Posts by TGAGuitarist

    my subject pretty much says it lol I hooked up the mfc 101 to the KPA and ive got it where i can control changing each profile and each stomp and delay, reverb and all that stuff. however when i change entire profiles it does something weird where it tries to activate every stomp box (A,B,C,D,) even when there isn't a stomp loaded in that spot and it momentarily puases the entire preset when it says ( No stomp loaded or something along those lines.) frustrating so please help haha. Step by step guide to hooking it up properly both in Browser mode and performance would be greatly appreciated!

    Hey whats up guys! ,
    I'm new to the Kemper just picked it up a few days ago. For the most part i'm very pleased with the Kemper I got it to replace the Axe fx 2 which i just wasnt very happy with the tone i got from that. Anyways, there is an issue i seem to be having on some high gain settings some worse then others the worst is the Ola Englund 5150 iii profile that came stock in the unit. Im getting a very high end frequency that sounds extremely metallic and harsh. I've also downloaded a few that were very harsh with the same metallic sound. I am running the kemper through a fryette 2/90/2 into 2 orange 4x12 cabs. So maybe the power amp is causing some issues with the tones of certain profiles? not sure all Cab simulators have been turned off so that is not the issue. Really im not that concerned with the metallic sounds i get from a few profiles because there are tons that sound amazing! More so just want to make sure this isnt a problem with my particular unit. If anyone else has had similar metallic sounding issues i would love to hear about it to put my mind to rest a little bit haha. Thanks!