Posts by CPHfx

    Hi all,

    I just changed my performance setup as a try. Now I have the exactly same right in my Buttons 1 - 5 with the same effects on button I - IIII.

    I dont use Performance switch Buttons > and <.

    The only difference I have, is increasing amp gain from Button 1 till 5.

    Thus, my knobs 1 to 5 act like "amp channel switching" and I to IIII as a standard effect pedal board... at least on the first view.

    A second view reveals that the effects I chose while playing mid gain, switches to standard enabled, when i switch the rig... of courses, this makes sense for most applications, I would still like to ask:

    1) is there a way to take the effect status with me, when switching the rig?

    2) or is it possible to keep the effect state of e.g. rig 5 while switching away to rig 4 and than back to 5? Thus, if I engage effect 1 on rig 5, switch rig and come back to 5, effect 1 is still engaged without the need of saving in between?

    I will probably be best with linking the gain to a pedal - but I am still interested in the questions above...

    ...or is there another way of gradually increasing gain with Buttons and without a pedal?

    I am disapointed, that the remote looks not to be compatible...Maybe due to the restirctions in slots and FX-loop... and dificultied in assaigning? So maybe understandable, but this makes is less interesting for me.

    I would have gone for a smaller form factor same functinality unit ;) (Who wouldnt... 8o )

    I guess it will be possible to add external switches?

    I mean 4 slots with three footswitches is already a bit short - but how will I switch rigs than?

    I have a taylor 514ce with Es2...

    But i dont use kemper with it, yet.

    For a piezo system, i liked it a lot lot lot more than the undersaddle piezo i had before in my martin dx1 rae.

    With onboard control (reduce treble a bit and raise bass a bit), for my purpose so far i could play live without hassle.

    I just dial in a bit of reverb on the mixer.

    But yes, sure... Kemper will be nice for it in the future to have more control options with the feet ;)

    I even get distorted signal, if I plug my headphonesto the headphone jack... and nothing else anywhere...

    Still, input led is nice and green...

    Reducing clean sense to -12 AND reducing guitar volume to very low, also does not solve it

    Also using Alternative input does not help

    Either does " reset globals "

    Hi all,

    I've been happy quite some years now with Kemper... However, we just switched to acoiustic setup, and I just want to use my Kemper very subtle: as a start, just a volume switch...

    I just cannot get my acustic signal (Piezo, preamp included in guitar (Martin Dx1 RAE) completly dry through the Kemper. Its somehow distorted.

    I switched everything off, and checked also in Rig manager that everything is off. Input LED is green, distortion and clean sense on zero.

    Output level is similar to output level of guitar -> also the input of mixer is not clipping.

    But still: plugging my guitar directly into mixer sounds completly different than plugging it into Kemper and Kemper into mixer... Is there any idea, what I might have missed?!?

    I checked input and output section and cannot find anything, that might cause this..

    All the best

    Nice playing DamianGreda!

    Besides your playing skills, I am missing a good room, mics and the knowledge how to mic an acoustic the way you do ;) as soon it is released, I will try how far I can go with the simulation.

    I am also happy to try the piezo of the acoustic with the kemper acoustic simulator. Thanks to my bad recording knowledge, it might get me further than a badly miced acoustic;)

    I also guess, that "something" will be presented at NAMM - which dies not mean, that there might be a realease in advance.

    The latest beta is from June - so there should have been enough time for testing. As it takes so much time, expectations are raised that there is more than just some reverbs coming.

    .. but you never know when. Might still take another 6 month, or might be here tomorrow. Noone knows, maybe not even the kemper team...

    Das kann natürlich viele Gründe haben... Zum direkten Vergleich einfach mal ein Diezel Profil ohne Effekte nehmen, Cab off und über die Box von deinem Kollegen spielen?
    Oder direkt seinen Amp Profilen ;)
    ... bloß zum testen. Dann weißt Du, ob Du mit der Performance vom Kemper grundsätzlich einverstanden bist aber and en einstellungen optimieren musst, oder ob er einfach nicht Dein Ding ist.

    I did the following:
    - Mic on Cajon (in your case: iphone) in return of Kemper
    - Guitar in Guitar ;)
    - Set up a performance with a slot for guitar and a slot with a rig, that has a loop active
    - change looper location to be somewhere after the loop
    - (optional: add foot switch to control the looper/cahnge tuner/Tap button functionality to control looper)

    Now you can press the button to enable the loop-slot, start looper, record drums from iphone. Switch to guitar slot, record loops from guitar.

    This thread is about " can we get an editor"...

    User Group A jumps in and says "Yeah, please!!"
    User Group B answers: "I dont need one"
    User Group C does not answer, because it so much doesnt care about it, that they dont even read a thread with this topic.

    All arguments and everything that could be said by Group A and B was said after a short period of time...

    Now, there comes a new user (group) inside this thraed and says: "Here is one"...

    I dont see the harm - but would also prefer to just close this thread and discuss the user made editors (THANKS GUYS!!!) in another thread... Especially to make sure, that til does not get banned as welll...