Posts by bigtoe

    You might want to think about an Online UPS that can provide a true Sine Wave. The standard APCs produce a square wave AC signal that can be hard on gear, particularly sensitive digital gear. I run all my digital gear on a Minuteman Online UPS. If you ever are gigging on a generator, this is even more important, as tube amps can handle the dirty power of a generator just fine, but digital gear can be unreliable, and even damaged by dirty power.

    Thanks for the reply...a little more info....

    Yes, physically, I have aligned the ribbon in the mic to the capsule in the other...not the external wind screen, but where the actual ribbon/capsule are situated.

    And to be clear, I am comparing the two sounds through the Kemper, in headphones, switching between amp and profile toggle in the profiling menu, so I am hearing what the Kemper hears through the mics, compared to what it has profiled.

    Just a little surprising, because I do the same thing when a mic is hooked directly to Kemper, and toggling between the two is usually damn close. But through the mixer, it's way off.

    Hey Guys,

    Been having no problems profiling with a mic plugged directly into the Kemper, but I've seen some guys talking about multi mic with a mixer. I'm trying that now....a ribbon and a dynamic, into a mixer, then into the Kemper. I can adjust levels so Kemper accepts and profiles, but the results sound way off when comparing amp vs. profile. Anyone doing this successfully? Any tips or tricks? Is there a setting in the Kemper for line level vs. mic level into the profiling input?

    This is still an issue for me with 3.2, but I found out that it isn't the whole rig that's the cabinet. If I lock the cabinet, and turn it off, changing the rigs doesn't effect the sound. If I unlock it, it does do change the sound, but not the amp other words, if I loop a clean sound, and switch to a distorted sound, the loop is still clean, but the tone changes due to the cabinet effecting the sound.

    But what's really weird is that if I have the cabinet to monitor switch off, the cabinet being on still effects the sound...but even it's actually putting multiple cabinet EQs on the loop, making it sound very trebly and synthetic. That is what really makes the looper's sound change so much.

    So maybe if you are using main outs to FRFR speakers, you may not notice it. But using the monitor outs to a guitar cabinet w/ the cabinet to monitor off, it really screws up the loop sound when you change patches if the CAB section is turned on....

    Solution for me....because I am using a guitar cab....lock CAB section and keep it off.

    I wish they would fix this. The whole point of a looper for me is to record a rhythm track, then change to a lead sound to play over it. Logic dictates that post FX looper would not change with patches, but it does, making looper unusable for me. Was hoping this would be fixed in 3.2

    And I question that you were the first user noticing this, because there is a thread about it from April, and I started a support ticket in August.

    EDIT...I did a little experimenting and replied to the original thread regarding this issue:

    Looper Bug ?!

    Since updating to 3.2, I am having a problem with the monitor out to my amp and speakers.....When I shut the Kemper down, it turns off, but sends loud pulses to the power amp for about 5 seconds after is is shutdown. I am using the monitor out of the Kemper into a Camplifier and 2x12 guitar cab. The pulse actually moves the speakers significantly forward/backward.

    Did some experimenting....first off, this never happened at all before up until 3.1. I would turn the Kemper off, and it would shut down without sending any pulses while doing so.

    Out of the MAIN outs, it now sends a single loud pulse AFTER the Kemper is completely shut down.
    Out of the MONITOR outs, it sends about 8 or 9 pulses, about 2 a second, for about 5 seconds....this is AFTER the Kemper is completely powered down....LCD blank, no lights on front, REMOTE off, and ETHERNET indicator light on back off.

    Obvious solution is to turn power amp off first, but still, this is a new issue that only started with the 3.2 upgrade.

    Yes, it usually works for a short while after an OS update. If it's working improperly, a system initialization has fixed it as well, but after a few reboots, the issue crops up. I always check the "pre/post" setting first. I have a support ticket open, and will send a short video to tech to illustrate the problem.

    Well, after a few days the problem has reoccured. but what I am findong is that it is not that the looped phrase is changing to the new patch. it is changing to an entirely different sound. It's like a bunch of phased distortion is added to the recorded phrase when I switch to a different patch, even if the patch I choose is clean. I went ahead and started a support ticket.

    Anyone else experience this in 3.1.1: When I flip through effects slots, usually once you turn the knob it goes into list mode, and once you stop on an effect for a few seconds, it changes to the FX edit window. But sometimes, as I flip through, the list menu either does not appear, or quickly flips between list and edit window as I turn the knob.

    Not sure if this is a software bug, or maybe my knob is getting screwy. Doesn't seem to happen with other menus though.

    I did a global reset last night, and so far, it is working as intended. It has worked temporarily in the past. It used to worked right after a FW update, but would not work after the next reboot. So far, I've rebooted several times and it still works after the reset.

    Has there been a resolution to this? I have the same problem. Just downloaded the newest beta, and still post looper playback sound is changed with patch change. As mentioned, makes the loop feature pretty much useless for me, not to mention frustrating.

    Ive been messing with the loop feature for many months, and never was able to get the "post" feature to really be POST....being able to record a sound, loop it, then switch to another sound to play over it. Just updated to the beta, and it worked for a while....could choose a sound, loop it, switch sounds, then play the new sound over the original looped without doing anything but playing, Kemper has reverted to switching the looped sound when I switched sounds, even though it's on post loop....doh...shuzbut...nanu

    The auxiliary jack is rated at 200 watts, which at 240v would be less than 0.85A. Not enough for the Kemper Powered Rack (10A power requirement), but enough to power the non-powered head (0.5A requirement). The internal wiring of the PP is not thick enough gauge to handle higher currents. While it will feed power to a high current device, you would run the risk of overheating the wiring, which could mean melting/smoking insulation or worse.

    From the manual:

    AC auxiliary. This is a courtesy AC outlet for convenient
    powering of AC powered effects or a MIDI foot controller.
    Note the 200 watt maximum rating. Do NOT plug in your
    amp here!

    I have a TD-30 kit in the studio (actually, A TD-20K kit with a TD-30 brain), and a pieced together live kit based around a TD-15 and Mac Pro running Steven Slate SSD4. While the TD-30 has pretty good internal sounds, even with that, I prefer triggering SSD or BFD.

    If you are already using a DAW, you are halfway long as you have an audio interface that can give low latency performance. The Roland kits even have built in low latency USB audio, so I don't need to bring one live...just the laptop and kit. The advantage of the TD-15 (and I assume TD-25) over the TD-11 is that you can have a separate headphone and FOH mix, so you can send the internal metronome just to the headphones. Roland definitely has one of the best HH controllers, and SSD recognizes varying degrees of open to closed.

    My buddy has the Alesis and also triggers SSD. The main problem is the HH controller is pretty much just open/closed. He even bought the upgraded HH controller, but it makes no difference on the limited triggering. Every time he's at the studio, he raves how much better the Roland kit is.

    My suggestion, if this is just for the studio, is to piece together a used kit with the TD-11 brain and VH-11 hats. You could even buy the TD-11 new, and get the rest of the stuff used (it's all meant to be beaten anyway). And with this, trigger a plugin, such as SSD, BFD, Superior, etc.

    Optionally, you could get the DM-10 (there are some killer deals on that kit), but you would not have USB audio capability (not an issue if you already have a low-latency audio interface), and you would have limited HH control....but still, if you use it with SSD, BFD, etc., you will still have sounds far superior than even the top of the line Roland internal sounds.