Posts by Redoubt9000

    Could you voice your thoughts concerning low-end response? My experience with subs is limited, but my main concern is whether two 8" subs would perform better than the single 12" sub, in terms of speed and dynamics? I assume, perhaps the 12" sub may reach lower frequencies more easily, or attain higher spl, but these two items are not something I need necessarily.

    I believe, for the form factor and application in mind, I think I've a better idea of what I'm gonna try out first at least!

    mmmm This is making me reconsider a line array PA setup! I've recently been looking into that newest batch of Turbosound loudspeakers. Your comparison of the DXR10 & Bose L1 makes me reconsider a bit.

    But I've also heard from DJs, and this may just be conjecture mind you, that one could invest in a higher grade of 8" sub, and still get comparable, if not better reproduction of LFE in the form of more affordable brand of 10", 12", 15" iterations. It's just a matter of form factor having better performance I think I'm saying? That's only one point being made when discussing subs at least. Doesn't make the case that the higher quality 8" is incapable of quality sound, but perhaps is comparable to... buying a porsche with the expectation of pulling a trailer. That actually is probably a bad side-case/example, as in our case, either speaker is built for the same utility.

    But aren't line-array setups proposed for their ability to project sound in a better perceivable spread so that it may remain audible to an audience? To also include options that assist the performer regarding feedback issues (not an issue perhaps, in the case of a kemper, but with mics I suppose).

    I'm questioning you, simply because I've been considering a line-array setup for the purpose of casual listening and the bonus of running my kemper through it. That and the formfactor of the usual PA system has always been offputting. But the pricing I'm looking at is around the same, and I may very well go for something such as the DXR10! Just not entirely certain at the moment now : /

    Not the point of your thread maybe, but still I ask! xD

    Yeah the TS line does seem to be garnering quite the rave reviews from users that pre-ordered the units, over at sweetwater at least. So far, it's becoming fairly tempting to go for it. I just wish there was someplace a bit more local to demo these for a short while. I'm not particularly enthusiastic about exclusive iOS remote capability, but I could live with it until they decide to support an android app. Then again, I wonder if it's receptive to any bluetooth in any case. Bluetooth streaming is something I'm unfamiliar with, but I'm guessing it may very well just scan & pair, and the iOS app is more just for control. I may be mistaken though, and it simply only streams audio over bluetooth.

    It's either this, or new monitors. Been wanting a pair of avatones anyways. I don't have a system for enjoying music on, which makes the pa all the more appealing in any case. Would help having the sub to check my mixes on too, since my car stereo is pretty shiiite lol

    I remember hopping into a rental with a few mixes on hand, popped the cd in, and constant sub tones throughout, bleghh...

    Considering it, especially given the financing offers this month from sweetwater. They apparently were acquired by Music Group (behringer, bugera, midas for your reference.), and from the reviews so far, although not as good as the Bose series of line-arrays, they still sound pretty good. I know it's piqued my interest, for practice and casual listening etc. Playing guitar on studio monitors & headphones all the time when at home, just isn't very fun if you ask me :P hahah

    So anyone here picked up a set of these? What's been your experience so far?

    I have the same concerns also but I've been jumping back and forth on digital mixers and control surfaces to the point of getting sick. Was seriously considering the Midas M32 but the limited and sorta convoluted DAW control just didn't do it for me...

    Once I do get such gear, to include some rack gear, I'll likely go for another desk build and relegate this one for another workstation! I may avoid the rack spaces as well for the first build or keep them separate with concerns for speaker/display height

    I've currently four displays ;) Although one is for projector entertainment above my three panels :D I love the workflow in this configuration!

    [Blocked Image:]

    I'm not really loving the desk anymore. Placed my current setup in the model and it's essentially the same thing with the exception of the keyboard tray & legs. Even though that was what I was originally going for, I think I may want to go a little farther in this build...

    I'm over my current prefab desk and seeking a more ideal solution to orientate more of my crap front & center! I've long wanted a desk with a keyboard tray as having to wheel over and turn to my keyboard whenever I'm looking to write midi has grown tiresome.

