Posts by asmith5150

    This is a bug in the current kemper OS release. Deletions from rig manager don't always replicate to the kemper.

    I reported it and tested with the beta OS and found that it does SEEM to be fixed by the beta (any other issues with the beta aside).

    A (tedious) work around is to directly delete rigs from the kemper instead.


    Cool. I'll check out the 5.2 beta and see if that fixes it. Thanks for the heads up @dgallina and @G String!

    I'm also seeing a discrepancy between what's in Rig Manager and what's on my Kemper. My KPA says it has 1017 profiles while the Rig Manager shows I have 712 profiles (yep, I've been doing some "house cleaning" to cut down to something more manageable and am trying to cut it down further until this started up). I've restarted the Rig Manager w/ the KPA on, I've restarted the KPA w/ Rig Manager still open, etc. and I'm still getting pop-ups that I've exceeded the allotted 1000 rigs. I've been deleting rigs from "MyProfiler" but apparently that's not doing anything?

    I had the Rig Manager check to make sure my software versions are up-to-date (which they are) so I'm at a loss as to why I'm unable to remove rigs off of my profiler by using Rig Manager. It seems simple and the Rig Manager manual doesn't seem to address this (that I saw any way). I'm on an iMac OSX 10.11.6 using Rig Manager 2.0.19 w/ a KPA's OS at

    Anybody else experiencing this? Any work arounds? If not I'll probably bug support as I don't want to have to deal with going through the soft buttons on the KPA or note every rig I want to delete, do a back up/export onto a USB stick and then delete them from it and then import/restore from the said USB stick. It's a lot of steps for something the Rig Manager is supposed to make easier. So any insight would be greatly appreciated!

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. I remember something def seemed off. Hope kemper support was nice to deal with

    They were actually great to work with. I'm even more sold w/ Kemper Amps now than I was before. One of these years, I'll go back to and attempt to profile the Mark V w/ an SM57 and an MD421! One can hope and I'll let you know, @meambobbo when I share it as promised. ;)

    In case anyone runs across this and wanted to know the outcome, I had my Kemper replaced which fixed a lot of the mud/flub when profiling. I still have to EQ some low-end off to match what is coming out, but it's definitely better than the model I returned and I'm much happier w/ it now.

    I apologize for not following up sooner. Life got crazy and I haven't visited this site since my last post. Thanks to everyone who took their time to help address my experience and happy profiling!

    Thanks @meambobbo, I don't think I could have said that any better myself. Thank you for clarifying the issue! I feel like I may have given too much detail causing "noise" in this thread (my apologies). What you stated is pretty much exactly what tech support suspects as well and hopefully a trip to the shop will do the trick :thumbup:

    Did u try adjusting the Low shift parameter in the cab section ?
    While not a fix this might help you lose some of the flub

    I did play around w/ that, but it started to change the characteristic of the tone I was trying to originally capture. I also played around w/ the Studio EQ as well but at that point felt like there was something wrong because all of the other videos I've seen on YouTube had people having almost exact profiles. Even a few of them noted that they had to add in some low end because their profiles seemed to have been lacking? Not so much w/ my profiles, lol!

    have you tried profiling with an old version instead of the 3.2.0?
    I'm having the same issues as you and I notice that if I lower the real amp volume (in your case the mark overall volume), I get closer results, I guess something is clipping before hitting the kemper!
    I profiled mine really loud

    I thought about that, actually. The older "demos" of people capturing their rigs on YouTube had mentioned that they needed to add some low end in (as I noted above). I wonder if they may have over compensated for that lack of low end w/ these newer software/firmware updates. I actually started w/ 3.1.4 but experienced what I noted in this thread, so I upgraded to 3.2 hoping it'd resolve it.

    I also had wondered if something was clipping before hitting the Kemper (because I profiled mine fairly loud as well) so I put a pre-amp between the mic and the Kemper. That should have eliminated any clipping it would have experienced as I limited the peaks to about -4db (if I remember correctly). Still had no luck. At that point, I contacted and worked w/ Tech Support per @meambobbos suggestion and they had me try a few things out. After I reported back the results, they determined that there is more than likely some faulty hardware. So I'm going to have to send it in, unfortunately. I'm hoping they'll be able to resolve it by fixing the hardware issues I may be experiencing...

