Posts by Bossie

    I don't use a midi-pedal at home, so that wouldn't be an issue. Maybe it's due more to the EMG pickups?
    One thing I noticed with Kemper is that it really reacts to the output of the pickup. The bridge EMG85 sounds ok,
    but the 2 SAV singles have a noticable drop in volume and thus the amp profile sounds different. This is something I understand, but find annoying nonetheless.
    With my old 19" Mesa rig this guitar sounded awesome, in a Lukather kind of way. Now I mostly use the other one of which the pu's are more balanced I guess.

    One thing though (and again this may very well be the EMG-syndrome), this afternoon I was cleaning up some profiles I don't use and came upon a strange issue. With some
    clean to cleanish profiles it sounds like the unprocessed signal of the pickup is bleeding though. I hear (again with headphones) the amp sound, but also a thin single coil sound that
    sounds more like I have the guitar plugged straight into a mixer. This is the first time I've noticed this. Humbucker sounds fine as far as I can tell, but the single coils don't.
    Know I should ask Kemper about this, but I wondered whether anybody else has noticed this and/or is using EMG single coils.
    One of the stock profiles I found this most noticable is Gundy- LuckyNile DP..

    Been playing around with the new Pure Cab function and had some very mixed results. To my ears it's a weird feature. On some profiles it sounds pretty good, compared to the original miced sound,
    but on most profiles I use (med to hi-gain) it sounds absolutely horrendous. In a way I cannot describe, although it reminds of a 'no cab' sound. In a very slight way of course, but it puts me off at any rate.
    Second, I have 2 main guitars (HSH DiMarzio+Duncan & SSH EMG's) and I have found the Kemper to be way to picky about what it's fed. The difference between SC and HB is way to big, compared to a genuine
    tube amp.
    But anyway...
    I mainly use commercial rigs (TAF and TJ) and at the moment I use headphones with my PowerRack. Wanted to check out TAF's Victory amp profiles, so I downloaded their free demo profiles.
    With the exepction of 1 (Silverback), they sounded so bad with the EMG's and turning on the Pure Cab made me want to cry ;( (not really ;) ). But I was not a happy Kemper. But even the Silverback profile, using the EMG hb
    it sounded great, switching to a sc it immediately turned to *#@ <X . I then tried a TAF custom shop Lil River 30 and with similar results. Pure Cab made the profiles sound different in a bad way. Fyi, I had it turned to about 4.
    I then turned to my faithful JCM800 Hot Mod (also TAF), which immediately brought back a big smile to my face. Even with PC turned on. :)
    Sorry if this post is all over the place. I sometimes find being a guitarist is frustrating in the way that an amp may sound great today and bad tomorrow. I find this especially true for profiles on the Kemper (to my ears).
    Just wondering if there are others here who have similar experiences (or otherwise) with their Kemper?

    +1 as far as maybe not so suited for high-gain/metal-esque sounds. It changed the sound of a Lasse Lambert Engl Blackmore profile dramaticly.
    And not in a good way to my ears. Fortunately for me, I am more into the medium- to high-gain drive sounds. Using a Amp Factory Evil Robot Phil X profile, the Pure Cabinet gives a new vibe and overal tone
    to the profile. Using headphones btw. So I'm eager to find out how this will affect my other profiles.
    Thanks Kemper for our newest 'toy'. Very glad to see you don't do obligatory updates, but put a lot of effort to take this great machine to further horizons!

    So I've been messing around with IR's recently. I've got lots of amp-profiles now, most of them from TAF. And although most of them sound great, the quest for tone never ends. So I decided to dive into speaker territory, which is about 50%
    of the tone. I bought some Ownhammer IR's and used some Redwirez that I already had. Thing is that before you know it, you have 400 cabinet IR's onboard. And the real problem is the way the kemper displays the cab tags, in two columns of 5 cabs each. Almost every IR I own has a name/tag that is too long. So the display tells me nothing but the name of the speaker. For example: OH 412 BOG-ST M-CB-75. There abouts it ends, whilst the real info comes next: RMDR 08. So when browsing through my cabs there's no telling I'm on RMDR 08 or 01, other than letting the screen fall back into the normal (non-browser) display of the cabinet.

    Maybe I'm overlooking something, but wouldn't it be better to have only 1 column of cabinets? granted, you'd have to scroll a lot more, but at least the names would fit.
    Furthermore, would it be possible to switch cabs using buttons (up and down) rather than only the browse-knob?

    I did try out all available presets. Didn't notice a difference on the higher notes though.
    Will try out setting the by Don suggested parameters manually and see where that lead.
    I wonder though, does nobody else have this issue with wha/quack not being audible on high notes when using the wha presets?
    Can't be the only one. Or can I?
    Appreciate all the tips though!

    There is a really good wah in this post:…ah-let-me-know/

    This looks very interesting indeed. Not sure as where to get them, if that's already possible. Any idea's?
    As far as the mix parameters are concerned, I see they're up to 95% in the two examples DonPetersen is giving.

    I do think the CryBaby profile is great. Better than my original that kept breaking down:-) I use it for leads. Also love the CAE, which suits me better for rhythm.
    I also would LOVE to have a Dunlop Zakk Wylde in a future firmware update. Really digging that vocal growl.
    But like I said, up to a high D the wha is clearly audible, after that it's just gradually disappearing. Which I don't get, hence the post.
    Maybe I'll send DonPetersen a pm, looks like he's got some experience on the matter.

