Posts by Kemper1234

    Hey guys! This is my first thread (probably of many) on here, can't wait to get my Kemper =)

    Ok, so I haven't actually bought a Kemper yet, though I have used them extensively and I love them to pieces, amazing stuff. Basically, I want to get my live rig to the point of it being all in "one case" to put it one way. I now use a Mesa Dual Rec with all of my pedals and rack gear in the same Road Case, with a GCX Audio Switcher and Ground Control Pro controlling all of my different tone switching.

    My question is: Can I use the Kemper instead of my Dual Rec? Is it possible to use the GCP and the GCX with the Kemper as easily as an actual amplifier? I know that the Kemper has MIDI and such, but I just want to be 100% clear on how it would work before I buy one, and so I can fall asleep at night too lol!

    Can I preset different profiles on the GCP just like I can preset different amp channels with the Mesa? If so, HOW?! ?(

    On a side note: Does the Kemper accept pedals as well as the real amp? I'm sure it does... But I've actually never tired it haha Any thoughts would be extremely helpful!


    -Myke :D