OK, tried all of that as well w/ and w/o the pre-amp in between the Kemper and the mic to the MarkV. I watched quite a few clips last night of people demoing, and I saw that most were using pre-amps for the mics. So I thought that maybe that would do it....no go.
Another thing I observed is that after their profiles are completed, the volume does not shoot up super high and they don't have super hot signals after the profiling is complete. I captured one of my profile sessions. It shows the reference amp ready to be profiled (I play to show the tone, levels, etc), profiling kicks in, then after it's completed, the signal goes super hot (which is why I think I'm having issues???). I did not bump the pre-amp, turn up the amplifier, tweak the audio interface, nothing. It just shoots up on its own after the profile is completed. I get the same results w/ the in-ears I have in that are plugged into the headphone jack. Does anyone else run into this at all???
Here's what I'm talking about (again, ignore the playing, not out to impress anyone right now
I'm starting to wonder if I have a defective unit, TBH...