Posts by V8guitar

    For the first time in 10 years, my Power rack failed at a gig. Luckily I had my back up Blackstar Amped 3. Unluckily it sounded pants...

    So I bought a player....and it does of course have the Kemper sound.

    However, one of the limitations is switching through the banks and slots. I have a kemper dual switch which works great but also means it uses up the pedal input so can;t use an expression pedal.

    I have looked at midi switching but they are either expensive or limited in the allocation of slots.

    How are others doing it? I want to use it in a similar way to the remote if possible but If ended up allocating the 5 switches ( 3 on player, 2 on extension switch) and going with a external wah and will select banks and tuner manually.

    Am I missing something? Wouldn't be an issue if there had been 2 pedal connections :( ...perhaps Kemper could release a midi switcher...

    Hunted through manual and not sure if this is possible...

    I have used Morph for many years but only ever using the double switch on the remote.

    I have an expression pedal set up for pitch control but for just one rig in my performance, I'd like to use it for morphing a number of parameters.

    Is it possible to set the pedal that is set up for pitch to morph on a per rig basis or is it global?

    Hope that makes sense.

    That is a surprise given that SS amps are aiming to be as transparent as possible. Its also a surprise as ( not sure if its true) both are powered by B+O amps...

    It also shouldn't matter what it goes through ( everything else should be equal) but I suspect some monitoring systems will highlight bigger changes than others.

    So you are asking Kemper for a pedal power amp when they already do a power head, a power rack and and powerkab? I understand why but I think its unlikely as it would only be for users who want to use a stage or player but run through a regular cab which is porbably not the top use case, especially as cabs are becoming less important live. I take mine but invariably rely on the in house monitors - most venues expect digital direct guitar amps in my experience.

    The power amps are versions of ICE units as some people on here have built powered Kabs prior to the development of the powerKab....Im sure someone can correct me...

    My Tangerine dream - basically a Fender Squier contemporary Strat in shell pink that I repainted ( looks good from a distance ha!) and I had replaced the neck with a lefty for a reverse headstock, and changed the pickups to Seymours...shes not bad..bit of fun.

    To get to the answer I think you need to clarify more here, notably:

    1) is it just the legends profiles or any sounds from the KPA ( you mention the rig buster pack)....a different way to answer is, do you a good sound at all from the KPA with any profiles?

    2) Have you tried headphones or direct to a mixing desk or computer. Does it still sound bad?

    3) Has it ever sounded good?

    4) No enough distortion might suggest you have the wrong setting or even driving a non powered FRFR speaker :) Please provide detail on what frfr, the output and the settings ( master mono for instance).

    I suspect you have a problem with you output settings but until you narrow it down its just a guessing game

    I try not to post too much on here because if you give an opinion that is not liked by a few selective people they put you down. Like your opinion or frustration doesn't count and instead of helping they attack you. Just a few bad apples that's all.

    I'm probably going to get put down for this but honestly I don't give a crap.

    If you are not going to help then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all and let the ones that help do their thing.

    This isn't my experience tbh, so its a shame you get that feeling. I have been on this forum for about 9 years now and hope im not one of the small group.

    Negative reactions usually come in response to negative statements. I do post when I disagree and usually its all taken in the right spirit.

    However, if you post, expect some debate or conversation. Make strong statements, expect a strong response. There was no help requested here, just a retorical question - what is the point of that if not looking for a response.

    I think anyone who asks for help usually gets it in spades......

    Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    I don't get this...

    Yes there are some quirks like any platform but 90% of it make sense and is in line with other systems. 5% of it is more advanced than perhaps I need and is as a result of that ( clean sense for example) and the other 5% is usually as the result of design changes over time - RM is very different to what it was originally designed for so can be clunky but design wise is straight forward to navigate.

