Posts by jimosity

    I would love to be able to do this in Performance Mode where the display changes based on whatever 1-5 preset I'm on in that particular performance.
    I'd love to have a smaller font for the performance name and then a large font for the name of that rig (and would like to be able to edit them individually.
    (i.e.; I use the same high gain tone all the time but then have a variation of it with a solo boost....I'd like to call one 'MAIN' and the other 'SOLO' even though it's technically the same rig copied and pasted but with an effect slot enabled.

    In PM - I have my presets configured (by default, with a few effects turned off but assigned to switches on the remote).
    When I engage an effect or two, normally, I'll just step on the preset button again to jump back to the default settings (all effects off) --- but now it doesn't appear to be doing that.
    Is there a setting that I need to change with the new firmware?

    Also, it seems like switching happens fairly quick but the lag time of the remote to display the changes is very slow.

    It absolutely works in Performance Mode - that's all I use and I know for a fact that these are all CC changes.

    You can find more about it on the wiKPA.

    CC#48 will bank up to the next performance
    CC#49 will bank down to the previous performance.

    You use these to go to the performance you want...and you use these to select the slot in that performance.

    CC #50 Slot 1 of Current Performance
    CC #51 Slot 2 of Current Performance
    CC #52 Slot 3 of Current Performance
    CC #53 Slot 4 of Current Performance
    CC #54 Slot 5 of Current Performance

    CC #48 Increase Performance Index (switch to next rig) **
    CC #49 Decrease Performance Index (switch to next rig) **
    CC #50 Slot 1 of Current Performance **
    CC #51 Slot 2 of Current Performance **
    CC #52 Slot 3 of Current Performance **
    CC #53 Slot 4 of Current Performance **
    CC #54 Slot 5 of Current Performance **

    ** Performance Mode

    You can get the views if you really bust your ass, have access to enough people and take the initiative to do something with it.
    Right after I posted my video, I spend countless hours over many days to promote like I've never promoted anything before. Here are a few things that I did to get so many views.
    I work for a very large company and sent an email out to tons of people and asked them to watch the video. I've never deleted an email, I am OCD about data so I keep everything. I only worked with the last year or two of PST files and exported all emails out to an Excel spreadsheet, then scraped thru the file to remove duplicates and come up with a huge list of email addresses - then I just created a distribution list and sent an email to everyone of them asking them to watch.
    On Facebook, I created an event and invited tons of people to it and had a few friends that also invited all of their friends to it - the event was nothing more than to watch the video and share it.
    I had a gear related side business for several years that had it's own FB page, Youtube subscribers, contacts - I shared the video in all of those places.
    I shared it in as many gear related forums and Facebook groups / pages as I could.
    I've also been in a couple bands that have their own FB pages, Youtube subscribers, etc.
    I'm also in several Facebook groups - not all of which are gear related - with tons of users and posted in all of those. Hundreds of thousands of users in those groups alone.
    I just asked that people watch the video, they didn't have to understand what it was about necessarily.
    All told, between emails, facebook groups, message boards, private messages, etc. - If you count up all of the potential people that I promoted it to, I'm positive that it's close to 2 million people.
    I took the effort to put together a video specifically for this contest and tried to make it funny instead of just the same old shred video that may or may not have been recorded specifically for this contest. I'm surprised that almost no one else tried to do anything more creative than just play some shred licks.

    Here's my entry...also known as "Play Something Pretty"
    (yes, I know some of the controllers that I used in the video work just fine with the Kemper... the video was meant to be funny).


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    I have the AxeFX Standard, AxeFX II and the KPA Rack.
    The tones are better in the KPA for sure - it takes almost no real effort to find great tones.
    I too use the intelligent harmonizer in the AxeFX and play a lot of live shows as the only guitarist - so I *need* it for some songs.
    Unfortunately, the KPA just can't cut it like the AxeFX can when it comes to the harmonizer. For a couple songs, it can be passable...but there are a couple songs that I just can't get the harmonizer to sound good on no matter what I try.
    For basic effects - the KPA is fine. Due to the weak harmonizer implementation, it just can't replace my AxeFX yet for live use.
    Some guys will swear that the KPA harmonizer is just fine, but my guess is that they've never seen how awesome the AxeFX harmonizer is.

