Posts by akichan3

    Thank you very much for your reply!

    Also, I apologize for my poor explanation.

    When I tried to profile, there was no sound, so I gave up on the profile itself.
    Then, when I started kemper the next day, all the rigs that had been sounding fine now sounded bad.

    I tried headphones, main outs, monitor outs, all of them, and it was still no good.

    I thought it wasn't good, but when I did the first step of the profile without the cable connected to the send return, I could hear the sound even though it wasn't connected to the amp, so I thought it might be some kind of strange setting, so I asked.

    This is the first time I learned that using an attenuator is not recommended... Thanks for the valuable info!

    Yesterday, I was trying to profile my home amp (badcat the paw).

    I tried to connect send1→amp input→amp speaker out→power attenuator (crews GBVI)amp input→attenuator line out→return1, but I couldn't get it to work, so I gave up. Today, I started the kemper stage and connected my guitar to the input to play. It sounds like it was plugged straight from the guitar into the audio line-in.

    The input and output volume LEDs also light up green, so it's not clipping internally.

    When I plugged the guitar into the amp, the sound came out fine, so there is no problem on the guitar side or the shield side, and I checked the clean sense and distortion sense, and they are set to 0.

    What could be the cause? Could it be an internal problem?;(

    昨日、自宅のアンプ(badcat the paw)をプロファイリングしようと、

    send1→アンプinput→アンプスピーカーアウト→パワーアッテネーター(crews GBⅥ)amp input→アッテネーターのラインアウト→return1

    と繋いでみたのですが、うまくできず諦め、本日普通に使用しようとkemper stageを起動してギターをインプットに繋ぎ弾いてみたところ、本来は綺麗なクリーントーンのリグなのに、音が細い状態で歪み、減衰も早くなっていました。(ギターからオーディオのラインインに直で突っ込んだような音です。)


