Posts by andygeedot

    The Mbritt Profiles are usually created with single coils, so what you hear in the samples will sound different with a LP.
    I wonder why only few profile makers tell which guitar was used to create a soundsample directly

    Hey Mike,

    I've been nearly exclusively using your profiles since I bought the Kemper at the end of 2014.
    I tried many more commercial and free profiles, but always came back to yours.
    The first pack which I bought was #2 and I loved it, especially the Marshall, /13, Bogner ones.

    I already had bought the 800 pack and thought it was nice, but today I discovered the 69 pack and holy shit!

    These are some damn good profiles, I especially love the ones with the 25w Greenback, a speaker which I love!
    These could become my daily drivers for live playing, will check these out next week! But so far it looks very promising!

    So just wanted to thank you for your good work, and the smiles you delievered to me when playing these sounds :)

    I was wondering if you're going to do some sort of FX pack. Some of your profiles already have some cool and tasty FX in the slots but maybe you can come up with some cool presets and how you utilize your profiles for more special sounds, maybe like a performance pack or something.


    The sound that gets out from Kemper to the FOH is the same, no matter in which room it is located.
    So you have not to worry about cabs/mics which are affected by the room.

    Thats the advantage every keyboard player ever had - straight plug&play and minimal effort.

    And if you have always the same soundguy, than he knows what he gets from you and can work with it ---> minimal soundcheck effort --> short time (which is often a problem when you play festivals for exemple)

    Caveat: I am a gigging amateur musician in a local act trying to go regional, and have yet to be able to work with in-ear monitors or with a band using all digital sound reinforcement.

    So, with that said, and respect to Jose, I find the statement of 'consistent sound' a bit of a red herring, at least in terms of live playing. From my experience, just because the Kemper gives you the possibility of 'consistent sound' doesn't mean you won't find yourself having to adjust your tone or use a different profile in different circumstances. Room-related factors, adjustments made by your band mates still using tube amps, noise cancelling frequencies, stage wash, etc, etc, etc, can all affect your perception of the tone coming from any given profile. I can take a profile, tweak it at home and it sounds perfect, use it a practice and it requires adjustment, try to use it at a venue and it sounds like crap (or gold), and then go back to that same venue two months later using the same exact profile and have to tweak it in a different manner depending upon what is going on that night.

    There is always going to be variables you cannot account for and have to adjust to. The Kemper is a great tool, but its not a silver bullet you will be able to just 'set it and forget it'. At least not at the level of gigging I am doing.

    These things are taken care of by the FOH guy.
    If the soundguy knows you and knows what you give him he can work with it. What you hear onstage is a different thing and doesn't represent what the audience will hear.
    Always keep that in mind.

    Soo, gestern haben wir die RCF-Box im Proberaum "ausgerauscht". Im Wesentlichen sind in den Tiefmitten und ganz oben wie Gitarrenschlumpf schreibt ein paar Dellen im Frequenzgang allerdings in einem etwas anderen Frequenzbereich. Wir denken das sind die Resonanzen vom Proberaum, die sich da auswirken.
    Wir haben dann das Inversprofil vom Analyser erzeugt und ich habe meine Kempersounds mal abgerufen. Es war ziemlich eindrucksvoll, wie stark doch der A-B-Vergleich ausfiel. Leider kann ich nicht sagen ob besser oder schlechter, da wir noch keine Probe mit Bass und Schlagzeug absolviert haben, die ja maßgeblich den Gitarrensound im Bandgefüge beeinflussen.

    Zwei Probleme bleiben noch:
    1. Das Spielgefühl "als ob ich durch einen Kompressor spiele" (speziell bei Cleansounds) ist immer noch da
    2. Wie bilde ich das Inversprofil (30-Band-EQ) im Kemper selbst ab (wenn ich den Analyser nicht ständig mit auf die Gigs nehmen will)

    Ok. Ich bleib dran und werde berichten

    gibt es hierzu neue Erkentnisse? Ich kenne das auch aus der Proberaum PA, besonders Cleansounds fühlen sich extrem komprimiert an.
    Zuhause über die Nahfeldmonitore und auch Kopfhörer ist dem nicht so.
    Zur Info: Ich nutze nur Michael Britt Profiles