    The only other complaints that I have are that there is no PC editor - which some people think is just perfectly fine - but I'm not one of those. When you have your gear in a shockmount rack that sits low to the floor, doing any extensive tweaking isn't feasible if you have to lay on the ground or try to lift a 100+ pound rack up onto a table. The lack of a PC editor is simply unreasonable.

    Secondly, I don't use the Kemper Remote - I use a Ground Control Pro and spending another fortune for a dedicated controller that takes forever to obtain when I have a perfectly good controller is dumb. The midi implementation is very basic compared to that of the AxeFX. If you do any advanced midi control or have a controller that can't be set to a specific PC/CC number, be ready for a slap in the face in terms of how basic the midi "flexibility" is.
    You know how on the AxeFX, you can control just about anything with any CC# if you hit the "Learn" button and hit a switch on your controller? None of that in the KPA, it has specific PC/CC#s only.
    I picked up a small Randall RF8 controller that I added to my Ground Control Pro just to handle the looper control and other various things like tap tempo and such - the AxeFX works awesome with it. The KPA can't do much of anything with it because it's not the right CC#s that the KPA needs. It can only do basic PC changes.
    The common response is to just buy the Kemper Remote - which I think is a ridiculous argument. Sure the AxeFX has the MFC101, but I've never needed it because the Ground Control Pro can do anything that the MFC101 can do pretty much. Another small annoyance is that the Kemper looper which is available when you use the Remote -- is not available from a standard midi controller because it uses NPRN midi to control it; which most third party midi controllers can't do. Thinking that that is acceptable is kind of dumb since the AxeFX looper can be accessed via standard midi control on any CC number you want.
    I used to use continuous controller pedals to roll between a high gain amp block and a clean amp block in the same preset while also bringing in a different row of effects for each or for controlling different parameters of different prepared to lose that flexibility when you go to the Kemper.

    There are a couple other small annoyances when coming from the AxeFX -- but overall, the Kemper is a monster and is definitely worth the plunge based on tone alone.
    I'm not an AxeFX or Kemper fanboy - I have both and both do different things better than the other.
    Unfortunately, it's just not realistic to carry around both. I tried using the KPA in the loop of the AxeFX and using the AxeFX for control and effects and the KPA as tone only -- works great but still lacks some flexibility and it's just too damn much gear to haul around to every weekend bar gigs.

    So - connecting an FBV Shortboard mkII to this device should work, but what CC/PC data is being passed through to the Kemper?
    Is this thing programmable to translate what it's receiving to specific CC#s?

    The statement above; "FBV Control software. The application shows you a graphicalrepresentation of your FBV Shortboard MkII and lets you customize the midi commands you send via USB." makes me think that I can program the MKII to send specific CC#s, but I've not checked it out yet.
    If that's the case; shouldn't this thing just work without much effort other than programming the FBV to send the right CC#s?

    Does anyone with 2.8 firmware have a minute to check out a couple profiles that I made? These are my first profiles and I'd like to get some opinions on them before I ever upload anything to Rig Exchange.
    As I said; these were done with 2.8 firmware, but I didn't do the separate DI capture and all that. When I test them with my studio monitors, they sound good; then into my Carvin FRFR; they sound a bit dark and bassy.
    Not sure which to trust.

    There are three different tones here; all from the MTS/Egnater/Modular world.
    Egnater COD (dual channel; both 1 & 2)
    Salvation Lone Clean
    Jaded Faith XTC

    All are done via Egnater M4 with a VHT 2/90/2 (KT88s) into a Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12 with a Shure SM57.

    Here's the link (I'll try to attach them to this post as well).