    No problem. Im a huge fan of tight mark iv/v bass with saturated distortion. If you get flub, might as well be playing an Orange. Truth be told, I'm still looking for THE MB Mark profile that leaves me wanting no more. I have some really good ones, but I'm betting that dream profile is still out there.

    Fingers crossed it all works out for you. If you still have issues once they take a look or just want to verify we're getting the same profile from virtually identical devices, we'll do the pod hd test. I'll screen grab all my settings. Just let me know.

    Will do! Thanks again!

    I have an hd500, so lets do that. We should be able to make an identical patch even if it looks a bit different between each unit. Im thinkin just a Screamer 50%bass/treble, 75% tone, 0% drive, 100% output into a Rectifier with a Tread V30 cab and Sm57 off axis, all knobs at 50%.

    Cool. I could export one of the models I have in my HD300 if that would guarantee that we have the same sounds coming out of the HD500 instead of relying on making sure we are both in synch. But with all that said, Tech Support got back to me and had me try a few things out. After I clarified some questions for them and did a few things to test my KPA, they feel that my KPA's hardware is defective. So they're going to set me up to get it looked at and (hopefully) repaired. I'm hoping that they will be able to find and fix the issue. I'll post back once I get it back and will hopefully have better news then.

    Thanks again @meambobbo! I appreciated you sticking in there and trying to figure this thing out.

    You got it, either use the form or email . They should be in touch. good luck.

    Do you have a common pedal like an OD808 or a Pod or something like that? Or could you profile your DAW? I feel like if two people have the same piece of gear that will be exactly the same with precise settings, the resulting profiles (in this case a distorted profile) should be identical. If not, that would reveal something wrong with one of the profilers. A free VST amp sim like LePou's stuff and a free IR using the same IR loader should give identical results for the same settings, right?

    Let me know if you want to try that

    Yeah dude, that'd be awesome! I apologize that I haven't gotten back to you sooner. It's been a pretty hectic week. Any way, I do have a TS9 and a HD300. They are both at the practice space right now, but I could swing by and pick them up. I hesitate about using the DAW amp emulators because I think it'd be really interesting to hear your profiling experience vs. what I end up having...although, now that I think of it, there may be a way to route those properly to still record w/ the DAW and push the signal to the maybe that would work out still? I'm using Logic 9 right now, so if you have that as well we could use a stock amp. If not, I can pull some of those free ones you had mentioned in as well. Let me know if any of those would work and we can go from there.

    Thanks again meambobbo!

    Correct, the profiling process should normalize the volume of the resulting profile so theres no clipping. I would open a support ticket. Have you been able to make any profiles without an issue? Can you profile something simple, like a Pod? Did you try making a 100% clean profile by running a patch cable between the kpa send/receive?

    I have done some "clean" profiles from the Mark V and my buddies Peavey Valve King. I don't remember them sounding distorted/clipping per se, but I did notice the "mud" on the lower end (which started this whole thread in the first place). I'll have to go back and check them out again. I do remember them getting super loud after the profile completed, just as I have been experiencing w/ the distorted/gain channels. So similar results as before, but I'll have to do the clean one again and post the results.

    I had debated on doing the newer "direct" profiling to see if I get similar results or not? I just didn't want to mess around w/ adding cabs to profiles, but maybe it's worth a look too?

    I have also submitted a comment via the support -> contact us form. I haven't found any other way (besides calling) to contact Kemper for technical support. If you know of another way that I'm completely missing, please feel free to let me know.


    You have some output clipping issue. Check the Volume parameter.

    Yep, I agree I have clipping issues, but only after the KPA profiles the amp. The latest clip I shared shows that I gave it plenty of headroom before kicking off the profiling process (I set the levels with a pre-amp between the mic and the KPA). After it completed profiling and sent me to the screen where I can A/B and refine, the signal is then ridiculously hot. On top of that, there is now tons of feedback in both the reference amp and profile. That doesn't seem normal based on all of the YouTube videos I've seen. Not one person needed to adjust the volume after they profiled their amps.

    I have similar Issue when i have profiling VST plugin.
    I remember that the level of return input have impact of that clipping issue. Try to get to the point when you will have return input level (set it buy yourself) at about 0,0 dB
    and regulate your amp volume to not have any problem from KPA like : your amp is clipping , or volume is to low.

