Posts by tombi

    Ok guys problem solved, apparently you were right the problem was that I was monitoring my guitar in cubase and that caused latency, I turned off the monitoring through cubase and activated it in the Totalmix pannel of my interface RME, and now the problem is completly solved ... that was such and easy trick ... haha

    I just wanna say lastly that desactivating the plugins as adviced by someone does work but I really think it's a wrong solution, I don't have to desactivate any plugin by monitoring through the interface and not the DAW

    thanks everyone

    Ok so I have new informations, it's fu""""g weird ... I tried to turn off the monitor button on the track on cubase that make me hear my guitar as i play, and try to record the guitar with no sound, just the drums, and as crazy as it sound, I record with 0 latency at all, guitars perferctly on time with the drums ! More crazy I turned the latency on my interface to the max 2048 samples ( and when putting a buffer like that it's impossible to play with headphones because the delay is so big), and same with the sound of the guitar off, I recorded perfectly on time to the drums with a buffer size of 2048 !!! So I'm thinking that the latency is only in my headphones and it tricks me out and thats why i cant record on time, but how can i fix that ? When i play in my headphones it seems like there is no latency though ... so I don't understand, and how come i'm able to record perfectly on time with a buffer size of 2048, if i dont monitor the guitar ? All this makes no sense to me ... but it made me feel like I'm closer to the solution because now we can actually know where the problem comes from ...

    Hi guys,

    Thank you for all the answers. I do have latency with the pod I was wrong ...

    "I read the problem as though the latency isn't while monitoring, but on playback in the DAW; the recorded tracks seem to be delayed by x amount. Ignore me, if I misunderstood."

    is it exactly my problem. I tried to remove all the plugins I have on my projects (mostly slate digitals and waves), and the problem is still the same, I'm gonna look into some solution you guys gave me.

    I use "main output left" out of the kemper to go in my "balanced line input 5" on the RME, using a regular planet waves guitar cable. is that wrong ?

    I don't know if i use direct monitoring option on my interface, does anyone knows how to activate/ desactivate that option on RME fireface UC ?

    Same for activating the latency compensation feature in cubase, anyone knows where is it ?


    I have a big latency problem with my Kemper. I don't have latency as I'm playing through my headphones, but when I record on cubase, it is tracking with a couple millisecond of latency. Exemple, when I wanna track rythm guitar, I first record the right side, and then when I record the left side I can hear that the timing is off with the right side I just recorded, and then on cubase the left and right sides are synchronized but it's off to the drums, and I have to move the tracks a tiny bit back to be on time with the drums. My sound card is RME UC fireface I tried to set the latency differently it doesn't change the issue, I tried to replace it with a m audio fast track pro same issue, I tried to plug the kemper to the interface with SPDIF and regular cable, same issue, I tried to play through a pod x3 instead of the kemper through the RME, and no latency, so I do beleive the problem occur between the kemper output and my DAW, maybe i didn't set the output settings correctly ? If anyone could help me I would deeply appreciate.