    So many things are right:

    1) Front panel layout is based around and amp and signal chain

    2) Perfomance mode is set up for live use - allocating effects to each slot is so easy

    3) Morph - I never understood why they did that, but its the best thing they did IMO. Brilliant

    4) Built in amp on the power rack and head and therefore able to drive any cab

    5) Dedicated Kabinet

    6) Separate outputs for FOH vs monitor - sounds obvious but my fly rig ( Blackstar amped 3) uses the same volume for both

    7) Dedicated remote that is powered by the KPA - no more silly power supplies at the front of the stage

    8) ....and on

    If you want to go back to miking a cab up through a tone 90% dependant upon the guitar cab and a pedal board of effects with dodgy connectors, true bypass vs buffers and rogue power supplies with your 4 cable methods then go for it ( I am joking here as not everyone has these problems).

    My sound has never been better and my set up simpler...

    1) with no Ep-Rom, only 1 cable, you can see the tuner on the fcb screen; so you doesn't need a second cable.

    2)you can make switch 1-10 for performances switching or 1-5 performances switching and 6-10 stomp on/off for exemple.
    3) ok but you can add 2 switchs
    4) no double tap / loop. but you can use the exp pedal to morph
    5) lucky probably ;)

    but the main theme was the use of expression pedals which are often criticized on this fcb without explaining the why and how, that's what I wanted to do in my initial post.

    So I agree that the FCB1010 aint bad, but the dedicated footswitch is a few hundred pounds more but gives a better interface.

    I use switch morph exclusively, not pedal changes ( as I don;t need the variation, I need a singular boost) so that is big for me.

    My point about set up is if I want to assign singular or multiple set of effects to a particular switch its "press and hold" on the remote vs having to set it up on the KPA ( I think/assume its possible).

    Yes you get tuner but its not easy to read...

    Anyway my view in summary is if you need a live controller, the FCB1010 works and is pretty good, but if you can afford to spend a few hundred pounds ( which if you gig regularly is totally worth it), then I would always recommend the remote :)

    1) only one midi cable is enough with the fcb with no Ep-Room...
    2) you make one time a set up than cut/past for all switchs. it takes 20 min max to try, understand, make it. And you can use the controller with all midi gears.
    3) you have 2 pedals with the fcb, functional or not, depending on your configuration and you can always add 2 external pedals to the kempers
    4) who looks the display when people are front off you for your gig...
    5) I have NEVER touched 2 switches at the same time

    1) To get full functionlity you need 2 midi cables ( I think it was tuner mainly). Regardless you need separate power as well.

    2) Not sure that is true when you set up new performances and want effects allocated to stomps but its been years so...

    3) Yes, no option not to have them attached to the physical pedal.

    4) All the time when changing performances or when switching on stomps. Also not sure if you can double tap for morph

    5) Then you are lucky or way more precise than I am.

    My point is, its an OK lower value option. It doesn't offer much over a regular midi switcher. For me, the remote is so much easier and worth every penny. In spending £1500+ on a profiler, spending a few hundred pounds on a remote is a no brainer.

    I think I get the requirement and I think there are only 2 ways of doing this:

    1) global setting that you choose last state - in most cases if this is what you want, you make the default state with effect on so its limited

    2) Tapping switches - unless its more than 1 effect slot, you might as well hit the effect saves nothing.

    I think the complexity could also cause more issues than it solves.... " I shift between slots and my effects have somehow stayed on" type query.

    It's once again (like the output menu) poor design, a waste of screen space, and confusing to boot.

    I would expect to assign the effects block to a footswitch rather than assigning the footswitch to an effects block.

    The minimum expectation is to arrange the buttons in a row so that you don't have to scroll unnecessarily.

    It would be better to have an assignment button under each effect block where you can assign the footswitch (I-IV).

    I had hoped for a graphical representation of the remote but as long as it works and is logicial then I'm fine.

    To me because you can add multiple effects to the slots, it makes sense in my mind to add the effects to the slots not the other way round.... I hasten to add I've not seen it sooo....

    Yes. In RM (PC/Mac is my experience) - under Rig, scroll down and you'll see buttons for assigning functions to each button. When you click on the button, a pop up will let you do a ton of things.

    WHAT? I can now assign effects to the remote via RM?

    I'm not underwelmed, I'm overwelmed! I've wanted this for sometime.....brilliant!

    I need to check this update out as I've not even looked...