Posts by Clutterbilly

    OK, no sweat to not like my guitarsound SinMix, I like honest people :)

    Altough I doubt very much that this is just a matter of panning the guitar to a different spot in the mix, the Kemper just lacks that breathing air that a mic'd recorded tube amp does have, no matter where it is panned. This is what I already said myself of couple of comments above, in the other recording it is way more noticable than in this one. I got a PM from Andy and agreed with that and gave me some options to get this improved.

    But this is not out of the box Kemper funtionality and not how it was designed to work, because my setup was according the manual the setup for the best sound (just stereo on main outs to FOH and not mic'ing the cab). I hate playing FRFR so that's no option for me and will also not improve the recorded sound obviously.

    So resumé; this sounds to me that the Kemper is not really suited for live multitrack recordings (live cd's) without adding extra air. I tried the space effect this weekend but that made my cabinet sound more wacky like it also effects the effects too much, it gets muddier.

    The guitar sound in the hall was very good though that night of the recording above. Even the multitrack engineer came to me asking what I was playing on because he liked the sound of the Kemper very much and said it was very usable for recordings.

    So something is missing here...maybe I'll pop up to to FW3.0 (still on 2.5) and see how it all goes with direct profiles and just micing the cab old school again...maybe then just also use my stompboxes (which I kept!) in front of it hoping on a more real and less direct sound for recordings.

    But this seems to be a little bit out of the original Kemper concept of playing pre-recorded amps (old school profiles), doesn't it? Is this where Kemper is heading to and will they in the long stay away from the profiles as we know them?

    Thanks guys, the gig was 24 track recorded so I guess it was mixed properly by someone.

    Last week I heard another recording with a different band (also 24 track recorded) I did and I had the feeling that my Kemper sounded a little bit outside the mix, like not really blended in a natural way in the mix as the other guitarplayer was (he uses VERY GOOD analog gear I have to add).

    I always had that feeling when I previously gigged with my Line6 gear that the POD sounded way more direct than the other guitarplayer's sound but I didn't expect it to hear from the Kemper as well, although it is way less than the POD.

    Anyone else experiencing this, or is this pure a mixing and 'placement of the guitar in the mix' issue?

    Title says it all, profile is the Plexi and Tim on 6 2 of Michael Britt's first pack and it's the first time I heard the Kemper back alive.

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    Cheers Johan

    Free profiles, in my opinion, sound good at low(er) volume at home, so perfect for you and your cat I'd say! If you play with a band and at louder volume then the commercial ones are way better. I never used a free profile on stage because I know there's no such thing as a free lunch.

    Maybe worth a try to buy a package or two and compare them to the free ones...I think at least your gear deserves that :)

    Pack 2 is a killer, I played and still play a lot of gigs with these profiles and actually they are the only ones I use at the moment. Big bonus is that I didn't alter 1 setting, all perfectly playable straight out of the box. I play a single coil Tele and a Yamaha Pacifica 611 with humbuckers and the profiles just like them both as much.

    Agree with this as well. These profiles are so suitable for live usage because they just aren't that trebly and over-presenced. At home with low I tend to turn the treble knob up a little as well but I'm a pretty loud player onstage and I never ever play that loud at home. And at that stage volume these profiles really come alive!

    better than $150 per stomp box

    Your right...actually it's kind of weird having all these profiles available for a price a third of a stomp box..and I own a couple that are twice expensive as that!

    Will give my Zendrive a go in front of the KPA with the Dumble profile to see what that does, that might be interesting as well.

    For a kind of Ford tone I had the best results with a tweaked version of your Fuchs Ford profile.

    I also think that these rigs take the Kemper to a whole new level. To tell the truth; I might have sold my Kemper if your first rig pack didn't come out a couple of weeks ago because I wasn't quite that happy with what I found and bought up to that point.

    But this pack sounds even more like "the real thing"! Very much fun playing them and I don't even have to tweak a bit to make them sound right. The only rig I tweaked was the Dumble actually.

    Question for you Michael, which firmware did you use when profiling these rigs? Did you switch to 2.6 beta before profiling or were you still on 2.5?

    These rigs seem to have more low end than the first pack and they also seem to be a little more direct, without being in your face that is.

    Holy cow, just played them through my 1*12 cab. Absolutely FABULOUS!!! These are even better than the first pack, they are more in balance tone wise, volume wise and all very transparant! Love them. Also they seem a little bit fatter. That Little Walter alone is worth the price and the rest is all too good to choose from actually. Clean tones are just way ahead of any other clean profiles I ever heard.

    You got me condemned to another weekend of re-programming my midi please don't come up with pack 3 in a couple weeks :)

    Just picked them up, will try them tonight, heard the samples this afternoon and I love them! The only problem now is that I have too many good profiles to choose from during a gig...what a luxury. Thanks Michael for all the effort you put in this so far and your willingness to share your work with the rest of us!

    Got a reply from Kemper and this occured because I had a couple of volume settings that caused this to happen:

    Volume Pedal
    Location "Post Effects"
    Volume Pedal Range "+5"

    I changed the location to post effects because I wanted to control the whole rig volume at once and the range I changed during a gig because one rig didn't have volume at all. This seemed to have happened after changing the volume position (or my POD HD500 sending wrong midi commands) from post stomps to post effects and locking the position. Can't explain this however and need to dive further into it...

    The Volume Pedal Range "+5" causes the reverb to take a few seconds before it can adjust the boost, and indeed this setting doesn't make much sense.

    Anyway; solved for now and thanks Burkhard for looking into this!