Posts by MathiasUlrick

    Pretty sure I'm going to sell my KPA. I haven't done any profiles with it since I got it and I am just not having any luck with downloaded profiles. I will go blindly with the Helix because I've always loved Line 6, the POD HD Pro was an awesome unit my only complaint about it was the noise. I thought it sounded great and I could coax some really nice tones out of it. Even after significant tweaking I can't get a profile to sound very good. Yeah, I'm probably doing it wrong but I feel like after owning the KPA for about a year it is just not for me.

    Yeah I used a POD HD Pro for a while in a band and in the studio it sounds great but at practice and shows it was lousy. We need a solution for amp modelers. I had a Johnson Millennium and that thing sounded great everywhere. The only problem I had with it after time is I could not get more modern tones out of it. It would be nice to see companies like Fractal and Kemper making a combo amp type rig that was designed for their platform. They could make a 2x12 combo and offer an extra add on 2x12 so people could add more speakers if they wanted. Partner up with kpasolutions on this!

    How can you expect the KPA to sound the way you want without reading the manual? The Kemper is no toy or a single channel amp with 5 knobs...

    The same way I taught myself to play guitar without instructions, I just figure it out. Granted there are probably some helpful things I can learn from the manual, its just a matter of actual reading it. Also I haven't had a hard time figuring out how to run other modeling amps (Johnson Millennium, POD X3 Pro, POD HD Pro). I am also a recording engineer and PC technician so I am fairly technically inclined.

    +1 to that bro!

    I´ve uploaded the Profile, I hope it works (" Misha FW18 Rythm ")!
    Quitty is right! :P

    Tweaked it a bit and there you go with the CHUGGING from doom :D

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    (no post eq or anything)

    Sounds really good!

    We all know that profiling is an art form, but does that mean we shouldn't get credit for a profile we have tweaked and made something amazing with? I suggest a "modified by" area maybe underneath the area that shows who originally made the profile so that when someone makes a great version of a rig that was profiled by someone else they can get some recognition for the edit. This should not replace the original profiler's name but be a separate value. We can't all contribute great profiles but maybe we can edit some existing ones for specific uses.

    Slow startup has been the "elephant in the room" for a long time. There's no justifiable reason why a small computer in the twenty-first century should take over a minute to start up.

    And just because there *is* a dependence on rig count doesn't mean that there *must be*. Think about it: if the KPA is reading *every* rig on startup, then that could be done *one time* and the pertinent data stored in an index so the work doesn't have to be repeated on the next boot. Hey, there's even a real-time clock: the Kemper could easily detect when the rig directory has changed and update the index accordingly.

    Looking at this from the perspective of other "high-end" guitar processors: My Eleven Rack boots in 15 seconds. My Axe-FX boots in 7 seconds. (While I'm new to the latter, I understand that there were howls of protest from the user base when the AFX boot time increased *to* 7 seconds...)

    On the other hand, I suppose I could buy a second KPA *and* a UPS, reserving the second KPA as a "hot spare" just in case I didn't want to wait for over a minute in the (thankfully, exceedingly rare) event that a glitch takes down the active unit. Hyperbole? Sure. For me it is. But I'm certain that touring techs lose sleep over scenarios like this... OTOH, never mind: if a touring band can afford a tech, they can certainly afford to pay for redundant hardware...

    Seriously: fix the ridiculously long boot time. It's aggravating. Even a tube amp can be ready to play in eleven seconds.

    I wholeheartedly agree with all the above statements. There is no possible reason that it has to go through every rig on startup. I also like the fact that on top of saying it doesn't need to, you actually offered an idea on how to fix it.