    I guess I could try to get it as close to 0.0db w/ the pre-amp and give it another go? The amp is definitely not too low as it's cranked up quite a bit and is definitely moving air, but if you listen to it in the latest clip I sent, it's not so over powering that it's causing the mic to clip. I'll see if getting the level as close to 0.0db helps to keep the Kemper from trying to compensate for a "lower" signal? I'm not sure it'll make that much of a difference since the pre-amp was allowing about -2.0db into the Kemper, so it isn't like it's a super quiet signal, but it's certainly worth a try. Thanks for the suggestion!

    OK, tried all of that as well w/ and w/o the pre-amp in between the Kemper and the mic to the MarkV. I watched quite a few clips last night of people demoing, and I saw that most were using pre-amps for the mics. So I thought that maybe that would do go.

    Another thing I observed is that after their profiles are completed, the volume does not shoot up super high and they don't have super hot signals after the profiling is complete. I captured one of my profile sessions. It shows the reference amp ready to be profiled (I play to show the tone, levels, etc), profiling kicks in, then after it's completed, the signal goes super hot (which is why I think I'm having issues???). I did not bump the pre-amp, turn up the amplifier, tweak the audio interface, nothing. It just shoots up on its own after the profile is completed. I get the same results w/ the in-ears I have in that are plugged into the headphone jack. Does anyone else run into this at all???

    Here's what I'm talking about (again, ignore the playing, not out to impress anyone right now:(…ionHOT.mp3?dl=0

    I'm starting to wonder if I have a defective unit, TBH... :cursing:

    For anyone still following: I did a full system flash and re-profiled but got pretty much the same results. For sanity's sake, I metered it again and compared the reference to the profile and the profile again was extremely low-end heavy compared to the reference signal (about a 10db difference in the 60-115Hz range with about a 5-7db difference in the lower frequencies that I cut out any way). Surprisingly, though, the highs were much closer than the last time. The mids were really close as was the last attempt.
    Tomorrow I'm going to try a mixer and/or a pre-amp in front to cut down the signal and try to allow for more headroom. Maybe the mic is sending too hot of a signal to the Kemper? I don't know. I'll follow-up w/ results.

    Oh def try a system reset. Ive heard that has cleared up weird issues like this before. It wont wipe out your rigs, but id do a backup first regardless.

    See emergency page. I need to clean up that page. Its a lil ambiguous.

    And yeah, if the KPA can hear the return signal without mud, the profile SHOULD match. Something is confusing it. Might be cleared up by a reset, might have to "trick" the KPA into profiling it right, or there might be something not working correctly in the KPA.

    Happy to help. I def want to help get awesome Mark V profiles, esp if considering multi-mic'ing ;)

    I've reset the system (thanks for pointing me to the wiKPA, btw) and will have to try it out again when I get some free time. I'll keep you posted as to if that resolved it or not.

    I'll also let you know (if I get it working) when I have some Mark V multi-mic'd profiles on the rig exchange. It'd be nice to break out the other mics and get some combinations going (i5, MD421, R-101, etc)! Hopefully soon enough.

    seems all good to me - you may want to consider opening up a support ticket.

    what happens if you try lowering the master volume on the Mark V? Give the Kemper some headroom that way. Do you have a mixer or mic pre you could also use to lower the signal level going back into the Kemper. Just throwing things out here at this point.

    Also, try making the profile where the gain is at the edge of breakup, not full saturation. Then afterwards, turn up the Gain knob on both to compare. You could also try contacting @Jaymz - he's done some tight, super-saturated Mark IV profiles with a SM57...maybe he had similar issues.

    Is there anything else you can profile to test similar low-end flub? I hesitate to think its your unit, but you aren't the first one to profile such amps. you're just not getting good results.

    I do have a couple mixers and pre-amps I could pull out and see if that helps give the Kemper more headroom and to see if that would help with the mud. I had thought about that yesterday but never got around to it. Maybe that's the missing link, even though it's not specified in the manual?

    I hesitate to think it's the actual amp because the reference amp signal has some thump, but not a lot of mud (IMHO). You can definitely see a difference in the low end and high end peaks that I captured during profiling. I'll see if my 6505+ has similar results or not. I hesitate to profile my Dual Rectifier as it's notorious for being muddy w/o a tube screamer out front (and mine is currently at the rehearsal space).

