Posts by Carp

    I'm admittedly on the skeptical side with a lot of the tone debates, but I think that even if you accept the importance of "tone woods" in the guitar body I find it hard to believe that a fretboard is going to make any noticeable difference. I own guitars with maple, rosewood and ebony fretboards and I love the ebony, but it's more about the the look and feel than the sound.

    Just out of curiosity, have you spent any time with the Kemper effects? I have an M13 that I've used with "real amps" for years and I've never felt the need to use it with the Kemper. If there's nothing specific missing, it might be a lot easier to use the HD500 as a midi controller with KPA effects.

    I use this by Proel.

    It's sturdy, stable, and allows me to place the unit at the height I want.
    Also, on some stages the possibility to place the Profiler in a different location than the monitor's one can be a plus.

    Do you have a model number or anything for that?

    It kind of depends on what you're playing, too. Single-note stuff works better than chords, the more complex the chord the more dissonant it gets, etc. And the imperfections get more pronounced the further you're transposing.

    I typically use transpose for rehearsal but bring another guitar for gigging.

    All you have to do is select one of the Performance categories (Local Library, My Profiler, etc.) and either right-click in the main window and select "Create New Performance" or press Ctrl+Shift+N.

    Then, once the performance is created you can rename it and add rigs. To add rigs, I usually copy one (Ctrl+C) and then select the performance slot and paste it(Ctrl+V).

    My advice after (the already covered) clean sense and Pure Cab tweaks would be to jam along to some really good quality youtube or whatever backing tracks.

    This is great advice. A lot of the good, commercial profilers have recording experience and know what sounds good in a mix. There have been several profiles that were disappointing when I first tried them out but sounded amazing with the band.

    My personal philosophy is that I want to hear exactly what the audience hears. Out of the box, the "best" sounds I was getting from my KPA were running it through the effects loop of my tube amp. But, I forced myself to commit to FRFR and haven't looked back since. This way, whether I'm practicing in the basement, rehearsing with the band, or performing, I'm crafting my sounds based on what the audience will be hearing. This is especially important in a cover band situation where I'm using a wide variety of profiles during a set.

    A lot of guitarists can never get past the experience of standing in front of a real tube amp, and that's fine. For me, however, the FRFR paradigm shift has allowed me to get a lot more out of the Kemper experience.

    Hey Niall,

    My situation was very similar to yours--50W EVH, Line6 effects, cover bands, etc.--and I haven't regretted the Kemper purchase at all. I ended up keeping my EVH, partly because I didn't think I'd be able to sell it for much more than the difference in price between a powered and non-powered KPA. For every gig so far I've gone direct to the PA and been very happy with the results. Playing in cover bands I like to have a wide variety of tones and it's important to me to be able to leverage the Kemper's cab modelling.

    But, if I ever want to use a real guitar cab I can run the KPA into the effects loop of the EVH and it sounds awesome. If I'm already hauling a guitar cab to a gig the little 50W head isn't that big of a deal (and it looks cool).

    There's no right or wrong way to do this, I just wanted to throw out another way to go about it. Admittedly, part of it is an excuse for me not to get rid of the 5150--even though I never use it anymore. :)