Posts by NyteOwl

    Not exactly a FAQ, but Chapter 9 in the GR-33 Manual is titled Connecting to External Sound Generators and Sequencers. Here is an excerpt from Page 88:

    "When the pedal or [VALUE] is used to change patches on the GR-33, a Program Change (tone change) message is sent to the external device from MIDI OUT. This can be used to change tones on the external sound generator or to change patches for guitar-sound effects. The number of the Program Change message that is sent can be freely changed and saved to the patches on the GR-33. (At the time of purchase, Program Change numbers 1 through 128 are assigned sequentially to patches A11 through D84.)"

    In other words, you can MIDI Map the GR-33 so the MIDI PC Numbers assigned to your KPA rigs do not have to align with your GR-33 preset numbers.

    Here's a link where you can download a copy of the GR-33 Manual for reference. Hope this helps.

    No, this doesn't work.
    When you lock a Stomp/Effect you lock everything: ON/Off State, Button Assignment and every Parameter.

    If you would now take a locked piece, unlock it, change its parameters and lock it again (it doesn't even need to be unlocked) the new parameters will be locked and stay the same in each recalled rig. That's the point of locking them down. ;)

    If you need the same effects with different parameters, you have to set and save them for each rig.
    For this purpose you can of course lock all effects and choose your rig. Now you adjust every parameter to your liking and save this rig. Continue until all your rigs include the desired effects and parameters and the unlock everything again.

    But it does work.  I suspect we're both saying the same thing, but differently.  :)

    Taking this a bit further just to ensure I understand correctly, suppose I assign 4 different effects to buttons A, B, C, and D, and lock them. Regardless of what rig I call up, these same 4 effects should always be there unless/until I unlock the Stomps section. However, although I want them available in all rigs, I won't want the same parameter settings in each rig, which is where Performance Mode comes in.

    In Performance Mode, once I've assigned individual rigs to each slot I can then unlock the Stomps section, edit the individual Stomp parameters as needed, lock the Stomp section again and save the newly edited rig, which will be saved within the selected Performance but not alter/affect the original rig in the rig pool, unless I choose to save it there as a new rig.

    Correct so far?

    Not 100% sure on this, but...

    Perhaps you could run Rig Manager and offload whatever rigs are currently loaded, then do the factory restore and afterwards, using Rig Manager again, upload the factory rigs. While you're at it, you should upgrade to the latest firmware version if you're not running it now. As I understand it, that process should include 300+ factory rigs.

    No, it is NOT always my friend. I already explained that I investigated their YouTube channel and found no obvious relationship between Skating Dog Productions and Kemper GmbH. I thought it would have been implicit from my post, that I had also visited SDP's main website (via Google)...but apparently not. So yes, just so we are clear, I did run down that lead. However, I could find no obvious affiliation between SDP and Kemper from their website. Hence, my original post.

    Thankfully, others have since provided some actual helpful insight on this matter. Thank you, Sambrox and Ingolf.

    I'm sorry you took umbrage with my post. I truly did not mean to offend you, and granted Google is not always one's friend, but let's really be clear about this, okay?

    Investigating a YouTube channel and doing a Google search are two totally different things. There was absolutely NO mention of Google in your original post, nor was there any mention of you visiting the Skating Dog Productions web site, or for that matter, any web site other than YouTube. All you said was that you "...looked at other videos uploaded by Skating Dog Productions." Since you never mentioned doing any other type of search, the only thing implied by that is you did your research on YouTube.

    I have no way of knowing what you did other than from what you actually wrote in your original post, and since my first response obviously offended and/or annoyed you I will apologize for that once again. However, I honestly do not feel obligated to apologize for being unable to read your mind.

    I have a more basic question...

    The YouTube channel / publisher of this video is "Skating Dog Productions". Do they have some official affiliation with Kemper GmbH? In other words, is this an offical "Kemper" YouTube channel????

    I looked at other videos uploaded by Skating Dog Productions. While most of the content appears to be Kemper related, there are also videos featuring Positive Grid (Bias Amp Sim Software) products, as well as BluGuitar.

    Can anyone shed a light on this.

    Cheers, and Happy New Year everyone!

    Google is your friend: Skating Dog Productions

    Rig manager supports down to OS X 10.7 - Snow leopard is 10.6, right?? If so, rig manager is not compatible. You can transfer rigs using a USB thumbdrive though.

    Be aware: there is currently no editor for use on computer (i.e. adjusting gain etc from the screen) - only rig manager, which you can use to load rigs onto the KPA (either previewing, or copying them to the unit).

    If you can you upgrade your Mac to El Capitan you'll be good to go.

    After checking out the Disaster Area site and what they have to offer in the way of MIDI Controllers, I am of the opinion two MIDI Controllers hardly qualifies as "...midi controllers of all kinds." I'm not disparaging their products, but they only offer two MIDI controllers, neither of which impresses me as much as the TB-12, but hey, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

    The reason I like the BJ stuff is the TB-12 is extremely versatile and has a small footprint - plus it can be phantom powered by the KPA - and everything else can go in the rack. More often than not the venues I play don't have very large stages, so space is usually at a premium for me.

    To elaborate on what Paul said earlier regarding MIDI, it's been my experience it is not really necessary to use different MIDI Channels for the MIDI devices connected to the KPA. I have a DIgiTech Vocalist Live Pro and a Roland GR-33 daisy chained from my KPA's MIDI Out connector, both are on MIDI Channel 1, and both are working just fine.

    You want the convenience of pressing a single button to change Kemper rigs, Mobius, and Timefactor presets, plus activate/deactivate the Fuzz, Overdrive, and Mobius in front of your Kemper. While this is certainly possible, IMHO the Boss ES-8 would be overkill unless you intend to add 4-5 more pedals to the front of your guitar signal chain.

    The obstacle here is the pedals in front of your Kemper. In Performance Mode the Remote is capable of changing presets on your Kemper, and via MIDI, on up to two other MIDI Devices of your choice. In your case that would be the Mobius and Timefactor, but that won't cover the pedals in front of your Kemper. If you really want to go the MIDI route as opposed to using the Remote, you can forego high ticket items like the ES-8 and do the same thing for less money using a MIDI controller and Relay Switches.

    I'd suggest you take a look at the BJ Devices TB-12 MIDI Controller and LoopX2 Switcher. While I don't currently own either, I am seriously considering the TB-12 which can be phantom powered by the Kemper. A TB-12 with a pair of LoopX2 switches will let you do just about anything you want when it comes to switching your gear, plus you can rack mount your pedals along with the LoopX2s to free up floor space, and you'll save about $300 in the bargain. Just tossing it out there as another option to consider.