Posts by joelgrind

    Does any one have of the older Kemper operating systems starting at 2.0? I want to do a couple of tests profiling the same signal chain with the latest OS vs the early OS.

    This is stemming from my older profiles being more accurate in the bass department and I want to rule out an issue with my actual hardware.

    .Anything 2.6 or before would be awesome (before they changed the low end response around 2014ish). thank you!

    cool amp, i have one too, never tried to profile it but i love those amps. and yep, i agree, refining totally ignores the extra lowend, my only work around was using an MXR 10 band eq between the amp and the profiler and knocking down all the lowest two bands before I profile, it gets much closer this way, but its not perfect because the subs that it adds are much more complex curves than a graphic eq would provide.

    Christoph will straight up tell you on this forum that the profiling process is perfect though and doesn't have any room for improvement.

    I've done extensive testing EQ matching with the Kemper and despite what people claim here or gas light you into thinking, it adds much more sub lowend than the real amp, it used to not do this (my old profiles I made in 2015 are proof), but no matter what amp you profile, and no mater what mic or IR you use it adds an excess of sub-low end especially at 40hz. It's easy to hear and see on an analyser. I wouldn't have even analyzed it to begin with but I could tell the low end is NOT the same. It's not my room or speakers (you can tell on headphones too) but the frequency analyzer doesn't lie. Kemper support agreed the profiles had more low end than my recording of the amp but didn't offer a solution. Still a cool tool, I still like the Kemper but don't believe the hype that its indistinguishable, the people that can hear it will hear it and you will drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out.

    Manual says it has no influence on distorted profiles. The forums says it only effects clean to mildly distorted profiles (but just the output level), but you can clearly hear it’s changing a distorted profile that has a gain setting of 8. It’s somehow interactive with dist sense and you can alter where the focus is not unlike a mid band eq before the amp. For instance a lower clean sense below 0 with a dist sense above 0 almost scoops the sound a bit or thins it out. It’s not changing the out put volume. It’s changing the focus of the way the guitar hits the amp. You can even have dist sense on 0 and sweep around clean sense and you can clearly hear it affecting the tone, it’s more prominent on some profiles than others but try it on a Sinmix profile or a Big Hairy Profile and you’ll see what I mean.

    Why doesn’t the manual address this?, it’s been 10 plus years. I can provide and EQ match screen shot if necessary.

    Agree, would love to see some improvements to the profiling. If you bring that issue up though you will he met with “it’s perfect”, “no room for improvement”. That arrogance will lead to someone coming up with a better solution. Do I think Quad Cortex is that product? At this stage, no..but it’s in its infancy. If Roland, Line 6 or Fractal come up a capture product given their reach, sharing, clouds and software editors etc, it’s game over.

    The black art of refining the profiles is what kills me. It’s been debated for 10 years on how to refine a profile and the manual covers it with a vague sentence or two. With the Quad eliminating refining, it is a step in the right direction...even tho Kemper claims refining isn’t necessary anymore, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a profile I did that was close enough right off the bat that didn’t need it.

    I tried It both ways. Tried it like the manual says “just play some chords” etc and also tried refining for a long period, also tried it with no refining because supposedly “it gets so close now refining is redundant” lol.

    This isn’t a golden ears type situation, as you can see on my EQ match it’s way off in the low end. After reading this forum it seems most people on here don’t profile their own amps and just buy pro packs. I’m going to contact some of the pro profile sellers and see if they encountered this.

    I’ll also contact support but not sure what they are going to tell me except to “factory reset”.

    I mainly started this to see if anyone was finding more sub bass than the real amp, and apparently a few people on this thread have (as well as others on the forum if you do a search about it).

    If anyone wants to see my amp settings, mic placement or sound files, that Dropbox link I posted earlier is still active.

    I appreciate the help guys, but it might be time to sell this thing. There’s definitely something different. Factory reset and all output eq’s and filters flat, upgraded to latest OS, pure cab unchecked, profiled two different amps (EVH III & JCM 800) with all settings at noon and the amp way below “power amp” saturation levels, tried a load box and a mic (standard SM57 where the cap meets cone).

    Would refining with a bass help?

    I’m tuned to D standard, but I was back in 2015 too and those profiles were close to perfect (same JCM 800, mic and guitar)

    Have you contacted support to clarify if this is the bug mentioned earlier?

    I know such things can be very frustrating!

    We can only guess and have no real solution.

    Have you checked if in the Output section "Pure Cabinet" is off and all EQ are set flat?

    I really hope you can figure out what is wrong

    Thanks for the suggestions, yeah I made sure Pure Cab is unchecked (instead of just being “0”) and all EQ’s and filters in the output section is flat.

    Further updates, I tested the load box vs mic’ing and then EQ matched. The mic’ed version is worse than the load box version. It’s adding a ton of extra crap under 100hz.

    I then decided to profile my JCM800, to rule out that it’s just a problem capturing an EVH 5150 III. I didn’t use any pedals and low and behold, that one is also adding more subs than what’s present. Can someone look into this? I’m pretty much ready to sell this thing. It’s one thing if it was always like this, but My profiles from 2015 sound way better on my JCM 800 with the exact same gear.

    Someone told me that own both the stage and the toaster that this problem happens to them only with the toaster but doesn’t appear with the stage. ckemper ??

    I own the rack version.

    Updated to the latest OS, same issue.

    I'd love to resolve this, been loyal to Kemper since I bought it in 2015, Profiled a ton of amps back then (which profiles I still use to this day), Just started up profiling again and the low end accuracy is much different than before. Back then, as others have said, it might have been a little light in the low end, but that was much more useable than it is right now for me. As others have said, really noticeable in palm mutes, sounds like "And Justice For All" speaker woofing Even when its not supposed to haha.