Posts by GeoMax

    Still looking? I have one I bought new that I have only used in my studio a few times. I have not even taken the protective film off the screen basically new. I am thinking about selling it since I dont really need it for how I use my Kemper.

    My first shared profile. I really like using my Avalon 737sp with my acoustic guitar, (but dont like dragging it around) so I thought I would try profiling it with my Kemper. This is shortly after a new set of tubes, so clean and quiet.
    Dialed in with a Martin Grand Jumbo J35e acoustic.

    I bought this new about a year ago for use with my Kemper Profiling Amp. Not playing live anymore, and just don't have a need to keep this in my studio. If you are looking for one of these, it won't get much cleaner that this one...short of buying a new one. Seems new ones are out-of-stock. I am also including the custom cover I ordered for it.
    Anyway, here is a link to my eBay listing. Thanks for looking!

    I may be swimming in deep waters, but I am trying to learn how to use SYSEX messages on my Kemper with my LF+

    I want to be able to press a button on my LF+, and have it grab the current value of the parameter requested.

    For example: Let's say I want the current GAIN value.
    If I send the following SYSEX command, I believe it will return the data.

    Request Single Parameter Function Code is $41
    Amplifier Address page 10

    f0 00 20 33 02 7f 41 00 0A 04 f7

    Assuming that is correct, how to I do anything with the returned value? My mind is thinking i need to store this in a variable somehow so I can reuse that value later.

    For Example: Suppose I desire to grab the GAIN setting on the button on command, then I bump up the gain with a another button say to 50%. Then i want to return it to where it was. My thinking is that the button off command could send the stored initial Gain setting back out to the kemper.

    It would not matter what the parameter I was trying to capture, the basic question is:

    How do I store a returned SYSEX requested parameter value?


    Thanks, that helped me. I didnt have auto calibrate enabled.

    It looks like it also revealed a problem with Exp jack 2 on my LF. Once i set the autocalibrate, it started crashing and locking up the Kemper. I did recall an anomaly when i was calibrating that Pedal. When I would get to the low range off position it didnt sit on 1. It would bounce around 7-12. Not sure why that would crash the Kemper, but I could recreate it repeatedly. Bummer.

    As soon as I moved it to exp 3 jack and set that one up, it all worked.

    Thanks again...

    I am struggling here to understand why this is not working for me. I want to use expression pedals plugged into LF to control Volume and Wah on the kemper. So far, it is not working.

    Kemper is running on Firmware (also tried the 3.1.0 beta)
    LF+ PRO+ is running v4.2

    On the LF, I have tested the calibration to and the pedals and range is 1-409, so both working on the LF connection.
    I have them setup to type:Continuous and Channel:KEMPER. CC7 for Volume and CC1 for WAH.

    On the Kemper, here is what the settings are.
    1:<unplugged> Volume Expression Type 1 Pedal 1
    2:<unplugged> Wah Wah Expression Type 1 Pedal 2

    All the other LF+ buttons work fine with controlling presets, stomps, effects, etc on my Kemper. But the expression pedals wont work through the LF. If I plug them into the Kemper directly, then they work fine.

    Please help...Thanks!

    Thanks again, merman9393 for your thoughts. I am looking at the LF+ Pro too. I want a controller there I can have the 4 stomps and 4 effects always available without layering, as well as, the tuner and Tap Delay. I have little interest in looping. I also want to be able to control other Midi devices. Sometimes I play a Godin Midi guitar, and would love to be able to manage that with the same controller. So, maybe i will just get the KPR Remote and one of the higher end devices and use the one that is best for the application I am presented with. It seems you have done that as well, and are not able to live with just the KPR Remote in your rig. So, maybe it's not an either/or so much as a both/and.

    Thank Merman9393. So, it is just faster rig changes? Not something the KPR remote has that the Liquid Foot doesnt?
    I actually have my eye more on the RJM Mastermind 16 or 22. I control a vocal processor via midi as well, so I would rather not have two controllers. If there is some good reason, other than price, then I would get the KPR Remote. If not, I am inclined to get something more universal...even if it costs a lot more. I really want to have the best, most versatile tool for the job.

    I am still trying to understand if the Kemper Remote is better than the LF+ or Mastermind GT. Forget price for the moment. It seems the LCD for each button with text on it and just more buttons for control would make the Kemper remote less attractive.

    Is it effect tails that make it desired? I just have an FC-300 right now, and I dont really like it at all with my Kemper. So, if price doesnt matter to me, and I dont mind programming my midi stuff, to the extend i need to. What other reasons would you guys steer me toward the KPR Remote? A phantom power box with just two midi cables going from my rack to the foot controller, seems not to be an issue to justify to me either.

    I was pleasantly surprised by a mistake I make in my comparison. The CLR came with the SUB switch set to ON. Whoops! As soon as I flipped it off, the low ended became much richer on the CLR, but still not muddy like I felt the Bose Compact tended to sound. I still believe that they both sound plenty good enough.

