Posts by SvenLeDup

    Thanks, I just ordered one!

    I just had a play with the pedal and it seems to work fine, although on 2 occasions the wah just stopped and froze. When I went into the RIG page and looked at the calibrate bar, it seemed
    to go down on its own, very slowly, like a capacitor draining if you know what I mean. I needed to restart the KPA before it responded again. I just had it connected without the switch btw.

    I'm still on firmware 3.3 something though, will upgrade and see if that changes anything, it might be the cable I soldered...

    Fingers crossed...


    I just did the crybaby mod and it works perfect!

    I also connected the switch and I also have to doubleclick it before the stompbox changes status.

    I have a DPDT switch in there and you mentioned you need a momentary switch.

    What I don't understand is that a momentary switch is just like any normal switch and surely this can be achieved with a DPDT, not? Seeing a DPDT can be used as a normal on/off when you connect the pole and one of the 2 other pins, right?

    I bleep-tested the switch with a Fluke and the middle sets of pins seem to work just as a normal on-off switch so I don't understand why I still need to double click the pedal?

    What does a momentary switch do different than any normal on/off switch when you switch it?

    It is just connect and break right? What am I missing?




    I am a singing guitarist (happily enoying the Kemper!!!) and I have a mixing question.

    On live gigs, I do my own personal monitoring / mixing before sending it off to FOH. Basically, I want to be able to hear myself sing and play completely independent of any FOH monitor mix.

    Right now I do that with a small mixing desk (Behringer Eurorack MX 602A) and am looking for a 1 unit rackmount unit that will do the same job.

    Right now I connect my microphone to my desk on channel 1 and send that signal off to the FOH on the monitor/aux channel so they have their dedicated vocal mic coming in. Channel 2 is for my Kemper and the main mix out of those 2 go to my own powered speaker. (The FOH takes the kemper out direct from the kemper.)

    This allows me to turn up / down my vocals and kemper on my mixing desk without interfering with what I send to FOH.

    Now I want to find a rackmount 1 unit mixer that will do the exact same without having to spend a lot.

    I was looking at the Behringer MX882 which has a lot of possibilities, but I can't seem to figure out a way on how to do this, maybe this one can't do that.

    Does anyone here have an idea?



    From the website :

    * Rigmanager requires Profiler OS 3.3 or higher
    * Profiler OS requires Rig Manager 1.5.34 or later

    I have OS 3.2.1 and no rigmanager (due to HD crash in my PC recently).

    I would like to make a complete backup of the Kemper before I switch to the new OS but I can't find a rigmanager for my OS version anymore. Or is there a way to back up straight onto a USB stick or something?



    I know, I am trying it right now, I will record a small video later

    what happens is this :

    * all MIDI cables are connected properly and everything works ok in browse mode (tuner works, I can switch stomps on and off with the FCB and when done on Kemper, the FCB LEDs respond)
    * when switching to perform mode, everything works fine, but as soon as I push any FCB switch 1-5 (so changing to another rig) the FCB just freezes and doesnt respond at all! After I reset the FCB (turning it off and on) everything works again, until I push any FCB switch 1-5 again, then the FCB freezes again!
    Something else that is really weird, is when I press the UP switch once and let go, the FCB automatically increments all the way up to 125 and then freezes!!!

    Now, I tried another FCB1010 with the UnO chip in it (my friend has a kemper as well and he brought his board and MIDI cables along) and it does the exact same thing???


    Here is a clip I recorded of the issues

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    any ideas?


    I recently got the Uno For Kemper EPROM and all works well in Browse mode, but when I go to Perform mode, nothing seems to work anymore. The FCB does not control anything. Even when I go back to Browse mode, the FCB refuses to work. Theonly thing that
    The only difference I notice when switching between Browse and Perform, is that in Browse mode the Switch1 LED of the FCB is lit, while in Perform Mode it is Switch2 LED. When I go back to Browse, again Switch1 LED lights up, but FCB refuses to work.

    Is there anyting that needs to be done to get the FCB to work in perform mode?

    Anyone have had this before?



    Questions about the setup and impedance change of exp pedals here
    I've looked through what is on the forum, but didn't find an answer (yet)

    I found some stuff here :…e-volume-pedal/?


    1 : connecting the expr pedals, it says that input 2 is the default for volume pedals. does this mean input 2 prefers logarithmic pedals (like volume pedals) while input 1 prefers linear pedals (like expresion pedals)?

    2 : the expr pedal inputs prefer a range between 10kOhm min and 100kOhm max. I am using an old BOSS FV300L for expression and an old BOSS FV100 as volume but I can't find out what the range of both is.
    I would like to find out so I can put a resistor in it to change the impedance so that it will fir the kempers range.

    3 : I dont understand the pedal init procedure on the Kemper. it says that after pushing the resp init button, you have to perform a full swell, but I dont get a message or anything that says it has been done. After I do the swell, the pedal just stays completely off. I understand that the moment you push the init button, it sets the current reading to '0', but it would be nice to actually get a message from the kemper saying the toe down has been reached as well.
    can anyone tell me the complete correct procedure to init an expr pedal?

    thanks a lot !!!



    it would be great to expand the expression pedal initialisation and add a curve select as well.

    the idea is the pedal init steps will be as follows:

    1 : heel down and init that point to MIDI '0' value (press button)
    2 : toe down and init that point to MIDI '127' value (press button)

    so regardless of the expression pedal impedance, you will have the entire correct range set from '0' to '127'

    then add an option to set wether the curve has to be linear or logarithmic

    that would be awesome!!



    Thx for the warm welcome!

    I already have a line6 FBV as I own a Vetta II ;)
    I have seen a convertor that somebody made, will look into that!
    I'm going to try and connect the ENGL board as MIDI controller and use 2 analog expression pedals direct in the Kemper... lets have some fun!

    ah gonna be all good ;)

    see you in the forum!!