Posts by Denicio

    Welp, i started looking at unrelated issues on the forum. Saw one about crashing kemper.

    A post by HSJCheppier said "Start your Profiler into Browse mode while holding down the RIG button until you se "Initialising current rig" ."

    Tried it and BAM, both channels are back. Very odd.

    So today when i was scrolling through profiles on my amp i suddenly lost my right channel. Zero output.
    I have checked every cable in my studio. Everything is fine and my DAW outputs properly in both channels.
    In a last bit of trouble shooting i plugged in my kemper headphone jack. They too have LEFT channel only. OUCH!!

    I have the most current version of the OS. I even tried writing over it but when i plug in the USB stick with a freshly downloaded version (of the version i already have) nothing happens. I guess it sees i have the most current version.
    I have looked at all the menus to see about Left and Right output assignments but found nothing.

    Can anyone HELP me!?!?!??

    Has this happened to anyone else before?

    I am hoping there is a simple step somewhere that i can toggle to remedy this issue.

    I really dont want to have to send this thing into repair.

    Help, Thoughts, Comments?

    Dennis in Memphis

    Sorry if this has been discussed before but i could sort out the right words to put as a search string.

    I have done a couple of Profiles on a Hinson and Suhr amp but both seemed dark. I have a chance to profile a rare bogner and was trying to understand the best way to get a profile sound.

    Are the Pro's like Michael Wagner working towards a 'finished' sound before they profile? Meaning tweaking with EQ and Compression?

    I know for a fact my 2 profile attempts were getting the 'raw' sound that i knew i'd work on later. When i A/B it with other profiles they are indeed darker than most.

    So what are folks doing? Working on a near finished sound before profiling?

    Dennis in Memphis

    OK gang, sorry for the delay. Have been in the studio working my tail off on a new album. Got to show my new Kemper to Legendary record producer Jim Gaines!

    Check out the Rig Exchange for my REprofile of the Suhr amp with a 57. You will find it brighter and far more useable than the ones uploaded with the Ribbon Microphone.

    Second set of profiles are of my one of a kind Robert Hinson amp. This guy is a legend in Memphis and surrounding region. He is a master amp tinkerer and NEVER makes the same amp twice.

    Mine is a combo amp (he don't make combo's anymore either!). Its a hybrid of a Vox AC30 meets AC15. He included a front end channel to it that's not really a channel but more like a 'tube stomp box' but without the stomp box. So I suppose you could argue is kinda like what John Deacon did for Brian May when he created the "Deaky" (front end tiny amp to go before Brians AC30...the way I understand it).

    Both profiles are in the vein of 60's/70's classic rock sounds. If you are looking for Modern Metal...these wont help you.

    You should be able to get a world of tones with these profiles with just the volume knob and switching pickups. It a rainbow of sounds!!! :)

    IF these suck, please tell me so. I am still learning this Kemper profiling process. I am a big boy and can take harsh criticism, truly can.

    If they don't suck...then enjoy!

    Viva La Kemper!!!!


    Do you have any other digital gear connected to the RME?

    Yes, my Focusrite ISA 828 is hooked up digitally. So the 828 is slaving to my RME.

    If I KNEW that the clock in the KPA was the clocks used in the Lucid clocks or Apogee gear then I would be more open to using it. But here is the rub. I don't (and wont) turn my KPA on everytime I power up my studio...which means I will always be jacking/toggling the clock settings depending on the KPA being turned on or off. Again, not cool.

    In the perfect world the KPA should be slaving like just about any other gear can do. Its actually quite odd that it can only act as Master Clock.

    Yeah, I get that.

    But at least there are still analogue outs :)

    BUT..what you get is an Amp profiled with a mic pre being run back through yet another mic pre. Some of the charm of the KPA was getting that mic pre sound on the front end.

    Dunno....seems like there could be an easy fix to this with the SPDIF out.....then agan...I am not an electronic engineer...I only play one on TV :)


    Yeah, there are some studios that have spent 1000.00+ bux on a dedicated word clock to keep EVERYTHING in sync.

    Kemper seems to have simply overlooked this fact.

    What I do know if something is improperly clocked is that you can get noises and jacked up audio if the clocks are all not resolved.

    Personally I trust the clock in my RME over most clocks. I suppose I will have to roll the dice and just have the clock unresolved when I track this weekend.

    I don't know how the Kemper Gods could fix this issue. Normally a dedicated BNC connection is needed and the KPA don't have one (I could see the endless bitching about having an extra word cable added to the path too). It seems the KPA is sending the clock signal through SPDIF connection. If it can should be able to receive. Its got SPDIF In maybe....just maybe....


    WHAT?? This is nuts. Unless Kemper is boasting of the worlds best word clock I will continue to use the RME as master. I cant imagine having to change the studio clock of super nice converters and nice focusrite pre amps digital out to slave to a guitar amp. Sorry, that's just crazy to me.

    Me thinks the Kemper Gods need to rethink this one.


    Update on my Suhr Profile.
    Over the weekend I had the amp back in the studio. We set up the Fathead, SM57 and SM7.
    This really revealed to me what was happening. The Ribbon (Fathead) is a lovely microphone and it plays ALL the beauty of this amp. The problem is that may not be what we want to actually hear.
    The ribbon reveals ALL the low end of this amp and this created the muddy profile.
    SM7 was good but not what was needed. The SM57 came in the clear winner.
    So I have reprofiled the amp and will upload those soon (preparing for a big session this weekend).

    ALSO, Suhr puts the actual speaker much higher up in the cabinet than I am used to. I had to get a high powered flashlight to see the speaker placement (Grill cloth is seriously dense). Once I saw it was NOT centered but mounted higher up..i could see where my original mic placement was WAY off.