    I get the same message when I'm in Performance mode. But ONLY on profiles in which I didn't program a effect.
    So for instance I have one Lead-preset that contains only 3 stompbox effects Wha on B, Univibe on C and a Boost on D.
    So sometimes I forget that the Wha is not in stompbox A and when I press that switch on my Behringer (with Uno4Kemper 1.3) I get that same message.
    Is this what you mean or did you in fact program an effect in that slot?
    Also, do you have 2 midi-cables connected? Cause I think the leds only work proper when you do.
    And did you upgrade the Kemper's firmware to the latest?

    Okay, I will try that some more. Already tinkered a little with them, but the sound got worse rather than better.
    Is there a comprimise to make or is it possible to have Wha on the lowest notes as well as on the highest? If you know what I mean?
    Also forgot to mention I positioned my Wha first in line in the Stompboxes, which what I'd normally do with a wha-pedal.

    I've been working on some lead sounds on my PowerRack for live use and I ran into a little problem. I use a Behringer fcb1010 with Uno4Kemper 1.3 chip.
    I programmed a Wha in some profiles and although everything works fine, the Wha sort of stops working after I reach the D note on the high E-string in 10th position. Everything after that sounds
    normal. I can hear a slight shift in tone, but no quack whatsoever. Whereas on the low strings and up to the high D is sounds absolutely great.
    I've tinkered around with it, used different wha's, adjusted parameters but the sound doesn't improve.
    I must admit I'm not a technical person and mostly wing it using my ears.
    So I thought I'd try my luck here and see what people's experiences with the onboard Wha's are and maybe get some tips along the way. :) Thanks in advance.

    My parameters are pretty much default I think. I use a modified Fischer Xtacy 4 profile for lead with a CryBaby Wha for instance.
    My settings are:
    Manual 3.0
    Peak 6.5
    Pedal Range +26%
    Peak Range -25%
    Pedal Mode bypass@stop
    Mix 100%
    Ducking 0.0
    Volume 0.0

    I'm a little late to the party, but same thing happened to me yesterday (firmware Scared the hell out of me. "What if I was using it live?"
    So yeah, I guess we'll all be carrying usb-drives with us when using it live. Something I'm bound to forget someday.
    Too bad there isn't a way to do a hard reset on the machine itself (like with a router or modem).
    On the plus-side, the problem is easily fixed, provided you have a usb-stick with the proper fw in the root and not in the OS update as I had.

    Problem solved for now. Can't comment to switching time increase, since I don't use a control.
    Turned out update 2.7.0.xx affected a number of rigs that I bought from The Amp Factory. For some reason the update rewrote
    the Parallel Path checkbox in the RIG menu. From off the on. Definitely was't like that on FW 2.6.0. Unfortunately, I manually corrected all affected rigs,
    before I was asked to send a backup copy to Customer Support. One of the perks of being impatient.
    Kudos to Kemper Customer Support for their help and fast replies. Thanks!

    For those who own TAF commercial rigs; the rigs affected are named AF# (profile name). # being the number of the page the amp packs are on, i.e. Singles -> Amp pack 5.
    All others (like 44- (profile name)) remained unaffected for some obscure reason.

    Hey there, i recently installed firmware update For some reason I've now a problem when switching profiles (Browsermode). I'm not sure whether it's when using the browse knob or just the rig buttons (left/right).
    I started up my Kemper and had a soft clean sound when I switched from one profile to the next. Whereas the profilename said Mark V Lead. So you'd expect a driven sound. And sure enough, when I switched one up and then down again,
    the proper sound came through.
    Now, the problem is not constant, but often enough and quite annoying really. Never had any problems before the update. So I was wondering if anybody else experienced this issue. meanwhile I'll browse through the forum, see if there're any threads on this I missed.

    Thanks for your replies. I feel more comfortable letting the (very big) store handle this for me. Also, I doubt they'll want to sell their other Kempers, since they have the same issue.
    I discouraged a friend to buy one and wait for a bit, just in case it just a bad batch.
    Too bad, cause I miss my Kemper. Bought quite a lot of amp packs for The Amp Factory, that sound really good. I just didn't want to be on stage a year from now and have a pot break down during a show or something.

    As to Nightlight's question, all the Kempers we tried were sealed. Even so, you'd expect you'd expect a German machine to live up to it's name and being able to withstand some abuse. I mean, it has to be road-ready, doesn't it?
    My Mesa Roadster is build like a tank for example. The weight too unfortunately.
    Still, I'm wondering if there are more people out with this issue. I've read one post on this forum from a guy who lives in Indonesia I think. He didn't bother sending it back, since it would take forever.
    On the other hand it's good to know it's NOT a common problem. The plastic knobs still are an eyesore though.

    Ok, so I finally bought myself a Kemper Powerrack. Fiddled with it for a couple of weeks. One of the first things I noticed were those cheaps-ass plastic knobs, but ok. Second thing was that some of the potentiometers/knobs feel loose and wiggly, others don't. I asked two persons I know who own a Kemper and both of them don't seem to have that problem. So I went back to the store and showed it to the people there. They agreed with me that this was not something you'd expect from a expensive machine like this. So we checked out three other Kempers they had in stock and all of them had this problem, albeit not with the same pots/knobs. With mine, it was the browser one and a couple of others. Also, when using the browser-knob it skip about 5 profiles at a time, the first time I use it. Turn it back and forth again and only then it works proper.
    Since this was a new product we decided to pick the best o the four they had and send it to Kemper for repairs .
    It's been little over a month now and today the store mailed me that Kemper was still debating on how to fix the problem. Which means they didn't even start repairs yet.
    I must say I'm really dissapointed. How much work can it be to replace or fix those pots? Was it there to think about that takes so much time?
    The Kemper sounds great and all, but I expected more in terms of quality check and service.
    Wondering if anybody else had a similar experience with either the pots-issue or Kemper repair.