Posts by Redoubt9000

    Edited guitars and drums, now for the video!

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    It is time for less demand and more appreciation of what we already have.

    ...for truth.

    But as a side note, I do agree with it being nice to have a GUI editor for the kemper (for others at least) - not that I've used it enough to get sick of using its knobs... in fact it's one of the reasons why I sprung on it and stuck with it. Tbh I'm sick of messing with GUIs due in part to amp simulations. I think I can go a few years before I'm sick of the physical dials on the kemper, 7 years on vst sims is enough for me lol

    Anyways, no point in having a bug up one's ass over nothing. Although the 'rude & stupid' bit certainly was uncalled for. If one walks around expecting to be a victim... yea well... and if my stating that bothers someone or tics something to think I'ma 'jumpin' on a bandwagon. meh, shame for ya :( you'll have an infarction at this rate worrying about such things.

    This is quite the community here, I came to this here thread because the thought of a GUI for the kemper never even crossed MY mind, and Paul's link to a related thread is helpful for the sake of visiting forumites :)

    I've no recommendations, as I've never reamped anything until I got my KPA in. I believe the box just changes the impedance of your line-level signal from your interface, out to your amps instrument input (which is expecting a high impedance load), no? Afterwards, you just have a mic setup to capture w/e you're feeding into the amp.

    A decent reamp box runs several hundred USD if I remember correctly? Radials & countryman seem to be the goto gear as far as cheap/reliable go (I've seen even cheaper alternatives and DIY options). Price is a bit of a drop in the bucket against AD/DA converters, unless you've a good interface to begin with, or again as said, if you've access to equipment not of your own. Google should yield quite a bit in terms of how to reamp.

    What would have me a bit concerned is the generations of conversion you'll encounter (again if you're going to be anal about it).
    From your DAW into the kemper's own converters, I'd assume
    Digital (D), Analog (A)
    D --> A (interface out)
    A --> D (kemper's conversion running signal through your profile)
    D --> A, if you're running a line-out from the kemper
    A --> D another generation into your interface.. til you finally see the waveform in your DAW.

    That or skip the the additional stages of conversion by using spdif, but with spdif you're locked into 44.1k... I'm unsure if 88.2k is available or if it just gets downsampled regardless through the kemper.

    In typical reamping I'm guessing it's only two gen of conversion? Out then in, no?

    I'm bored -_- wait, there are only weeks left, are you on semester or quarter hours lol or prep for next term?
    Lots to think about I guess.

    Anyways, I'd imagine reamping would be a way to start, both with your profiler & the exact setup you profiled to begin with. With a prerecorded take of course :) AD/DA and reamp box will need to be of (great) quality I'd say to hold up to any kind of scrutiny, to include the most transparent preamp gain you can find. I noticed once that the profiler manages to reamp things in the exact same way everytime for me (sample points matched exactly). I figure a real setup will choose to behave differently for every time it is used to reamp the same take. High sample rate & bit depth would help in close comparisons. If you get enough data and if it's your thing, consider some statistical analysis.

    ... and since you're in that dept surely they'll allow you to use their facilities/gear for the purpose of your research, by your adviser's request :D and you can brush up on some Tinn-R if you choose to do any analysis beyond superficial/descriptive drivel.

    I've been working on this cover off & on for years, finally got off my ass a week or so ago and decided to put a rest to it :pinch: Up to this point I had only recorded up to around the 1:50 mark.

    Gah but I do love those 6505 profiles!

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    Ditto on the upload, let us hear what you're describing.

    A finished mix, even with a quick master isn't that great a thing to judge your raw, soloed guitar tone against, not without taking into context the rest of the mix/song/post (not that I've listened to MBritts demos, just in general I mean). Exception being of course, if you know what you're listening for with all that taken into account! :D

    Hah, thanks! Although I was disappointed in how I rushed it in the end... :( I'm already in the works of a new cover, one that I've been revisiting on and off for... god, years now it has been! I'm tired of it sitting in my archives pining away for me to be done with it and add it to the lineup lol

    Any 'Tactics' fans here? ;) Maybe I'll help you down memory lane, when Square was still pumping out some great titles... :D

    So attempted a cover, though it got rushed a bit towards the end
    enjoy! leave me a comment if you'd like to hear a cover for any upcoming titles :)

    Your sub means alot! it's much more fun to do these cover with an audience, lol

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    ^ Mmm Hmm :)

    There's more of a learning curve involved, aside from the kemper itself, once its introduced. At least for those having only messed with simulations in the past and no extensive experience miking up loud amps (such as myself).

    It's easier to fiddle with a simulation with onscreen dials on the fly, and force it to sound 'closer' to what you wanted, ending with an okay sound overall. Since getting the kemper though I've found I've had to change my approach on where the guitars sit, in addition to how I edit everything else (which is a good thing! I'm getting better, more cohesive sounds as a result!)