    I'm also debating on doing a full reset after backing up my current rigs to see if maybe there is some weird setting I may have jacked up without realizing I did so. If all that fails, I guess I'll open up a ticket as you suggested.

    I greatly appreciate your help @meambobbo while trying to figure this out!

    "Wait, I thought this thing was supposed to get the tone I'm hearing from the reference amp to be 99% accurate?"

    Yes. I dont even get why i have to refine. In my experience, the kpa was very accurate profiling, after refining. Only a few places it came out off, but that was more expected because they werent traditional rigs - fuzz/synth tones from a pod hd. A mark v should be simple for it.

    The profile result should be normalized volume with most other rigs. It will try to set the reference amp signal to match. That explains why it changes. Why you are getting both into the red is more concerning. Have you checked output block settings?

    Yep, it is somewhat frustrating to see others do it with great success and they don't look like they're putting much effort into it which is why I feel like I'm missing something stupid. I guess I can specify my output settings to see if any stand out for you?
    Page 1: Main Output=Master Stereo, Monitor Output=Master Mono, Direct Output=Git+Processing, SPDIF Output=Master Stereo
    Page 2: All levels are linked and at -18.2db
    Page 3: All levels set to <0.0> w/ "Monitor Cab OFF" unchecked
    Page 4: All levels set to <0.0>
    Page 5: SPDIF Volume=0.0db, Space=0.0 w/ "SPDIF Out Link", "Pure Cabinet" and "Headphone Space" all unchecked
    Page 6: Aux In > Main=0.0 Aux In Headph.=0.0 w/ Constant Latency unchecked.
    Both Left and Right Main XLRs are going to the Saffire Pro 40 but when I was profiling I was listening w/ my in-ears via the headphone jack on the Kemper and recording the output from my Saffire Pro 40 to Logic in order to show what I was hearing when profiling for this thread.

    I had a few minutes tonight and thought I should run a meter against both the profile and the reference amp (from the clips in the original post). You can see a fairly large difference between the profile and the reference amp after it had been refined. I'm really not sure why it would be so far off? Definitely seeing large differences between the low end (0-125) and the high end (7K and up).

    The return level shouldnt have anything to do with the profiling results from how i read the manual. Thats more about monitoring the results vs the reference.

    make sure to disable everything but the amp and cab blocks in the signal chain. That can be…

    No worries man! Yeah, that's kind of what I got out of reading the manual too, so I may be grasping at straws in regards to the return level during profiling. Like I had said previously, it is a bit weird that I drop it down with plenty of headroom before starting the profile and after the profile it's freekin' hot and in the red (both the profile and reference amp). It looks like the only things I had on were the Amplifier, EQ and Cabinet with everything in the EQ menu set to 0.0 when I was profiling. So I'm not sure if there is anything else that I needed to switch off or not.

    You could always save the profile if its close, then resort to messing with the Definition parameter and adding some pre eq to reduce bass and tighten up the distortion tone. I find profiles like this are usually at Deinition 10. Dropping that to about…

    Thanks for the suggestions. I had started doing that but thought "Wait, I thought this thing was supposed to get the tone I'm hearing from the reference amp to be 99% accurate?" To be honest, I don't feel like we should have to do all of this tweaking to get back to what the original mic'd amp sounded like. It was one of the main attractions for me when it came to the Kemper vs. something like an Axe FX II.

    I was asking about microphone placement because i was thinking in terms of how some of the &quot;amp in the room&quot; could still be heard when you compared it to the sound of the profile. But, that doesn't apply here - you are now comparing recorded differences.…

    I actually was originally doing mostly rhythm and palm muting on the E and B strings while refining when I had first started and noticed the low-end mud. So I ended up going to the manual to see if I was doing anything wrong and saw the blurb about "...This is no time for a meaningful solo - you need to play several chords, with attitude! This will generate intermodulation..." So I attempted the next profile by banging out standard chords and power chords while refining and ended up with the same results. The clips I captured were the results of refining with me doing chords and power chords.

    I do wonder if the huge volume gain after the initial profile completes has anything do with this? The initial reference (where I modified the Return Level before kicking off the profiler) vs. after profiling has a large jump in volume. Should I have left the return level at 0 before kicking off the profiler? Do I need to have a mic preamp between the mic and the Kemper? Maybe it's just getting too hot of a signal??? I guess I should try that next...