Posts by richh


    I'm playing my KPA through headphones, and playing along with a backing track. It is working but just on one side of the headphones. I don't think the KPA can take a stereo line in signal, but is it possible to get balanced mono, so it spread through both headphone channels?

    I'm connecting in the 'Return' input, quarter inch jack on a stereo jack plug. Is this the way to connect, or is there a better way or other type of cable to use?

    Thanks for any suggestions! :)

    I didn't adjust anything, so will try that later. I just went with presets that came loaded. The main thing I'd want would be be either an octave down, mixed with the original signal, or octave down on its own.

    BTW, thanks for the advice on settings for the flanger, much better, and your SoundCloud dem is awesome!

    Hi Ben,

    I'm not sure if that is a suggestion or asking for best way to emulate a standard effect?

    Anybody want to share their discoveries or experiences of Kemper effects, good or bad?

    I saw another thread about 'virtual capo' and transposer effects. So far I've found the octaver effects not very useable, compared to standard pedal effects. But maybe there are ways to tweak these? Don't be shy, gather round the campfire and regale us with your stories Kemper effects abuse!

    Loving my Kemper for amp profiles, happy with reverbs and delays.

    Can anybody give their thoughts on the effects, particularly chorus or flanger, and your suggested settings or tips? I love the sounds Andy Summers got with The Police, so that kind of thing would be great. The presets I've tried are okay, but I'm sure there are ways to tweak these or maybe import profiled effects?

    Any ideas on these or any effects suggestions in general would be very interesting. Thanks!


    Fairly new to my Kemper, and just tried some test recordings today to a hard drive recorder. Sounds good, but when I compare some of the sounds on the headphones direct out of the Kemper, and then same headphones out of the recorder, the Kemper definitely sounds fuller.

    I'm coming mono jack out of the Kemper monitor output into a channel on the HD recorder. I did wonder if I was getting a dry signal, without effects, but that is not the case. I assume that headphone out of the Kemper is stereo, whereas the recorder will just be mono. If I wanted to go into the recorder in stereo what is the right output from the Kemper?

    And maybe a more general question: for direct recording, what would you do? Plenty of tracks so using a pair of tracks for stereo is not an issue. Anyway if anybody has any suggestions, or can explain how you get the best sounds direct out to a recorder, I'd be very interested!


    I have a Kemper toaster and have ordered a Camplifier 360 to fit to this. I also have a Matrix FRFR monitor I want to power from this. The Matrix is a CFR12 passive FRFR wedge, which is 260 watt (RMS) or 520 watt (peak) at 8 ohm.

    Can anybody please recommend how you would connect this? I assume monitor out jack from toaster to Camplifier input, then one of the stereo outs from the Camplifier to the monitor?

    Also, if I did in the future want to run stereo with a 2nd cab, I know the Camplifier 360 has a stereo output, but the toaster monitor section just seems to have one jack output, so how does this run in stereo? Is this mono, stereo or would you use another toaster output to the Camplifier?

    Thanks for any suggestions!


    I got a Kemper (toaster) last week, and am loving it. The physical interface and the sounds are great!

    Just wondering about the options for external pedals for the unit, either direct into the back or if I end up getting the Remote unit? I already have an Ernie Ball volume pedal (big metal thing) and a Dunlop Crybaby, but I assume what I'd need would be expression pedals, similar to the things you'd use for a midi setup?

    I'm very tempted by the Remote, but not sure if I can justify the cost at the moment, so right now may just use direct into the back of the unit if that works? I realise I can of course use my existing pedals in line between the guitar and the KPA input, but not sure if that is the way to go?

    Looking forward to hearing any suggestions or experiences you may have, thanks!