    It kinda aggravates me how I didn't just jump on this unit years ago, instead of agonizing with every other alternative at the time. What's worse is I figured it'd turn out like this... maybe I'm a masochist >_>

    EDIT: Since I can't post in the 'link your music' subforum, despite having registered my unit (just now) I'm assuming it's a moderator thing rather than automated. No matter as it's not my music anyways :P

    So I've had the kemper for a week now and have been debating on whether to return the unit to get my money back. After reamping several old projects I was finding everything to more or less sound overly dark and muffled, and the kemper'ed tracks haven't exactly 'dropped into the mix' for me. Even after efforts in remixing the entire song, it was beginning to prove aggravating for me. More aggravation than I needed tbh.

    So I decided to start out a fresh project earlier today (one not of my own songs, as I'd be far too critical on it) and basically record and mix everything from the ground up. I quickly discovered that I needed to revisit the way I go about editing every element. Also how I probably need to go back and rewrite a few things in my own work too :evil:

    I had to exercise RESTRAINT! :P In the past I would mangle and tear apart otherwise good sounding instruments, in order to mold their sound around my guitars that were previously running simulations (amp sims). I'm finding myself making more critical mix decisions, in addition to refraining from editing an item's sound too much. All-in-all I'm beginning to have an image in my head that's much more coherent in the grand scheme of things now that I'm not too caught up in fighting with the guitars' overall sound and tone.

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    Still not quite happy with the mix (and I need to go about balancing a few things (No doubt I'll mix it down even further)), but I'm getting there - perhaps I'm just fatigued so I'm gonna take a break for now. Let me know what you think of it :D Certainly not as dark as the original from the album, but overall I think it's coming together well enough.

    Even so, hearing this playback - I'm kinda itching to record its vocals too xD
    Having registered the unit, I guess it's safe to say that it's here to stay :) Especially in light of the new approach, the guitars have at most, only a few dbs of eq in some of the more troublesome frequencies TOTAL. It was more a matter of mixing the drums and bass to sit deeper into their own domain.

    Anyone else who once found themselves in a similar predicament at first?

    Same, I went powered head for the all-in-one integration (which imo justifies the extra cost + it's by kemper ;) ), and should I ever have want of plugging straight into a cab (especially in light of the incoming official 3.0 and DI profiles) I can do so without need of a rack poweramp. If you're being quoted a difference of 400-500 more for the powerhead version, I would say go for it and be done with it. A decent power solution, whether rack or retrofit, I figured would come out to around 400 or so minimum anyways, especially considering shipping costs for EU based retrofitting power options and any future problems should the units fail. The powerhead option is covered by warranty in my case so it all pretty much goes to the same place for repairs should anything occur, which kinda tweaks me A-OK! l ;)

    I've studio monitors that sorta fit the bill in terms of monitoring, FRFRs would be sorta redundant in my case. I'd much rather go for a cab to recapture the 'amp-in-the-room' sound if I'm ever feeling freaky :P Ditto on the situation of ever wanting to just hook up to a friends cab for a get-together or whatnot.

    Well I've had a few hours to noodle around on the kemper today. Could tell right away the feel and sound was overall a good improvement. Problem is, is that I've spent so long mixing guitars utilizing amp sims, that I'm probably going to have to relearn the process altogether! But so far, I've gotten spdif sorted out, and have ran through the reamp process with no trouble.

    Which I don't mind, some of these tones just sit so well in the mix that I can finally relax and not spends hours fighting with my guitar tones and overdoing it during post - I'm particularly in love with the majority of SinMix's profiles, especially the 6505 profiles! ^^

    I happened to make another discovery today also. It turns out I'm a fairly tight player! All these years dicking around with simulations and the inherit latency involved, I ended up frustrated all the time with the tracking process and spent the majority of my time NOT mixing or playing, but editing screwed up takes on account of the tracking just being 'off' in terms of feel and response (I neglected to adjust latency/buffer settings too for the most part, which I spose is a bit of a no-no).

    Better yet... I'm actually having FUN playing, something I haven't felt in the longest. I hope this honeymoon doesn't end, but if it does - at least I know I've got a competent piece of gear available on tap!

    Wanted to say thanks to you all for chiming in whenever I had a question. I think this unit is here to stay, course being the pessimist I am, I'll give it another week or so to demo. I doubt I'll return it. I'm better off not reamping any of my work for now, and instead just rerecord all of my tracks, come into it revitalized with the synergy that has evolved here, fullbore! :D

    This is awesome, within 5 minutes I got all of my routing done with spdif, clock synced, my reaper/kemper template workin like a charm...

    The interface is quite intuitive once you start realizing how well laid out everything is! I'm always used to having to expect the worse when it comes to navigating menus, but not so in this case! ^^

    I'll post back with the steps I took just for future reference, seeing as how my thread title may pop a few hits in someone's search terms. From the 2.3 fw loaded on here, some of the sounds made my old strat with months old strings sound like it had new life X_X

    Can't wait to run my bass and other guitar through it :) First though, a little reamping ^^