Posts by niloc

    Job Posthuma you are bang on the money,we had the same gear set up in a studio for a year to record an album and it sounded different every day of the week
    with no stands kicked over, same personel same everything,different days different vibes its one of the mysteries of life.

    Back in 1980 I was chatting to my girlfriends mother (Isabel Dalglish) and she said 'Years ago I used to have a famous lodger who played guitar like you (I wish) and he was always practicing and never came out of his room,his name was Alan Holdsworth..I nearly fell off my chair.

    What would really be handy is a stage stand for the toaster that' s at least 4 feet high, cant be knocked over 'coz its got wheels and folds up small to go in the boot of a car, everything else is icing,I want cake!

    I once met the Commodores guitarist backstage on a TV show and asked him about the solo on 'Easy',he told me that there were six producers in the control room all telling him
    what he should play and the finished solo was a patchwork quilt of all their ideas joined up into one.He went on to say that he never wanted to go through that again and that the sound of the guitar was not even an issue.
    Richard Carpenter wanted a Jimi Hendrix style solo on Goodbye to love and so many Carpenters fans hated the solo that they called the radio stations to complain, imagine if it had really been a Hendrix sounding solo,I remember it sounding bad at the time but the notes were perfect for the song and tha'ts what really counts I suppose.
    The guy who played wah gtr on Papa was a Rolling Stone was booked because he owned a wah pedal !
    Eric Stewart once said on a saturday morning kids show that the guitar sound on my bands latest single was the worst he had ever heard, I thought that's rich coming from you my son( the record got to no8.on the Billboard chart). I remember a great session guitarist who always used to say to the producer 'Do you want a Hendrix or Clapton solo on this one? Hendrix meant fuzz box Clapton meant not..In this day and age we are spoilt with our equipment and its great.

    I concur with Nightlight,the trio and beatbuddy are two completely different beasts. The Trio is a great jamming tool on the fly but I wouldn't gig with it. The Beatbuddy on the other hand is a great way of having any drum sound you want in any style you want with a bit of on the fly variation and drumfills and most importantly it has midi in and out and you control it with your foot.
    This means I can send midi clock from the BB to midi in on the Kemper so my guitar echoes are in time with the drums(fantastic),then midi thru on the Kemper to midi in on voicelive 3 pedals so the vocal echoes
    and looper are in time too(oh yes). Then I've an Electroharmonix C-9 providing the bottom end ,a Mel-9 providing the ethereals,its a huge sound.
    Beatbuddy is a great tool if you're prepared to put your own stamp on it,Trio is great for having instant fun.

    I too have what you could call 'pitch sensitivity.' When I listened to ' Help' by the Beatles as a kid,the pitch of Ringos snare drum sounded at odds with the key of the track and I couldn't understand how they let
    this happen as it spoiled my enjoyment of what I thought was a great track. I find all guitars playing chords near the nut to sound out of tune and as for bass guitars...However I've trained myself to ignore these
    little quirks of the laws of physics and come to realise that most people dont care about minor tuning issues in fact these add to the long term character of the music as the brain makes its own sense of it all.
    I think perfect pitch can be a real pain for some people and a bonus for others.

    With the right sort of processing the Mel-9 sounds like an orchestra in the background.Mixed with a great Kemper profile like a Friedman or similar you feel like you are making a sound as big as Pink Floyd or Genesis or something of that ilk.This is a machine for big landscapes but it needs a bit of tweaking to blur the mellotron quirkyness unless that's what you're after.I haven't had so much fun in years.

    I bought the Mel 9 the other day and used it on the gig last night and the result was spectacular. The cello sound in particular worked great for Eleanor Rigby and the Mellotron flutes were superb in Strawberry fields. I believe the way to get a good sound with these pedals is to have a compressor after the pedal and have a bit of added delay and reverb. At the moment I use the direct out clean from the Kemper to drive the pedals and the output from the pedals into a splitter into a voicelive 3 which provides the compression,delay and reverb and sometimes flanging!