor for less obvious compression.

    alternatively, you could try the Pure Boost.
    add a few dBs and dial in the ducking. now when the notes start to fade out, the boost will come in slowly and compensate.

    Thanks! The Bassman sounds intriguing..heard the sample on your site. Very cool! Would love to try it out.

    Andy B


    I'm finishing up a fender pack to hopefully release next week. I'd be happy to let you try out one of the clean bassmans, or bandmaster if you'd like. There's also a clean music man profile that sounds nice and full to my ears as well. The pack will be available sometime next week at the latest.

    I'll try it! Thanks for the tip, Ingolf.

    Telelogic... got the Dpack which, indeed has some cool sounds and I'll have to go back over it but in general Michael's profiles are a little dark for me. His mildest Dumble ODS profile is to die for, however. Really killer profile that I've used a lot.

    Take a profile with the desired cleanness and dial in the amp compressor to about 3-4.

    I'm pretty new to the Kemper (a week+) and really enjoying using it in my studio but I've got a question. I wonder if there are any favorite clean profiles for leads I'm missing?

    I tend to punctuate my playing with chords and intervals when soloing and I don't like much grit or hair on my sound because it makes the chords sound muddy. I use a Swart AST on my blues gigs and it works perfectly for me on blues and old Blue Note style jazz. I have profiled it and it sounds pretty cool but I was wondering if people have favorites I'm missing.

    Right now I have some clean Matchless profiles from The Amp Factory I love and the 59 Twin and Harvard Fender from Top Jimi that are great for blues and a couple KT 45 profiles I got off the exchange that are quite nice.

    I'm looking for profiles clean enough for complex chords yet warm with a little sustain. There are lots of squeeky clean high endy profiles around that are good for some things but warm and sustainy (yet still pretty clean) seems a tougher bill to fill. What are you guys using?

    Andy B

    Ah! This explains it. My Kemper is set up in my studio and I've been using Rig Manager extensively. Thanks for the help guys...very useful info.

    I've had the Kemper for just a week now and haven't scratched the surface. What an incredible piece of equipment!

    Andy B

    [quote][Its possibly because you are "previewing" the profile from RigManager.. this rig is actually not on your profiler.IF the RIg is on the profiler then you get the option to "replace"

    Another stupid newbie question but this is driving me nuts and I can't seem to find any comprehensive info on storing rigs.

    When I load a rig...for instance the Top Jimi Harvard which I like but comes with the reverb on. I turn reverb off, tweak a couple other things and push store and the only option that comes up is "save as". I don't want save as. I want "save" to change the profile without changing the name or saving an extra copy of the profile. Why don't I get this option? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck. I've exited, turned stack off and on etc. no luck. What do I need to do? Thanks.

    Andy B

    I swear by the AKG 702s. (701s too) They can be found for around $200 if you look hard and are worth every penny. Super comfortable and great sound with no hyping of the bass or mids. I realize they are in a different price category but I used the 280s and the $100 Sonys (can't remember the model number) for years. The best money I've spent in a long time for these AKGs.

    Andy B

    Yeah, I know. I've read that sentence numerous times. But soft knob 4 makes no difference whatsoever in the volume. That's what I'm saying. it shows various levels of cut and boost but the ACTUAL volume I'm hearing out of the reference amp is the same. The levels I'm setting my amps to are like 3 or 4. They are 15 and 20 watt amps. That's why I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong.

    Just got my Kemper head on Saturday and have just done my first profiles.

    I had pretty good luck with my old 57 Gibson GA 6 but I'm having problems getting good profiles with my Swart AST. A couple questions.

    What do most people set the return volume to when profiling? Nothing I do seems to make any difference before profiling. I can turn the return volume all the way down and my amp is still blasting. It's only after profiling that I see the difference so it's totally guess work. What am I doing wrong? I've been setting the return volume to around -6 db.

    Also the volume of the space noises when profiling is INCREDIBLY loud. Is it supposed to be that way? I'm afraid I'm going to fry a speaker. Especially with the thudding bass noises at the end. I'm missing something, right?

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

    Andy B