    Below is a REALLY messy sketchup model exploring various ideas. I think instead of going the route of the joints seen in the model, perhaps I could pass off several L brackets for every corner along with dado joints. I'm not a carpenter or engineer so I'm unsure over concerns with loads. I know I will have upwards of 250 lbs on the desk excluding the frame and top, this includes my speaker & display monitors, together with the 88 keyboard. Most of said weight will be located at the back center of the desk.

    I'm considering 1x4s for the desk frame, with glued plywood cutouts for the legs. Carriage bolts & a middle recess on the topside of the legs to connect it to the desk frame. I'll try and cleanup the model later to give a more clear idea. I'm already spotting some potential issues

    Are my ideas sound you figure? Not overbuilding enough? Underestimating the materials considering the weight load? Major concerns on the legs : /
    The inspiration for the build. Plan 2.skp?dl=0

    Let me know your thoughts fellow DIYs!

    Would it not be best for him to just get a run-of-the-mill audio interface? Connecting via bluetooth could be accomplished with a USB Bluetooth dongle. I imagine if you're jamming you're eventually gonna want to record your takes at some point too, an interface would allow you to accomplish this.

    Yeah, here too mate.

    You've probably seen all the responses that suddenly appeared in that thread I pointed you to, no?

    Starting to wonder whether I should forget about module sounds altogether and, as you suggest, just use the brain for interpretation to MIDI and even for replay from MIDI whilst song-building, and then trigger SSD or whatever later on.

    It's a friggin' minefield out there. So many options. Definitely confused, so glad there's no major hurry.

    Yeah the reactions in that thread are a bit ... aggressive I spose and more or less unhelpful. Tang's post are pretty straightfoward at least. I agree also that perhaps the TD-30 would be best for simply triggering - but I too wouldn't suggest going too cheap concerning the pads/triggers. If you do by chance pursue the hobby very far you'll be paying out more it seems to get better responding triggers in the end. Just about every piece of gear I have has a purpose and is never left to collect dust, and can always be relegated to a different use if replaced (ok, my midi keyboard being the exception but I still use it quite a bit). If I buy a kit I want it to be the one-all end all solution to my needs.

    But you're right in that there's no rush, I oftentimes will sit on such thoughts for years before making a purchase... lol At least, that was the case with the Kemper, my keyboard, guitar, bass, etc... I waited on my purchase til I found the 'one' that fit my specs and needs. I want the same out of the eKit.

    I'm beginning to lean towards doing the A2E conversion using triggers. I never had any intention of using module sounds, except in the case of zero latency which I don't believe will be a problem anyways (at least, not during tracking/writing). Plus I'm used to play with latency anyways, it's never tripped me up at least. I can just work with using shells and HHs and expand my cymbals over time after picking up a used roland module. Or maybe even the 2box that night mentioned.

    'Cost per pad' seems to be around the same compared to buying a drum shell and a dual trigger + mesh head, less so if I decide to completely dedicate the drumset to triggering - so long as the hardware/shells hold up I can go even cheaper : /

    I think I may have found my answer now.

    I'll be going with an acoustic kit, buying a shell pack to handle my Tom/BD, in addition to my pedal and HH stand.

    Next move will be a drum-tec snare, and their mesh head replacement/conversion kits for the toms and bass drum.

    Hitting the used market for ekit cymbals and modules that can be daisied. Then again daisychaining is not neccessary, and I could eliminate crosstalk with separate modules no? - so that I can just run USB midi from one module, and my MIDI in on my interface for the other module. This, to me, seems to be the best (and cheaper in the long run concerning expansion with the used market) route to go. And I'll be quasi-investing into two kits instead.

    The purchase of shells + Conversion kits will likely run about the same cost of roland pads, but I miss out on the module and e-cymbals included in such deals. I'm figuring around 1.5k USD for Tom and Bass shells w/ conversion alone. Add an additional 1k$ for a module and snare and I'm already running up to the price of a TD-25KV and still lacking cymbals & hardware. But I have arguably more pads that are the size of an acoustic shell, and e-cymbals used are looking pretty good in the pricing dept and is something I can work up to piece by piece...

    I'll have to sit on this idea for a little while longer.

