Posts by Pilotltd

    Likely RFI, we have an issue at my local music venue. You can filter all you like, use filters on the power, DI the guitar, use hum eliminators - it's still there. We know it's radio borne, the guitar picks it up using the strings as an antenna and pumps it in with the signal. In our case it's an appliance that switches on and off randomly like a refrigerator, chiller or glass washer. We got a guy who is interested in Amateur Radio going to try and hunt out the culprit this week. Halogen light starters and Fluorescent starters can be a bitch for doing this, but that's easy to trace, turn the lights off, if it stops - it's one of them :)


    They say 105 working days from the day you ordered...
    I just received a notification of shipment readiness yesterday and I ordered on the 21st. Jan this year. So don't hold your breath. But it's worth the wait... :)


    Mine was ordered 21st Jan too. Got the please pay email yesterday - paid and status changed :thumbup: It was 120 days :thumbdown:

    I feel for those who have been waiting for the remote for the past 4 months. I too am an earlybird waiting for my pedal. But let's put things into perspective:

    Kemper is not a huge company. The make just a handful of products. The advantage of that is their ability to concentrate R&D of those products to make them the best that they can be. The disatvantage is that they do not have unlimited corporate resources to put towards the development and manufacture of an accessory for which they initially did not know the demand.

    Kemper has been available for over 3 years, and so they have had those 3 years to put products into our hands. It is a lot to expect them to be able to supply remotes to even 1/3 of those customers in a matter of 3 months.

    Many of us have had the Kemper before the remote was even announced. We were just fine without out. We need to keep that in perspective when waiting with anticipation for our remote.

    Some of us didn't - we purchased when the remote was announced. As for not knowing the demand, the clue was the early bird registrations, I don't for one minute believe it was a wholly altruistic move, it was a sales feeler that has failed badly by a lack of resources.

    Even though i agree with you for a lot of things, i have to disagree on this. Real Deluxe twangs even if you connect it to a guitar cab like the one you said, we tested it with IGNANTIOS. Only the character of sound just changed, which is normal. We could even make JVM 205 twang a little through it's paired cab Marshall 4x12 Mustaine with v30. We never managed to get twang on a guitar cab with Kemper, even not with Deluxe's cab/speaker. The sound that was coming out was just a generic clean sound, sparkling yes, twanging no.

    Have you played around with any of the settings in the stack section? Try pick, definition and power sagging.

    I was also an ' early bird' but got an email yesterday saying they are short on remotes. I could get a refund of my PayPal payment and they will contact me again by the end of this month. They refunded me 8 euro's shipping costs i guess as a gesture. Anybody else also got such an email?

    I wasn't an early bird, but ordered 21st Jan just after I got my Kemper. Been told they are badly back ordered and they cannot give me any date whatsoever.

    Bummer as the decision to buy the Kemper was the availability of a pedal. No mention that you would have to wait 5 or 6 months plus for one! X(

    I'm considering my options now as we have some Festival gigs from end May onwards, I've picked up an FCB1010 and an UNO for Kemper chip. If I can get it work, fine. If not it's back to valve amp with G-System and a load of work updating patches :cursing:

    My current fixation is that some high gain profiles are just a bit nasal for me....and in a band context they don't always break through in the way I want. With the Gus Drax one....having tweaked it, it was much clearer than others....not as nasal....and less fizzy than your typical Mesa Profile.

    Mesa's are nasal :)

    Before I get jumped on by the Mesa lovers, I've got two ^^

    The default Mesa eq preset "V" doesn't work for me neither in a band context. Increasing Bass & Treble and cutting Mids = lost in mix. More Mids works OK for me.

    Monitor output controls the power amp section volume and the monitor outs volume.
    Main output has its own volume settings in output.

    Unlock them (if locked) set the main output to the correct level for your console.
    Set the monitor output to the correct level for your 4x12
    Then lock them.

    Always lock them again - otherwise some profiles may mess your settings up. Make a note of your settings and always check them after a firmware update, they seem to alter them as well!

    Well, if you really want to go that route, tools to achieve what you're aiming at are already available. No need to wait for them to be implemented in the Profiler (you'd have to buy a measurement mic anyway) :)

    They are, I have a DEQ2496 and a reference mic. If your using your own PA, great for initial setup in a practice room or if you have made any equipment changes to get you ball park figures, BUT, in a live situation you don't get the time to do it and the venue wont thank you for it, especially if there are customers in the gig space! You need silence to do it properly and loud pink noise will not get you any fans.

    Tweaking frequencies to obtain a flat response often doesn't sound "right" either. It can sound too artificial and boring - flat in fact :D

    Every venue is different, and you will have to make adjustments to compensate anyway to try and get "your sound". Best test for that is go stand out front and listen.

    Tip - if your a guitarist and don't use wireless, or your cable is too short - record a loop during sound check, then walk out and listen to that in the mix.

    Ordered a week later.... No dates given, still not processed.

    By the delays looks like somebody vastly underestimated demand... :S

    From my experience there are only very few venues left where tihs procedure (playing loud/no PA reinforcement of the instruments) is desired or even accepted.
    Most venues I know, even small ones, demand you to turn down and mic your amp up for additional PA reinforcement.

    So in summary: I disagreee with you. ;)

    About 50/50 here Ingolf. Only places we get told to turn down is when you are just there as musical wallpaper. No problem, turn down go on autopilot, take the money. Better are the proper live music venues, your more likely to be told to turn up - especially the biker pubs :D