Posts by Lex81

    What about using an external mixer for three mic lines? Wouldn't lead to the same result?
    With so many different mic pres on the market, a hardware solution like the one you're suggesting might be a bit redundant for many?

    Hi Viabcroce,

    My intention is that you will be able to change the mic-blend afterwards.
    Instead you have to stick with the blend how youve profiled it.

    On this forum there are several questions about the internal micpreamp of the Kemper.

    Therefore I thought: Wouldnt it be versatile to have a 3-slot API/500-series on the front a Kemper 2.0 ?

    So, everybody can use their favorite 500-series micpreamp with their Kemper.

    And because those 3-slot are built-in (in the Kemper), the "2.0" profile exist from 3 seperate 'sub-profiles' (who were made at the same time); therefor you can blend those 3 micpreamps in the Kemper internally.
    And this blend, could be changed afterwards as well!

    I find the blend between microphones much more useable than an eq. And much more natural sounding then a filter, to brighten or darken things up.

    Btw: when there is no 500-slot in use, then the line-input on the back is active.


    Right Maurizio, I profiled them with mics and cab. Used mostly an U47 FET and a SM57. That is really a great combi !!
    They sound also pretty awesome using monitor out, cab off, then to a slave and cab.
    Love your U2 profiles by the way



    I'd like to know how your microphone-placement (on your profiles) was...... :)
    Do you've got pictures or a drawing of it?

    I have suggested ages ago to introduce an "advanced" profiling, involving different settings for gain and tone stack. I strongly believe it's a good idea.
    The second request sounds like having two different cabs loaded at the same time, with the option of blending them (how about phase issues?) I don't know if it is technically possible due to the actual hardware.

    I did get this technical thing of Kemper, about the RETURN-inputs.
    But I dont know, how to read it :D So I dont know, if its technically possible.

    1) I've noticed that the gain-structure of the real amp does sounds different from the tweakable GAIN knob of the Kemper (increased & decreased). The Kemper's GAIN-knob is not true to the gainstructure of
    the real amp.
    Therefore I now make seperate profiles of each gain setting of my amp.
    My idea: While profiling capturing the gainstructure of the amp, by profiling at a lowgain setting & then profiling at a highgain setting, so the kemper recognizes the gainstructure of the amp.

    2) Use of the 2 RETURN-inputs, at the same time, for using two mic's.
    My idea: A software blendknob, between the two mic's.
    So i can adjust the amount of mic's afterwards to fit a song, while playing in the studio or live. Instead of making seperate profiles with different blends of mic's.

    I've bought the BM-profiles. Those profiles are really versatile: different kind of amps/tones, from clean to mild-overdrive to heavy-overdrive to distortion, normal and bright variations, and so on.
    Ive bought serveral commercial profiles (taf/Mbritt/soundside/jimi), but only the BM-profiles are staying in my Kemper, 'cause I really like the sounds of these profiles.