Posts by jroobz

    Friedman HBE Full amplifier section going into the cab section from Marshall 1987x Full. Brought down the gain and tweaked the main EQ. Extra gate in the front end and a little ambient reverb on the end.

    Both profiles from The Amp Factory.

    Usually don't bother changing cabs because the profile usually sounds better stock.

    But I found the original HBE sound too biting, generally uncontrollable and (dare I say) unmusical...

    Original 1987x has been my favourite Kemper sound until now.

    I've been really enjoying my Kemper for a couple of months now.

    No complaints at all. Found some profiles which are totally amazing - most recently, the Andertons Orange Dark Terror profile from their Kemper review video.

    But it got me thinking, ditch the KPA and get a dark terror + Torpedo Live.

    ... I don't really know why? I HAVE THE SOUND, what else do I need? Maybe I'm missing a real amp.

    Has anyone else experienced the longing for a real amp while using the KPA?

    I feel like I'm being a spoiled brat! :/

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    I'm really into Nick Raskulinecz's production. Guitars and drums sound massive but never overbearing.This is my first attempt trying to recreate that Alice In Chains Black Gives Way to Blue sound.

    Knaggs Kenai into Kemper. Using Matchless, Marshall, Divided By 13 and Friedman profiles.

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    My version of Jolene by Dolly Parton

    All stock profiles bundled with the Kemper - AC30, TAF Blues Junior, Matchless and a Tone King Imperial. Bass is an SVT with EQ boost.

    All played on a Knaggs Kenai and bass is a Rickenbacker 4001 copy.

    Using this thing was a dream! Snapshot feature is utter genius.

    This is my first production using the Kemper.

    Little instrumental cover of Jolene -

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    I bought my Kemper! It's incredible! A lot of really useable rigs right from the off.

    I've been playing with it for about 3 hours and I've just browsed through profiles and recorded a few riffs. Not tweaked too much but it's not like I even need to!

    Shame it didn't come with v.3.0.0 already installed ... or a USB stick. :| it's no problem. Just inconvenient.

    The shop i got it from gave me a good discount for an Amp Factory bundle but this is the first profile I'm going to download:

    Best thing I've ever heard. 8o

    Hey guys

    Come the end of this month, I will probably purchase an unpowered "toaster" Kemper. Axe FX and Line 6 Helix don't as sound. Torpedo + real amp isn't the way I want to go.

    This will be my first professional amp modeler and I'm coming from tube amps but tired of frailty, maintenance, volume etc.

    What I'm concerned about is that this is a essentially a computer with the same spec it started with 3/4 years ago. Moore's law says things should have rolled on a bit since then... look at mobile phones.

    My question is, is there going to be a Kemper 2 coming out in the near future or will this just keep rolling with firmware updates?