Posts by andygeedot

    the speaker is in nearly mint condition, was only used 5 times.
    It comes with a carry bag and power cable manual and receipt (12.05.2016)

    It is a coax speaker and very well suited for FRFR applications.
    You get several DSP options for sound adjustments like EQ,Modes(PA,Monitor,Top),Low-Cut, Anti-Feedback and so on.
    It gets really loud and has a clear sound, I compared it to the RCF and for me the RCF was just more expensive but didn't sound any better.
    I'm just not the FRFR guy onstage. I like to have a guitarcab next to me for the rumble onstage (I'm using In-Ears)

    You get more details here…3271498-74-7439 (in German).

    If you have questions just contact me.


    I am really liking it. I know I'm spoiled and have a lot of nice guitars and it's hard to give them all equal playing time. The Fret King has just kind of inserted itself in our live show and it's hard not to take it. I think it's really well built for an import. I think Trevor Wilkinson had a lot of input on the build quality and his hardware is really great. The only thing I did to it was to replace the bridge saddle screws as it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine to bang my hand on protruding strat saddle screws. Other than that, it's stock. I usually swap pickups on guitars but I don't really feel the need to at all. I like the sounds and the neck really does feel nice. The guitar has a bit of mass to it, not light, but not a boat anchor, either. I'd guess high 7lbs area. The tremolo feels nice and even though I keep it against the body and set fairly tight, it is still smooth and comes back in tune. For the money, it's a nice option for sure.

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    Great sounding and looking guitar!
    I'm looking for a workhorse to cover some ground and this one seems to be really cool. Will have to check it out, especially the price point is really interesting.
    Is the neck lacquered or oiled?

    Ich arbeite hauptsächlich mit einer Performance

    Slot 1 Clean -
    Slot 2 Clean (mit dotted 8th Delay) -
    Slot 3 leichter Overdrive
    Slot 4 Distortion
    Slot 5 Creamy Bogner Ecstasy Main Lead
    überall noch Wah aktiv (Heel off)

    überall noch als Stomps schaltbar: Delay, Chorus,Overdrive,Soloboost

    Für Songs wie Killing In The Name Of, habe ich dann noch eine extra Performance mit Whammy z.B.

    Wenn es dann eine stable 4.x Version gibt wird der Soloboost in das Morphing Rig eingearbeitet und ich habe noch einen extra Stomp frei den ich dann noch für etwaige special FX wahrscheinlich Phaser/Univibe nutzen werde
    Den 2. Cleanchannel kann ich mir dann auch sparen und das in den Morph mit einarbeiten, somit gäbe es noch einen Overdrive Sound mehr oder aber einen anderen Cleansound und nicht den selben Clean nur mit anderen Effekten.

    Damit fahre ich eigentlich ganz gut.
    Ich habe lieber verschiedene Effekte abrufbar als endlos viele Presets mit Effekten zu programmieren und versuche so das meiste abzudecken...

    Quote from drog: “I like the idea but you guys should have purchased a Kemper rack unit instead. Lol :P”
    I very much prefer the head with LED-rings on the most important knobs for live use on dark stages. The Kemper head and my 1U L6 G90…

    that sounds interesting!
    Could you make a pic of all that? Especially the lids with the remote.

    How heavy is the unit in total?

    ich hatte zwischenzeitlich die 4.0 drauf hatte allerdings ein paar heftige Bugs mit den Performances die sich teilweise selbst geändert haben.
    Daraufhin habe ich wieder 3.3 drauf gemacht, allerdings reizt mich das morphing sehr.
    Ist die 4.0.2 wesentlich stabiler? Hattet ihr mit der 4.0 Probleme oder war die für euch auch ok?

    Hey there,
    I have a couple of suggestions.
    I know some of this has already been mentioned.
    This would nice to have because they save some outboard gear.

    My setup would look like this:

    Stereo IEM feed -> Return/alternative input
    Kemper Headphone out -> wireless IEM
    monitor out -> powered speaker
    Main Output -> FOH

    What's missing:

    Aux input only to Headphone out
    Seperate EQ for Headphone out

    At the moment I need a seperate mini mixer to be able to do that.

    would be great to get there.