    SO, adjustments have been made, new profile has been captured and I will be sharing real soon.


    Kemper Gurus,

    I am now week 2 into my KPA and still loving it. I have been running the KPA via SPDIF into my RME audio interface.

    The SPDIF light on my RME blinks all the time which I believe is a clocking issue...right?

    What needs to happen to get this to stop?

    Is there a setting in the KPA that I need to adjust?


    I need input on how everyone is successfully profiling amps.

    My first profile, to my ears, was a total bust. It was VERY dark and that was NOT my intent.
    As a tracking and mix engineer I go for an initial sound and tweak it later in my DAW. As you all know the process there is no post production on these profiles (unless I missed something).
    I cut my first profile with the amp with an off axis micing position.. Next time I will try it on axis for a brighter sound.. I may also stick an SM7 or 57 on the cabinet as well as opposed to the Ribbon Mic I used.

    I have mixed feelings about putting a LDC like a Rode on a guitar cabinet. My LDC's consist of Neumann 103, AT 4050, ADK stuff, some modded Oktava's and a few cheaper ones. The Fathead ribbon has always been a good robust sound for guitars but this profile is essentially crap.

    What tips to you guys have on making a successful profile? Are you guys cutting the amp with FLAT settings? Or are you tweaking the amp it the way you want to hear it and then capturing the profile? I opted for FLAT thinking that the Kemper controls would give me what I need later. Even with this profile the kemper EQ can only do so much.
    What about compression? I have a nice distressor that I use during tracking of all my guitars. This profile I went from the Mic to the Pre to the Kemper. NO compression. What are you guys doing?
    I don’t have a pre that has EQ on the front so I am EQing by mic placement. What are you guys doing?
    I’d like as many opinions on this as possible as I want to contribute some top quality profiles to the community. My first attempt is just bad.
    I am open to any and all suggestions!!!


    Hallan & Others,
    Yes, these are indeed VERY dark and that was NOT my intent.
    As a tracking and mix engineer I go for an initial sound and tweak it later in my DAW. As you all know the process there is no post production on these profiles.
    Last night I had some studio headphones on while playing with my new Kemper. I came across my Suhr profiles and was a tad embarrassed at the darkness and murkiness of the profiles. I must hone my profiling chops no doubt. I cut this off axis. Next time I will try it on axis. I may also stick an SM7 or 57 on the cabinet as well.
    These were recorded with a Suhr Strat with all single coil pickups. Steve the owner of this gear is a Suhr junkie :)

    I have mixed feelings about putting a LDC like a Rode on a guitar cabinet. My LDC's consist of Neumann 103, AT 4050, ADK stuff, some modded Oktava's and a few cheaper ones. The Fathead ribbon has always been a good robust sound for guitars but this profile is essentially crap.
    What tips to you guys have on making a successful profile? None of my Pre's have EQ on them. I have Chandler Germaniums, Focusrite ISA 828's, TL Audio and Demeter stuff. None of it junk. Just a bit perplexed, I suppose, at the dark and murky profile I did.
    Are you guys cutting the amp with FLAT settings? Or are you cutting it the way you want to hear it? I opted for FLAT thinking that the Kemper controls would give me what I need later. Even with this profile the kemper EQ can only do so much.

    I am ALL EARS on advice you guys can offer.

    A pal of mine has a 3500.00+ Suhr rig.

    Channel 1 is a per spec recreation of a '58 Bassman

    Channel 2 is a late '60's Marshall Plexi.

    This thing embodies classic rock tones. I used a Fathead Ribbon Microphone into a chandler Germanium mic pre (thick switch off). NO compression was added to the profile (are you guys adding any?).

    This is my first profile and need you guys to be brutally honest with your thoughts and suggestions. Recording a great sounding guitar is what I do..but this IS my first I am eager to see what you guys think.

    The guy that owns the Suhr said "Congratulations man, your Kemper just paid for its self! You have my Suhr in there".

    I was skeptical about the kemper, he was EVEN MORE skeptical about it. We are both blown away with it. There is some difference between tones. Some of the bass is not present on the Kemper profile but as I told the amp owner, "During a Mix I would dial that out anyway".

    Eager to see what you guys think!

    Look for the profile named "Steve's Suhr" under my screen name.


    I am a new Kemper owner in Memphis TN by way of Runcorn, Chester, United Kingdom.
    I was visiting a pal of mine about 2 weeks ago who is a Studio Guru and he showed me this rack thingy that i had never seen nor heard of....and.........well.......
    Moments later he was helping me pick my jaw up off the floor.
    Ordered my Kemper from Sweetwater on Monday and had it by Wednesday.

    A bit about me...i am not even a full blown guitar player!!! Yeah, i am a bass player (not really active) but own and operate a private recording studio in memphis and i spend most of my time behind studio monitors making albums. Here in memphis we dont push out crappy albums but give a damn about tones and sounds. I always have super slutty amps coming through my place. I will be profiling my Uber Rare and Highly sought after "Hinson" amp (hand built hybrid of an AC30 meets a AC15), a pal of mine has a collection of cool bogners including the Metropolis (whatta amp!) and many more.

    As a forum member i will be on here from time to time. More importantly i WILL be sharing my profiles with all of you.
    My main micing rig is a Fat Head ribbon microphone through a chandler germanium mic pre. So my profiles will be broken down with Chandler Thick switch On and Off, amp clean and dirty and i may throw a 57 or SM7 of the same amp for grins and giggles.

    See you cats in the forums.........

    Dennis aka Denico