Posts by ale55555

    Yeah, I've actually replaced the LEDs in my gear before. It's doable with patience and the right tools, like a soldering iron and some basic electronic knowledge. You can find guides and the LEDs you need for such a project, which could save you the hassle and cost of sending it off for repair. If you haven't done that before, read some articles about it or watch some videos; believe me, it's pretty simple. I learned how to do that with help from an article from They have a bunch of informative articles and even product recommendations.

    Hooking up a Kemper to Ableton can definitely be a head-scratcher at first. I had a similar hassle when I tried connecting my own gear for recording. The key was in the DAW settings. I had to tinker around in Ableton to make sure it recognized the SPDIF input. Also, make sure your Line 6 UX2 actually has SPDIF input capability. Not all interfaces are set up for that.

    It took me a bit of trial and error, but once I got it right, the sound quality was a game-changer. If you're still feeling stuck, you might want to check out faqaudio. They've got some straightforward guides that helped me out.

    @schreckmusic I tried to do tone matching with a merged profile. I used a short inpulse 0.3 second with voxengo decolvolver.
    After I converted with cabmaker the IR to cabinet and record from kemper a new track with amplifier and the new cabinet build.
    I compare the new track recorded with the reference tone. There are difference in high frequency. The rest seems to be the same.
    So I use after cabinet three metal equalizer in serie with high cut at 8300 hz and the match is very similar.
    Any idea how cut away frequency over 8k?

    This is comparation signal (without three metal equalizer): kemper recorded track(yellow) vs reference tone.

    @deadpan I contact the support and they give me no solution to my problem. Maybe there is not solution with the kemper with actual hardware and software implementation
    because I think if a solution exist some forum guru let me know it.

    @deadpan I follow this tutorial

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    but I use ozone to tone matching.

    @deadpan I don't think this problem is related to voxengo Deconvolver because if I use keFIR vst in cubase
    and load into this plugin the new IR create it's very very close to my reference track while the sound with the new cabinet create
    with cabmaker it's different.

    I compare two signal:


    rig1 with cabinet off -----> cubase input ----> KeFIR VST with new IR

    compare with


    rig1 with new IR as cabinet

    @DonPetersen it's possible disable the cabdriver algorithms? If I have a direct profile with only amplifier it's possibile add an IR without
    activate cabdriver algorithms? Please explain. It's possibile get a solution this problem in the next release?

    I deactivate the cabinet,recorded a single track with only amplifier on. Then I did tone matching on reference tone and save the new IR and I converted it with cab maker and then imported on kemper. If I record a new track with the kemper and the new cabinet and compare it with the tone matched track is different.

    I use an impulse 44.1 24 bit and 1.5 second... With IR plugin work well, but I have too latency and not a realtime response.
    Maybe my soundcard it's not right for it I don't known. Anyway I don't understand why it's impossibile transfer eq matching on the kemper.
    I suppose that amplifier and cabinet have a sort of dependency even if we saw them separate.
    For test a sell kemper IR I should have the kemper format and the wave format to compare.

    I tried to do some tone matching on a guitar track: I created a IR with voxengo deconvolver and convert it with cabmaker 2.0 but the result is not so good and not so similar to
    original tone matched track. What's I wrong?

    Hello I have build a IR and try to import with cabMaker. I put the kipr in the shader folder and kemper say: one rig import successul, but when I look for the rig I can't find it,
    How can I solve? I create the IR with voxengo deconvolver 44100 and 24 bit wave.