Posts by ArsenalGuitars

    cool ideas! my only concern is the fact that I don't want to set mics any further back. The fabric grille on the mesa recto cab is already far enough from the speaker... and the element in the md421 is even further back in than the sm57. Is there some delay plug-in that can actively delay the audio on a track terms of nano-seconds? or any increment smaller than pro tools ticks or micro-seconds? pro tools track offsets cannot home in on matching the wave forms of the mics as precisely as I would like.

    I personally am convinced the kemper sounds real. Am about halfway through the manual. And by turning down the gate to 5 or below, my previous 'latency' assumption is now gone. But my remaining concern is as follows:

    I am looking at the profiling guide which says to plug a guitar into the kemper while profiling. But the problem is that the two simultaneous mics I want to profile from two simultaneous aphex preamps - need to be micro-adjusted in pro tools for phase. So how would I profile that recording after I already record it with my pres into two tracks in pro tools? Perhaps I need to offset a track after finding the amount of ticks or samples the audio needs to be moved by. Does anyone know if this can be done? Thanks

    Hi... thanks for the suggestions..... as a reference - when tapping on a microphone is instant so my PTHD rig is doing fine. But I notice now that it is also instant on the kemper when tapping on the pickup when noise gate is down. But the noise gat up high tends to make the attack of things in general lag by a hair?

    The greatest thing to me on the kemper in the first few days was the realism and the noise gate - all the way up doesnt eat into the threshold of the note ring which to me i find astounding. But when turning it up all the way (i kind of have to for sludgy death metal parts to get rid of the crackles and noise... well tapping on the pickup with the pick doesnt make a click sound unless there is a hard tap in which case i can hear the ping pong to the monitor....

    Can anyone else help me out considering this? Or will the patches I will make with my own axe 2 to the return tof my randall satan to my cab to a mic to a pre .... (not to mention a profile of the satan itself) ... will that not produce high noise on the kemper profiles if I found a way to get rid of all of that in my axe fx 2 deep parameters? Or will that gain knob on the kemper want to add all this noise at a certain setting? I guess I have to read the manual but I am just demoing the unit...

    I guess what I am asking is what is the best signal to noise ratio of the gain knob on the kemper during profile creation? And if my cab and righ doesnt have much noise at all to begin with then will the profiler clone this behavior identically so that I do not have to max out the noise gate knob on the kemper? Because the unit is whey more instant when the noise gate is down.

    (Yes I did Keep my Axe FX 2 - the preamp modeling with power amp and cab modeling turned off and fed to the return of a tube amp or to a tube power amp - to a cab, is a great way to have many authentic preamp types replicated properly... but the Fractal is just a bit plastic sounding for DI. I find great use for both units.. provided that the signal to noise ration of the gain during clone time will be at optimal gain staging. and yes sorry to not have read the manual. I promise i will do that if I commit to buying oput the rental. lol)

    Hello, new user here renting the unit... its nice to have a real sounding modeler finally... but the issue is even on pro tools HD, lowest buffer size at 32 ms buffer which is like 0.7 ms round trip in and out on my avid omni, i STILL hear the latency when I tap my pick on the pickup. this must be at least 7-8ms. and it is just a bit annoying to me,... does anyone know why this unit does not have a wordclock with AES output capability? or why this unit cannot slave in spdif mode?