    There are videos demoing on the Alesis and I do notice how some of the more subtle hits and nuances of playing get completely lost, and some hits don't even register at all (and this is with triggering the module's sounds!) which has me a bit wary of the DM10. This occurs also on the newer DM10 meshes from what I've noticed.

    I've yet to see this sort of faltering on ... well pretty much any of the Roland demos & reviews I've seen. It can be spotted from time to time where a cymbal swell or buzzroll is not quite as delicate as intended, but it's passable and most certainly editable afterwards : / Which is why I'm beginning to lean towards the TD-25KV again.

    Yup it's my intention to use Superior Drummer :) I've my own drum mixes and templates that I use and would prefer its sound over most other onboard sounds in the long run. The benefit of at least decent module sounds would simply be for monitoring close to zero latency, which isn't much of a problem as I can already arm a track for MIDI with processed drums - and play on my padKontrol with little to no latency. I'm mostly concerned with having on hand a robust kit with a faithful reproduction in feel :D Thanks all for your input so far, looking forward to more!

    The HH triggering was certainly a concern of mine, and I'll seriously consider going the used route! I likely will only need the brain for its capability of interpreting accurately what is triggering, rather than its sounds if I do go down that road. Mmmm, going piece by piece is starting to seem more and more appealing...

    I don't know, tbh for all posts I've ever searched through over the years regarding ekits - I've yet to come across one regarding cable failure. I spose if it did pose an issue it's just a matter of replacing the cable, even if it's a part of a set like on the TD-25KV.

    The cheaper <15$ guitar cables of mine used to always get mangled and fail within a few months to a year's time. Bought a Mogami and its lasted me for over 5 years despite the abuse with no sign of slowing down. :)

    Just came across another user to have nabbed the TD25KV ;)

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    He seems to be quite pleased with its performance!

    Same! Especially the TD-30, plus I'm wary of even considering a purchase in such cases. If I dive into a TD-25 for half the cost of a TD30, if a new flagship were to ever be released and drive the TD30 further down in price... well I guess I could always sell the TD-25, but I usually just don't purchase something in the hopes I can sell it later down the road. I try to make the purchase I know I'll keep unless circumstances force my hand. I went the same route with my keyboard, a keystation pro 88, which at the time with all of its bells and whistles finally tempted me given its affordability. I'm worried I'll get "stuck" with an alesis, now devalued due to being used and not having the extra put towards a kit that will certainly last me and avoid hindering myself.

    Looks as though you got a bite in your other thread ;) I posted there with my own questions too as I'm curious to know what the community would suggest given your situation!

    I'm.. in the market, for an electronic drum kit. An acoustic kit isn't a great option considering my space, and plus - much of my drumwork is by way of VSTi. I just don't have the space or equipment to get a passable drum performance tracked with an acoustic kit. My main purpose is to track MIDI and learn drums on, something I've wanted to do since I was a wee lad!

    The Roland kit appears to be generating a bit of buzz, mainly a disappointed buzz given that to the Roland faithful, the kit appears to be a downgrade in a sense, to the TD-15KV it is meant to replace. However it's at the ceiling of the budget I'm considering and I'm not heavily invested into the Roland route of drums, so therefore no real downside for myself investing into their 'repackaged' model.

    The other alternative being a DM10 X Mesh kit. An official mesh head alternative from Alesis, something I've been looking forward to for a long time but now beginning to sway away from. Largely due to inexperience with the options provided by Roland & Yamaha and concerns over the DM10's quality. Tbh the drum pads I'm not concerned about, it's the hihat and cymbal options that come with it that don't really enthuse me (That and polished demo videos CLEARLY showing missed hits and mis-triggering). That and the fact Alesis run a fairly strict financing option @ Sweetwater (as in none whatsoever, except in the case of their two new mesh kits, of which the promotion ends at the end of June). I intend to do the same with the Roland kit, should I choose it over the DM10, however I'll likely wait till Oct should I go for it (round the time SW does a 36 month promotion, if memory serves me correctly).

    Can anyone steer me in the right direction...? Will Roland quality win out? I certainly do like the option of having a seperate hi-hat stand in use on the Roland kit, as opposed to the wired pedal options found on the Alesis model.