Posts by nkisaac

    Here is another one we just released yesterday from the same sessions. All guitars Kemper. All Mbritt profiles. I can't remember all the profiles we used but I do know that the cleaner rhythm guitars are once again the 65 champ. Most of the dirtier guitars are the Mbritt 69 Marshall and once again the solo is the LDW 2.2 from his first pack. I think there is an AC15 profile on this one somewhere as well. None of the profile's are tweaked. I never tweak profiles for recording or live. I just go through them until I find the one that works and use it. I ended up using the LDW 2.2 for all the solos on the 4 songs. Something about that profile is magic when I record with it. Solo is the profile straight with no stomps in front.

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    If I may ask, wedewer, what guitar/pickup combination do you have? (if you don't mind answering...) I compared that exact profile (LDW 2.2) on both my LP copy with humbuckers and my strat, and nothing I played sounded even close to the same tone (through the same studio headphones). Are those P90's, per chance? Mine sounded very dull and muffled with the humbuckers of unknown origin, and really weak and thin with the single coils -- also of unknown origin! I've adjusted them quite a bit up or down over the years, and I don't think that's the issue. . .

    I'm one of those guys who dropped the cash on the Kemper, but never have upgraded my guitars to match, so it's possible that all my pickups are just trash... though I will say, the Kemper still sounds much better than anything else I've tried, with the same trashy guitar. ;) And MBritt profiles are everywhere in my performances and presets, though I would like it if I could improve the pickups or something else on my guitars so that they sounded more like they're supposed to!

    Thanks in advance, if you can let me know!

    Edit: Duh, I meant to say, I really liked the song and the guitar tone, especially the solo! Obvious from my question, but it needed saying, anyway.

    Thanks a lot! I'm also not a big Vox fan, but these have changed my mind! Great chime without being too harsh and trebley. I dumped them all into my Kemper, where few profiles get to go ... (to join others that are mostly from that guy in Nashville. :D)

    Greatly appreciated, Tobi!, I'm not that guy, but ever since I thought up my 'unusual' nickname, I've seen it all over the place. Same as when I named my kid...
    And you're right about the number of rigs... it amazes me how small they are. The only problem would be the interface to change between them... just a push button that cycles through them?
    And the honor is mine... I've been hanging out here a lot these last 2 years, trying to learn about amps and effects on the Kemper, without ever having owned a tube amp (I came from the Boss GT-8... What a change! LOL). I did not even know what a good amp sound was. And you, sir, in particular, have added immensely to my knowledge and ability, through your advice to others, tips, pointing out good profiles. Many thanks to you!


    This is more of a product request than feature request. Many of us Kemper users seem to be spoiled by the sound of the Kemper, and at least for me, when I'm on vacation or otherwise travelling, it really sucks to have to practice with something else really small, because in my experience, everything else now sounds terrible. I would like a mini-Kemper to practice with (or maybe even play a simple gig). Eliminate all buttons (or almost), just have one or two or five rigs on it max, and no stomps can be turned on or off (thus whatever the rig is like when you load it, that's the sound you get). Maybe only a simple reverb, guitar in jack, headphone out jack, etc. (Yes I'm thinking of those mini Vox plug-in thingys -- a really cool idea, but the sound . . . )

    This all depends on how much of the processing power/cost goes in to the amp sound, vs how much to run all the effects, buttons, gizmos, bells & whistles, and controls. If a large portion of the processor and cost is just for the good amp sound, then forget it, this won't work (or it will cost so much no one will buy it, me included!).

    I know the Kemper is pretty small already (compared to a stack), but we're trying to send someone to Mars, so why not?

    BTW, love the Kemper, love the forum, you all are so helpful. I had given up on humanity before finding the forum!


    Hey thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!

    My PRS has what I suppose are medium to medium-high output pickups, and I normally have left distortion sense at 0, otherwise the high gain rigs get too distorted for my taste, but I'll mess with it and see.
    Also, I am using headphones for now, so I have no feedback loop to help me out, but even on stage, my band tries to keep the sound levels down, so that may not help much live.
    And I'll check out Michael Britt, also, thanks for the heads-up!

    Hi all,

    I got so many great free sounds for my Kemper from Andy at The Amp Factory that I decided to buy rig pack 10, just to support him. But now I have a few questions about how you all use the crunch and/or push sounds. I'm a rocker, so I love putting a mouse or a tube screamer in front of the crunches, and the resulting sound is just brilliant for rock and solos. Tons of sustain, crystal clear highs, pounding lows, I can't get enough.

    But, when I want to play something much less violent(!), like blues, or smooth jazz, or some light pop, I just can't seem to get the sustain and the clarity I want -- it seems kind of dull to me. I have no doubt that these profiles are great, and the problem is me, I just wanted to ask if any of you have some suggestions. Do you always use compression, or a boost, or a distortion pedal in front, and if not, what am I doing wrong? I am trying to use a PRS with humbuckers, so, are the rigs with less gain just better with a single coil? I know I can boost the mids and treble EQ, but it still doesn't solve the sustain problem, and I was just surprised that I would have to do that for everything -- is this normal?

    Thanks, all -- first timer!

    23 years of experience playing guitar just teaches me how far I really have to go . . .

    PRS, Strat, and whatever PA system I can plug my Kemper into . . .