Posts by V8guitar

    Yes, that is ticket number 323886.
    Nobody expects a completely error-free version,
    but I expect known problems to be fixed, especially if the functionality worked in older versions and especially if the error is reproducible and repeatable.

    I have been working in IT for over 30 years, specializing in large databases and trading systems in investment banking. Here, a clear distinction is made between error correction and function expansion. And there is always a maintenance update or bugfix release before new functions are introduced.

    So tis Beta 11.0 is a maintenance release i guess.

    Having worked myself for 28 years in software development in different industries, there is of course difference in criticality. Error free was the target for Aerospace and so yes prior to new functionality but less important for booking appointments for an Opticians.

    I also hear you, just trying to add the reality here of the scale and size of the organisation and criticality of these issues.

    The problem is that some bugs are not present in older versions, but have only appeared due to new functions. E.g. in studio use, the KPA USB connection problem means that I have to continue using version 8.7. The error is demonstrably repeatable and is also documented in the internal Rigmanager log. I have reported this situation to the support team several times, but have not yet received a satisfactory response.
    However, Kemper always mixes updates with upgrades, bug fixing and the introduction of new features.
    So anyone (like me) who hopes that errors will be fixed will always be disappointed that although some errors are fixed, and new errors arise. I would prefer a stable version that is as error-free as possible instead of new functions.

    You are describing a number of issues here.

    In regards to new bugs, I have no idea what your experience of software development is but you describe a utopia that will never exist. Any change, including fixing a bug can introduce more bugs. So even if Kemper stood still and just fixed bugs, there would still be some bugs. Its the law of diminishing returns, you then spend so much time and money chasing bugs that have little impact to the majority - this is the prioritisation.

    Its not unusual ( sorry, can't say that without thinking of Tom Jones) to release features and bug fixes. Each release costs time and money so combining to 2 is more effective and fairly normal.

    No software is ever bug or error free. That is because even in the field, new scenarios that have never been used before, let alone tested, will show unexpected results. However, I think the KPA is very stable, I've had no major software issues int he 10 years I've had it. The software releases are free, regular and provide fixes to many issues experienced as well as features.

    As a result I think Kemper has the model right, we get new features and bug fixes (based upon seriousness) ASAP. The downside is that yes there are some longstanding bugs that for some people are an issue but for the majority are not ( and they use this forum to assess that).

    So what do you think a public BETA is?
    On one hand, Kemper says not to use it in productive environments or production.
    You say you're not a tester, and not interested in testing.
    So what do you do with it?
    In my humble opinion, I would never ever use a BETA on stage, in rehearsals, or in the studio.
    I don't have the time to flick around and hope I don't run into a bug.

    I'd like to know what I'm dealing with, and where bugs are still hidden.

    Its a release of software that has been internally tested but given you can;t capture everything in on a test bench, its released as a Beta so that users are aware of this. Its an extremely sensible way to release complex software.

    I'm not testing it, I'm just using it as normal. The difference is I don;t systematically go looking for issues as a tester would, I don't run test scripts nor do I look to break it. I run a software development team which includes a test function so I'm pretty familiar with the differences.

    I do use Betas on stage because:

    1) The chances of any catastrophic issue is very low, if any bugs get through they are low level. The risk of a catastrophic issue in Beta vs full release is not that different so I think its low risk.

    2) I only play pub gigs and so any small bugs are not really going to hurt and I carry a backup.

    3) Never had a problem so far, showing that their testing is pretty good. I've had no bugs in beta that made the KPA unusable

    But that is why they tell us its a beta so you can choose and I understand why many people don;t use Beta's and prefer to wait for the full release. This is definitely sensible and Im probably a bit too reckless in that sense. I have had issues live but they were not related to Beta releases.

    BTW there is always the risk that bugs are not picked up in Beta release as well so no guarantees here, its all just about risk.

    Just totally disagree.

    We are not testers, we are users. I'm not interested in testing but I take the betas to get early sight of functionality, knowing its already been tested pretty well.

    This is mixing up beta testing and the general issues...I didn't mean there are aren't bugs out there but I'm also not trying to test the whole platform.

    Most of the long term bugs, in my mind, are not showstoppers and therefore not a huge concern. I think publishing a list will just create unnecessary concerns.

    To be specific:
    What open issues are there in this beta and what needs to be tested again to go forward? If everything is so easy and there are no more errors, why isn't it released?
    I think that in all beta releases, the known issues should always be listed in the release note. The last Beta updaste was in Jun ?!
    And in a post that is about this beta release, problems and progress on this release should be discussed and no personal statements.

    I actually agree with their model.

    They test the best they can and then release as a Beta. As soon as a fault is identified they look to release another version with a fix.

    They don;t publish the known bugs I assume because:

    1) Im not sure they have a list and that they release what they think is a complete version but can't fully test all scenarios,

    2) They fix stuff so fast that keeping an up to date list would be difficult

    3) Publishing a list will "lead the witness" and so its often better to test blind rather than have a set list of bugs to distract people

    Why do you advice to put the delay in front of the player ?

    The sound is not the same as post-amp... Or i misunderstood what you mean ?!

    Sometimes pre-amp delay gives good results but i prefer it 3/4 of times post...

    I agree it sounds different but I've often done this on a regular amps and I think people get overly fussy about running modulation effects through an effects loop/post amp. Back in the day when effects loops were less available this was normal :)

    I'm kicking myself a little because I bought a separate Wah and actually for a similar price this thing does 99% of what I want, especially as it has inputs for experssion pedals.

    Thank you so much Slateboy for the info, VERY informative.

    Some of these posts have nothing to do with the topic of 11.0 Beta.
    The same dilemma has been going on for over 10 years. Whether errors are discovered or not is purely coincidental. To date, there seem to be no test plans for the beta test that could be worked on. There are no official error lists so that errors can be confirmed or specified. From a QS manager's point of view, so much time and money is being wasted. If you assume a public beta test, all major errors should actually have been found and fixed internally.

    Not sure what you are saying here but Im pretty sure there is an error list, just not externally.

    And that makes sense to me as they internally test ( which is clear even in the Beta as I've had very few issues in any Beta) so not sure where you think time is lost.

    If you need to include the delay then a DI box might be useful to convert to an XLR output.

    TBH I would try it with the delay in the front first. also not sure why people stick with pedals, the KPA will do 90% of what a pedal can do with a thousand times more additional options....

    I use the "PaintAudio MIDI Captain STD version Foot Controller with 10 switches". $159.00 USD

    You can download a special firmware for the KPP; here the description from the paintaudio Website:

    "This is a firmware package specifically designed to control the KPP. It communicates bidirectionally with the KPP through a USB connection, allowing it to retrieve the Rig Name and synchronize module states. Additionally, the firmware features consistent LED lighting effects with the KPP."

    With this firmware you can direct switch: Four effects; Tap and five rigs (One bank). And with long press bank up or down.

    Ohhhh that sounds cool