Posts by timheerebout

    Thanks! To be clear, no IR's were used in the cab clone this time - the CC has a "dry out" which is what I used. Same as aI did with the Bloomfield.
    I did refine the profile quite a bit but perhaps I simply need to do more. I've made quite a lot of profiles in the past and never had this particular issue with any of them. Anyhow, I'm going to give it another go or two today and see where I get.

    To add clarity, I think "comb filtering" is probably a better description than "out of phase". The sound is similar to times when I've tried to mic a cabinet in too small a space...

    I'm trying to capture a direct profile of my friends Matchless HC85. I'm using the same set up I used to capture my Bloomfield Drive yesterday (literally the rig hasn't moved) and yet I'm getting a very strange almost phased kind of sound out of the profile. The Bloomfield worked perfectly. I'm just wondering if there is something I might be missing that would cause this...

    The signal chain is: Profiler -> Lo Input on HC85 -> Mesa Cab Clone IR+ (coming out of the dry output) -> Kemper Return.


    Hey all,

    I have an amp here I'm sending on and thought since I recently got a Suhr RL that I'd make some direct profiles before packing it up. However, after 6 or so attempts it seems like all of them have nasty clipping elements in the profiles even after refining. I'm not showing any clipping on my Suhr RL and the input level on the Kemper should be sufficiently low enough to prevent clipping there...

    Is there something I'm missing here?

    Has anyone tried this? I'm looking for a way to make profiles silently. I'm wanting to shoot my own IR's and make profiles of different rigs and add the IR's later. I think the Waza might be a good too for this but does anyone else have reservations? I've done some listening to profiles made with the OX and they aren't quite there...would this process potentially be any better?