    One of the things I have not liked about using the BOSE L1 Model II in some venues, is that I tend to get stuck playing from a corner. When I put the bose behind me (by design) so I have monitoring and FOH through it, it tends to make the 180 degree dispersion become a liability due to reflections off side walls.

    I had a few additional thoughts:
    Some of what could be a contributing factor is the freq response and the dispersion - mixed in with the room i tested them in.
    That could explain the perception of mushy bass and dull top of the Bose. The room could also be playing in on that. So, I just want to say again that I liked what I heard on the Atomic over the Bose that specific setting. A better test would probably be in a larger space, where I could crank them up and see what I think of it then.

    The Bose L1 Compact is 65 Hz - 14 kHz +/- 3.0 dB Dispersion=180° H x 40° V
    The Atomic CLR Neo is 70Hz-18kHz, +/- 2.5 dB Dispersion=90 degrees H x 90 degrees V, average from 650Hz and up

    Another thing I like about the CLR is switchable 120-Hz highpass filter for use with a subwoofer or for removal of unwanted low frequencies. This will be very useful if I decide to use a pair for FOH PA speakers. I can add a Sub. It would be nice if it were variable. I like to crossover about 90-100Hz if using a subwoofer.

    Is anyone here using a Sub with the CLR? Perhaps I should start a new thread with that question.
    In theory, I could use my Bose B1 sub(s) with a CLR pair as FOH by just adding in the Bose Packlite amp to my setup. I could get around the crossover point by simply using a crossover I already have. I use to do that with my big Mackie rig...hmmm

    Okay...I got my CLR NEO. First impressions...super light! Looks nice! Easy to handle.
    Sound is what I did.

    I loaded up the Gundy Gilmourish factory rig with my Kemper in Mono Mode. I left all the output eq settings at the defualt flat position, so in other words, i made no changes to the preset. I hooked up My Bose Compact in the smallest configuration...meaning not tower at all, just the center speaker in the base cabinet.

    I set the Atomic CLR Neo in BL mode with the switch on the back. I set them next to each other, about 3 ft apart and plugged them into the TRS outputs on the kemper.

    To my ears, the Atomic CLR Neo was much cleaner and flat response, it sounded brighter on the top end. The bose had a hyped and mushy sound on the low end, and not as clear on the upper freq range.

    Based just on this little comparison, the Atomic CLR Neo was far better sounding to my ears, in my studio. I didnt compare to my Bose L1 Model II yet, because that is not how I want to use the Kemper. The test was for first impression: Do I want to take my Bose Compact or Atomic CLR Neo? CLR for sure! Could I EQ the main output to sweeten up the Bose, sure. But the test was just vanilla...straight up...side by side.

    I will probably order another, maybe two more. I would consider doing what MikeClemens did and use two for the mains FOH, and just add one as a floor wedge for my monitor mix when not using in ears. Alternatively, i might use my Bose Compact as a monitor just to make use of the gear I already have.

    At the end of the day, i think the Bose Compact, with a bit of EQ is a viable option. Since I now have both, the Atomic CLR Neo is my preferred choice, based on first impression. But, that impression was strong enough that I dont see anything making me change my opinion for my playing style.

    Okay, perhaps I was typing a bit too much stream of consciousness and sharing my perception of the end-user perspective. But, since you seemed annoyed in your response, lets just clarify.

    • If one clicks on the USA store.
    • Fills in the fields correctly
    • Creates a customer account specifying USA address
    • It seems those types of parameters should be integrated in the programming logic for the webform to not produce the present result.

    I get it...there are backend issues. You are implying, in your response, that I the end user did something incorrectly - i did not.
    The part of my comments you didnt quote were me expressing my appreciation for Kemper. Seems I failed and struck a nerve. Sorry!
    I will ignore the thread and simply go back to making music.
    Enough said...

    I was able to checkout with paypal, but the webform address fields are all hosed up. I think it was causing the address to pass to my credit card and comeback invalid. I sent a ticket to support. they told me my address will be fixed when it ships. I sent 20 years in IT. Fixing a webform should be a pretty easy task. Actually, kinda strange something like that ever made it out on the live system. But, I have grown with many companies. It just seems like growing pains. I am patient. I dont care when my remote arrives. I am just grateful that Kemper developed one. Else, i would be stuck with FC-300. That works, but not as slick as the Kemper Remote appears to be.

    I would echo that people need to just mellow out and be grateful we have this awesome product on its way at all. Cut them some slack! They could have just kept it all quiet until the warehouse was full of product. I kinda think the flood of interest was maybe unexpected.

    Anyway, thanks for asking - G Sting. BTW - nice handle name. hehe. Reminds of of music theory/listening class in college when we listened to Bach's Air on the G-String. I think i lusted for the hot girl in front of me through the whole thing. ROFL!